# Config [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/railsconfig/config.svg?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/railsconfig/config) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/config.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/config) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/railsconfig/config.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/railsconfig/config) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/railsconfig/config/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/railsconfig/config) [![Issue Count](https://codeclimate.com/github/railsconfig/config/badges/issue_count.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/railsconfig/config) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/railsconfig/config/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/railsconfig/config/coverage) ## Summary Config helps you easily manage environment specific settings in an easy and usable manner. ## Features * simple YAML config files * config files support ERB * config files support inheritance and multiple environments * access config information via convenient object member notation * support for multi-level settings (`Settings.group.subgroup.setting`) * local developer settings ignored when committing the code ## Compatibility * Ruby `2.x` * Rails `>= 3.1`, `4` and `5` * Padrino * Sinatra For older versions of Rails or Ruby use [AppConfig](http://github.com/fredwu/app_config). ## Installing ### Installing on Rails 3, 4 or 5 Add `gem 'config'` to your `Gemfile` and run `bundle install` to install it. Then run rails g config:install which will generate customizable config file `config/initializers/config.rb` and set of default settings files: config/settings.yml config/settings/development.yml config/settings/production.yml config/settings/test.yml You can now edit them to adjust to your needs. ### Installing on Padrino Add the gem to your `Gemfile` and run `bundle install` to install it. Then edit `app.rb` and register `Config` ```ruby register Config ``` ### Installing on Sinatra Add the gem to your `Gemfile` and run `bundle install` to install it. Afterwards in need to register `Config` in your app and give it a root so it can find the config files. ```ruby set :root, File.dirname(__FILE__) register Config ``` ### Installing on other ruby projects Add the gem to your `Gemfile` and run `bundle install` to install it. Then initialize `Config` manually within your configure block. ```ruby Config.load_and_set_settings(Config.setting_files("/path/to/config_root", "your_project_environment")) ``` It's also possible to initialize `Config` manually within your configure block if you want to just give it some yml paths to load from. ```ruby Config.load_and_set_settings("/path/to/yaml1", "/path/to/yaml2", ...) ``` ## Accessing the Settings object After installing the gem, `Settings` object will become available globally and by default will be compiled from the files listed below. Settings defined in files that are lower in the list override settings higher. config/settings.yml config/settings/#{environment}.yml config/environments/#{environment}.yml config/settings.local.yml config/settings/#{environment}.local.yml config/environments/#{environment}.local.yml Entries can be accessed via object member notation: ```ruby Settings.my_config_entry ``` Nested entries are supported: ```ruby Settings.my_section.some_entry ``` Alternatively, you can also use the `[]` operator if you don't know which exact setting you need to access ahead of time. ```ruby # All the following are equivalent to Settings.my_section.some_entry Settings.my_section[:some_entry] Settings.my_section['some_entry'] Settings[:my_section][:some_entry] ``` ### Reloading settings You can reload the Settings object at any time by running `Settings.reload!`. ### Reloading settings and config files You can also reload the `Settings` object from different config files at runtime. For example, in your tests if you want to test the production settings, you can: ```ruby Rails.env = "production" Settings.reload_from_files( Rails.root.join("config", "settings.yml").to_s, Rails.root.join("config", "settings", "#{Rails.env}.yml").to_s, Rails.root.join("config", "environments", "#{Rails.env}.yml").to_s ) ``` ### Environment specific config files You can have environment specific config files. Environment specific config entries take precedence over common config entries. Example development environment config file: ```ruby #{Rails.root}/config/environments/development.yml ``` Example production environment config file: ```ruby #{Rails.root}/config/environments/production.yml ``` ### Developer specific config files If you want to have local settings, specific to your machine or development environment, you can use the following files, which are automatically `.gitignore` : ```ruby Rails.root.join("config", "settings.local.yml").to_s, Rails.root.join("config", "settings", "#{Rails.env}.local.yml").to_s, Rails.root.join("config", "environments", "#{Rails.env}.local.yml").to_s ``` ### Adding sources at runtime You can add new YAML config files at runtime. Just use: ```ruby Settings.add_source!("/path/to/source.yml") Settings.reload! ``` This will use the given source.yml file and use its settings to overwrite any previous ones. On the other hand, you can prepend a YML file to the list of configuration files: ```ruby Settings.prepend_source!("/path/to/source.yml") Settings.reload! ``` This will do the same as `add_source`, but the given YML file will be loaded first (instead of last) and its settings will be overwritten by any other configuration file. This is especially useful if you want to define defaults. One thing I like to do for my Rails projects is provide a local.yml config file that is .gitignored (so its independent per developer). Then I create a new initializer in `config/initializers/add_local_config.rb` with the contents ```ruby Settings.add_source!