var env; //calls ok(true) if no error is thrown function okNoError(func, msg) { try { func(); ok(true, msg); } catch (e) { ok(false, msg + ': ' + e); } } function setupEnv () { env = env || require('../lib/jsv').JSV.createEnvironment("json-schema-draft-03"); // AddressBook example from env.createSchema({ "type": "object", "id": "", "description": "AddressBook example from", "properties": { "cards": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "minItems": 2, "maxItems": 2, "$schema":"" }, "required": true } }, "$schema":"" }, undefined, ""); // The referral target schema, with a canonical id. env.createSchema({ "type": "array", "id": "", "description": "Referral target", "items": { "type": "string" }, "minItems": 2, "maxItems": 2, "$schema":"" }, undefined, ""); // Similar example, using $ref to factor part of the schema. env.createSchema({ "type": "object", "id": "", "description": "Similar example, using $ref to factor part of the schema.", "properties": { "cards": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "./subdir/card.json" }, "required": true } }, "$schema":"" }, undefined, ""); // Similar example, using extends to factor part of the schema. env.createSchema({ "type": "object", "id": "", "description": "Similar example, using extends to factor part of the schema.", "properties": { "cards": { "type": "array", "items": { "extends": { "$ref": "./subdir/card.json" } }, "required": true } }, "$schema":"" }, undefined, ""); } // // // Tests // // module("Reference Tests"); test("Self Identifying Schemas", function () { setupEnv(); // While createSchema takes a URI argument, for V3 schemas the validator should be able // to use the canonical id field to find it, if it has been registered. // env.createSchema({ "id": "", "$schema":"" }); ok(env.findSchema(""), "found schema by id"); }); test("Forward Referral", function () { setupEnv(); // A schema with a reference in it should be accepted, even if the destination schema // hasn't been registered yet. okNoError(function () { env.createSchema({ "type": "object", "id": "", "properties": { "cards": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "" }, "required": true } }, "$schema":"" }); }, "Can make schema with forward reference"); }); test("Validate Schema", function () { setupEnv(); var jsonschema = env.findSchema(env.getOption("latestJSONSchemaSchemaURI")); var explicit_schema = env.findSchema(""); var referring_schema = env.findSchema(""); var card_schema = env.findSchema(""); ok(explicit_schema, "explicit addressbook schema"); ok(referring_schema, "referring addressbook schema"); ok(card_schema, "card schema"); equal(jsonschema.validate(explicit_schema).errors.length, 0, 'valid explicit schema'); equal(jsonschema.validate(referring_schema).errors.length, 0, 'valid referring schema'); equal(jsonschema.validate(card_schema).errors.length, 0, 'valid referral target schema'); }); test("Simple Referral", function () { setupEnv(); var schema = { "$ref": "" }; notEqual(env.validate({}, schema).errors.length, 0, "card must be array"); notEqual(env.validate([], schema).errors.length, 0, "card must have fields"); notEqual(env.validate(["foo"], schema).errors.length, 0, "card must have two fields"); notEqual(env.validate(["foo", {}], schema).errors.length, 0, "both fields must be string"); notEqual(env.validate(["foo", "bar", "baz"], schema).errors.length, 0, "card maxItems 2"); equal(env.validate(["foo", "bar"], schema).errors.length, 0, "card maxItems 2"); }); function validateAddressbook (test_name, schema_uri) { var schema = { "$ref": schema_uri }; test(test_name, function () { setupEnv(); notEqual(env.validate('', schema).errors.length, 0, "addressbook is object"); notEqual(env.validate({}, schema).errors.length, 0, "cards required"); notEqual(env.validate({ "cards": {}}, schema).errors.length, 0, "cards must be array"); equal(env.validate({ "cards": []}, schema).errors.length, 0, "empty array ok"); notEqual(env.validate({ "cards": [ {} ] }, schema).errors.length, 0, "cards schema is enforced on items"); notEqual(env.validate({ "cards": [['foo']]}, schema).errors.length, 0, "each card must have length 2"); notEqual(env.validate({ "cards": [ ['foo', 'bar' ], ["foo" ] ] }, schema).errors.length, 0, "second card is bad"); equal(env.validate({ "cards": [ ["foo", "bar" ] ] }, schema).errors.length, 0, "good addressbook with one card"); equal(env.validate({ "cards": [ ["foo", "bar" ], ["bar", "foo" ] ] }, schema).errors.length, 0, "good addressbook with two cards"); }); } validateAddressbook("Explicit Schema", ""); validateAddressbook("Referring Schema", ""); validateAddressbook("Extends Schema", "");