#! /usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'parade' require 'parade/version' require 'parade/commands/commands' require 'rubygems' require 'gli' include GLI version Parade::VERSION desc 'Generate assets (e.g. sections or slides) for your presentation' arg_name 'asset_name' long_desc "#{Parade::Commands.generators.map {|k,v| "#{k} - #{v.description}" }.join("\n\n")}" command [:g,:gen,:generate] do |c| c.desc "Force creation of the asset, even if one already exists with a similar name" c.switch [:f, :force] c.action do |global,local,args| asset_name = args.shift key_value_args = args.map {|arg| key, value = arg.split(/:|=/) ; [ key, value ] }.flatten parsed_arguments = Hash[*key_value_args] all_parameters = global.merge(local).merge(parsed_arguments) Parade::Commands.execute(:generator,asset_name,all_parameters) if asset_name end end desc 'Serves the parade presentation in the specified (or current) directory' arg_name "[pres_dir]" default_value "." command [:s,:serve,:server] do |c| c.desc 'Show verbose messaging' c.switch :verbose c.desc 'Port on which to run' c.default_value "9090" c.flag [:p,:port] c.desc 'Host or ip to run on' c.default_value "localhost" c.flag [:h,:host] c.action do |global_options,options,args| url = "http://#{options[:h]}:#{options[:p].to_i}" puts " ------------------------- Your Parade presentation is now starting up. To view it plainly, visit [ #{url} ] ------------------------- " presentation_filepath = args[0] unless File.directory?(presentation_filepath) filename = File.basename(presentation_filepath) presentation_filepath = File.dirname(presentation_filepath) end Parade::Server.run! :host => options[:h], :port => options[:p].to_i, :presentation_directory => presentation_filepath, :presentation_file => filename, :verbose => options[:verbose] end end desc 'Output the presentation in a particular format' arg_name 'format_type' arg_name '[pres_dir]' long_desc "#{Parade::Commands.statics.map {|k,v| "#{k} - #{v.description}" }.join("\n\n")}" command [:static] do |c| c.desc "Force creation of the asset, even if one already exists with a similar name" c.switch [:f, :force] c.action do |global,local,args| format_type = args.shift presentation_filepath = args.shift || "." unless File.directory?(presentation_filepath) filename = File.basename(presentation_filepath) presentation_filepath = File.dirname(presentation_filepath) end key_value_args = args.map {|arg| key, value = arg.split(/:|=/) ; [ key, value ] }.flatten parsed_arguments = Hash[*key_value_args] all_parameters = global.merge(local).merge(parsed_arguments) all_parameters.merge!('filepath' => presentation_filepath, 'parade_file' => filename) Parade::Commands.execute(:static,format_type,all_parameters) if format_type end end # To allow an easier command-line to launch parade, the following format # # `parade` is converted to `parade server .` # `parade [directoryname] is convereted `parade server [directoryname]` # parameters = ARGV parameters = [ "server", "." ] if parameters.empty? parameters.unshift "server" if parameters.count == 1 and not parameters.include?("help") exit GLI.run(parameters)