("#{Rails.root}/config/settings/local.yml") Settings.reload! ``` > Note: this is an example usage, it is easier to just use the default local files `settings.local.yml, settings/#{Rails.env}.local.yml and environments/#{Rails.env}.local.yml` for your developer specific settings. You also have the option to add a raw hash as a source. One use case might be storing settings in the database or in environment variables that overwrite what is in the YML files. ```ruby Settings.add_source!({some_secret: ENV['some_secret']}) Settings.reload! ``` You may pass a hash to `prepend_source!` as well. ## Embedded Ruby (ERB) Embedded Ruby is allowed in the configuration files. Consider the two following config files. * ```#{Rails.root}/config/settings.yml``` ```yaml size: 1 server: google.com ``` * ```#{Rails.root}/config/environments/development.yml``` ```yaml size: 2 computed: <%= 1 + 2 + 3 %> section: size: 3 servers: [ {name: yahoo.com}, {name: amazon.com} ] ``` Notice that the environment specific config entries overwrite the common entries. ```ruby Settings.size # => 2 Settings.server # => google.com ``` Notice the embedded Ruby. ```ruby Settings.computed # => 6 ``` Notice that object member notation is maintained even in nested entries. ```ruby Settings.section.size # => 3 ``` Notice array notation and object member notation is maintained. ```ruby Settings.section.servers[0].name # => yahoo.com Settings.section.servers[1].name # => amazon.com ``` ## Configuration There are multiple configuration options available, however you can customize `Config` only once, preferably during application initialization phase: ```ruby Config.setup do |config| config.const_name = 'Settings' ... end ``` After installing `Config` in Rails, you will find automatically generated file that contains default configuration located at `config/initializers/config.rb`. ### General * `const_name` - name of the object holing you settings. Default: `'Settings'` ### Merge customization * `overwrite_arrays` - overwrite arrays found in previously loaded settings file. Default: `true` * `knockout_prefix` - ability to remove elements of the array set in earlier loaded settings file. Makes sense only when `overwrite_arrays = false`, otherwise array settings would be overwritten by default. Default: `nil` Check [Deep Merge](https://github.com/danielsdeleo/deep_merge) for more details. ### Validation With Ruby 2.1 or newer, you can optionally define a schema to validate presence (and type) of specific config values: ```ruby Config.setup do |config| # ... config.schema do required(:youtube).schema do required(:api_key).filled end end end ``` The above example demonstrates how to ensure that the configuration has the `youtube` structure with the `api_key` field filled. If you define a schema it will automatically be used to validate your config. If validation fails it will raise a `Config::Validation::Error` containing a nice message with information about all the mismatches between the schema and your config. Check [dry-validation](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-validation) for more details. ### Environment variables See section below for more details. ## Working with environment variables To load environment variables from the `ENV` object, that will override any settings defined in files, set the `use_env` to true in your `config/initializers/config.rb` file: ```ruby Config.setup do |config| config.const_name = 'Settings' config.use_env = true end ``` Now config would read values from the ENV object to the settings. For the example above it would look for keys starting with `Settings`: ```ruby ENV['Settings.section.size'] = 1 ENV['Settings.section.server'] = 'google.com' ``` It won't work with arrays, though. ### Working with Heroku Heroku uses ENV object to store sensitive settings. You cannot upload such files to Heroku because it's ephemeral filesystem gets recreated from the git sources on each instance refresh. To use config with Heroku just set the `use_env` var to `true` as mentioned above. To upload your local values to Heroku you could ran `bundle exec rake config:heroku`. ### Fine-tuning You can customize how environment variables are processed: * `env_prefix` (default: `SETTINGS`) - which ENV variables to load into config * `env_separator` (default: `.`) - what string to use as level separator - default value of `.` works well with Heroku, but you might want to change it for example for `__` to easy override settings from command line, where using dots in variable names might not be allowed (eg. Bash) * `env_converter` (default: `:downcase`) - how to process variables names: * `nil` - no change * `:downcase` - convert to lower case * `env_parse_values` (default: `true`) - try to parse values to a correct type (`Integer`, `Float`, `String`) For instance, given the following environment: ```bash SETTINGS__SECTION__SERVER_SIZE=1 SETTINGS__SECTION__SERVER=google.com ``` And the following configuration: ```ruby Config.setup do |config| config.use_env = true config.env_prefix = 'SETTINGS' config.env_separator = '__' config.env_converter = :downcase config.env_parse_values = true end ``` The following settings will be available: ```ruby Settings.section.server_size # => 1 Settings.section.server # => 'google.com' ``` ## Contributing Bootstrap ```bash appraisal install ``` Run the test suite: ```bash appraisal rspec ``` If you modified any of the documentation files verify their format: ```bash mdl --style .mdlstyle.rb *.md ``` ## Authors * [Piotr Kuczynski](http://github.com/pkuczynski) * [Fred Wu](http://github.com/fredwu) * [Jacques Crocker](http://github.com/railsjedi) * Inherited from [AppConfig](http://github.com/cjbottaro/app_config) by [Christopher J. Bottaro](http://github.com/cjbottaro) ## License Config is released under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT).