The MiniFeature class represents any feature (e.g. a gene, transcript, exon, start codon, etc) on a track.
Creates a new MiniFeature
start = the start position of the feature
end = the end position of the feature
strand = the strand of the feature
exons = an array of exon positions
utrs = an array of utrs positions
block_gaps = an array of regions with nothing to be drawn, e.g. introns
id = the name of the feature such as the gene name or transcript ID
segment_height = the height of the current feature
@mini1 =>3631, :end=>5899, :strand=>'+', :exons=>[4000, 4500, 4700, 5000], :utrs=>[3631, 3650], :segment_height=>5, :id=>"AT1G01010")
MiniFeatures are added to Track objects, with overlapping MiniFeatures being placed onto separate rows
# File lib/bio/graphics/mini_feature.rb, line 28 def initialize(args) @start = args[:start] @end = args[:end] @strand = args[:strand] @exons = args[:exons] || [] @utrs = args[:utrs] || [] #start, ennd, strand, arg[:exons], arg[:utrs] @block_gaps = [] @id = args[:id] @segment_height = args[:segment_height] end