require 'lazydoc/document' module Lazydoc module_function # An array of documents registered with Lazydoc. def registry @registry ||= [] end # Returns the Document in registry for the specified source file. # If no such Document exists, one will be created for it. def [](source_file) source_file = File.expand_path(source_file.to_s) registry.find {|doc| doc.source_file == source_file } || register_file(source_file) end # Generates a Document the source_file and default_const_name and adds it to # registry, or returns the document already registered to source_file. An # error is raised if you try to re-register a source_file with an inconsistent # default_const_name. def register_file(source_file, default_const_name=nil) source_file = File.expand_path(source_file.to_s) lazydoc = registry.find {|doc| doc.source_file == source_file } unless lazydoc lazydoc = registry << lazydoc end lazydoc.default_const_name = default_const_name lazydoc end # Registers the line number to the document for source_file and # returns the corresponding comment. def register(source_file, line_number, comment_class=Comment) Lazydoc[source_file].register(line_number, comment_class) end # Registers the method at the specified index in the call stack to # the file where the method was called. Using the default index of # 1, register_caller registers the caller of the method where # register_caller is called (whew!). For instance: # # module Sample # module_function # def method # Lazydoc.register_caller # end # end # # # this is the line that gets registered # c = Sample.method # # c.resolve # c.subject # => "c = Sample.method" # c.comment # => "this is the line that gets registered" # def register_caller(comment_class=Comment, caller_index=1) caller[caller_index] =~ CALLER_REGEXP Lazydoc[$1].register($3.to_i - 1, comment_class) end # Parses the usage for a file (ie the first comment in the file # following an optional bang line), wrapped to n cols. For # example, with this: # # [hello_world.rb] # #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # This is your basic hello world # # script: # # # # % ruby hello_world.rb # # puts 'hello world' # # You get this: # # "\n" + Lazydoc.usage('hello_world.rb') # # => %Q{ # # This is your basic hello world script: # # # # % ruby hello_world.rb} # def usage(path, cols=80) scanner = scanner.scan(/#!.*?\r?\n/) scanner.scan(/\s*#/m), nil, false).wrap(cols, 2).strip end end