module Formtastic
module Inputs
# A radio input is used to render a series of radio inputs. This is an alternative input choice
# for `belongs_to` associations like a `Post` belonging to a `Section` or an `Author`, or any
# case where the user needs to make a single selection from a pre-defined collectioon of choices.
# Within the standard `
` wrapper, the output is a `` with a `` to
# represent the "label" for the input, and an `` containing ``s for each choice in
# the association. Each ` ` choice has a `` containing an ` ` and
# the label text to describe each choice.
# Radio inputs can be considered as an alternative where a (non-multi) select input is used,
# especially in cases where there are only a few choices, however they are not used by default
# for any type of association or model attribute. You can choose to use a radio input instead of
# a select with `:as => :radio`.
# Like a select input, the flexibility of the `:collection` option (see examples) makes the
# :radio input viable as an alternative for many other input types. For example, instead of...
# * a `:string` input (where you want to force the user to choose from a few specific strings rather than entering anything)
# * a `:boolean` checkbox input (where the user could choose yes or no, rather than checking a box)
# * a `:date`, `:time` or `:datetime` input (where the user could choose from a small set of pre-determined dates)
# * a `:number` input (where the user could choose from a small set of pre-defined numbers)
# * a `:time_zone` input (where you want to provide your own small set of choices instead of relying on Rails)
# * a `:country` input (where you want to provide a small set of choices, no need for a plugin really)
# For radio inputs that map to associations on the object model, Formtastic will automatically
# load in a collection of objects on the association as options to choose from. This might be an
# `Author.all` on a `Post` form with an input for a `belongs_to :user` association, or a
# `Section.all` for a `Post` form with an input for a `belongs_to :section` association.
# You can override or customise this collection through the `:collection` option (see examples).
# The way on which Formtastic renders the `value` attribute and label for each choice is
# customisable through the `:label_method` and `:value_method` options (see examples below).
# When not provided, we fall back to a list of methods to try on each object such as
# `:to_label`, `:name` and `:to_s`, which are defined in the configurations
# `collection_label_methods` and `collection_value_methods`.
# @example Basic `belongs_to` example with full form context
# <%= semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# <%= f.inputs do %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio %>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# Categories
# Justin
# Kate
# Amelia
# @example The `:collection` option can be used to customize the choices
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => @authors %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => Author.all %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => Author.some_named_scope %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => [Author.find_by_login("justin"), Category.find_by_name("kate")] %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => ["Justin", "Kate"] %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => [["Justin", "justin"], ["Kate", "kate"]] %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => [["Justin", "1"], ["Kate", "3"]] %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => [["Justin", 1], ["Kate", 3]] %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :collection => 1..5 %>
# @example The `:label_method` can be used to call a different method (or a Proc) on each object in the collection for rendering the label text (it'll try the methods like `to_s` in `collection_label_methods` config by default)
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :label_method => :name %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :label_method => :name_with_post_count
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :label_method => { |a| "#{} (#{pluralize("post", a.posts.count)})" }
# @example The `:value_method` can be used to call a different method (or a Proc) on each object in the collection for rendering the value for each checkbox (it'll try the methods like `id` in `collection_value_methods` config by default)
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :value_method => :login %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :value_method => { |c| c.full_name.downcase.underscore }
# @example Set HTML attributes on each ` ` tag with `:input_html`
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :input_html => { :size => 20, :multiple => true, :class => "special" } %>
# @example Set HTML attributes on the `` wrapper with `:wrapper_html`
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :wrapper_html => { :class => "special" } %>
# @example `:value_as_class` can be used to add a class to the ` ` wrapped around each choice using the radio value for custom styling of each choice
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :radio, :value_as_class => true %>
# @see Formtastic::Helpers::InputsHelper#input InputsHelper#input for full documetation of all possible options.
# @see Formtastic::Inputs::RadioInput as an alternative for `belongs_to` associations
# @todo :disabled like CheckBoxes?
class RadioInput
include Base
include Base::Collections
include Base::Choices
def to_html
input_wrapping do
choices_wrapping do
legend_html <<
choices_group_wrapping do { |choice|
choice_wrapping(choice_wrapping_html_options(choice)) do
def choice_html(choice)
builder.radio_button(input_name, choice_value(choice), input_html_options.merge(:id => choice_input_dom_id(choice))) <<
label_html_options.merge(:for => choice_input_dom_id(choice))
# Override to remove the for attribute since this isn't associated with any element, as it's
# nested inside the legend.
def label_html_options
super.merge(:for => nil)