# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 class Person include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Attributes::Dynamic attr_accessor :mode class_attribute :somebody_elses_important_class_options self.somebody_elses_important_class_options = { keep_me_around: true } field :username, default: -> { "arthurnn#{rand(0..10)}" } field :title field :terms, type: Mongoid::Boolean field :pets, type: Mongoid::Boolean, default: false field :age, type: Integer, default: "100" field :dob, type: Date field :employer_id field :lunch_time, type: Time field :aliases, type: Array field :map, type: Hash field :map_with_default, type: Hash, default: {} field :score, type: Integer field :blood_alcohol_content, type: Float, default: ->{ 0.0 } field :last_drink_taken_at, type: Date, default: ->{ 1.day.ago.in_time_zone("Alaska") } field :ssn field :owner_id, type: Integer field :security_code field :reading, type: Object field :bson_id, type: BSON::ObjectId field :pattern, type: Regexp field :override_me, type: Integer field :at, as: :aliased_timestamp, type: Time field :t, as: :test, type: String field :i, as: :inte, type: Integer field :a, as: :array, type: Array field :desc, localize: true field :test_array, type: Array field :overridden_setter, type: String field :arrays, type: Array field :range, type: Range field :species, type: Symbol index age: 1 index addresses: 1 index dob: 1 index name: 1 index title: 1 attr_reader :rescored embeds_many :favorites, order: :title.desc, inverse_of: :perp, validate: false embeds_many :videos, order: [[ :title, :asc ]], validate: false embeds_many :phone_numbers, class_name: "Phone", validate: false embeds_many :phones, store_as: :mobile_phones, validate: false embeds_many :addresses, as: :addressable, validate: false do def extension "Testing" end def find_by_street(street) where(street: street).first end end embeds_many :address_components, validate: false embeds_many :services, cascade_callbacks: true, validate: false embeds_many :symptoms, validate: false embeds_many :appointments, validate: false embeds_many :messages, validate: false embeds_one :passport, autobuild: true, store_as: :pass, validate: false embeds_one :pet, class_name: "Animal", validate: false embeds_one :name, as: :namable, validate: false do def extension "Testing" end def dawkins? first_name == "Richard" && last_name == "Dawkins" end end embeds_one :quiz, validate: false # Must have dependent: :destroy has_one :game, dependent: :destroy, validate: false do def extension "Testing" end end has_many \ :posts, dependent: :delete_all, validate: false do def extension "Testing" end end has_many :ordered_posts, order: :rating.desc, validate: false has_and_belongs_to_many \ :preferences, index: true, dependent: :nullify, validate: false has_and_belongs_to_many :user_accounts, validate: false has_and_belongs_to_many :houses, validate: false has_and_belongs_to_many :ordered_preferences, order: :value.desc, validate: false has_many :drugs, validate: false # Must not have dependent: :destroy has_one :account, validate: false has_one :cat, dependent: :nullify, validate: false, primary_key: :username has_one :book, autobuild: true, validate: false has_one :home, dependent: :delete_all, validate: false has_and_belongs_to_many \ :administrated_events, class_name: 'Event', inverse_of: :administrators, dependent: :nullify, validate: false belongs_to :mother, class_name: 'Person' has_many :children, class_name: 'Person' accepts_nested_attributes_for :addresses accepts_nested_attributes_for :name, update_only: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :pet, allow_destroy: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :game, allow_destroy: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :favorites, allow_destroy: true, limit: 5 accepts_nested_attributes_for :posts accepts_nested_attributes_for :preferences accepts_nested_attributes_for :quiz accepts_nested_attributes_for :services, allow_destroy: true scope :minor, ->{ where(:age.lt => 18) } scope :without_ssn, ->{ without(:ssn) } scope :search, ->(query){ any_of({ title: query }) } def score_with_rescoring=(score) @rescored = score.to_i + 20 self.score_without_rescoring = score end alias_method :score_without_rescoring=, :score= alias_method :score=, :score_with_rescoring= def update_addresses addresses.each do |address| address.street = "Updated Address" end end def employer=(emp) self.employer_id = emp.id end def set_addresses=(addresses) self.addresses = addresses end def override_me read_attribute(:override_me).to_s end def overridden_setter=(value) @override_called = true super(value) end class << self def accepted scoped.where(terms: true) end def knight scoped.where(title: "Sir") end def old scoped.where(age: { "$gt" => 50 }) end end def reject_if_city_is_empty(attrs) attrs[:city].blank? end def reject_if_name_is_blank(attrs) attrs[:first_name].blank? end def foo 'i_am_foo' end def preference_names=(names) names.split(",").each do |name| preference = Preference.where(name: name).first if preference self.preferences << preference else preferences.build(name: name) end end end def set_on_map_with_default=(value) self.map_with_default["key"] = value end reset_callbacks(:validate) reset_callbacks(:create) reset_callbacks(:save) reset_callbacks(:destroy) end require "app/models/doctor"