module Fastlane module Actions class PodLibLintAction < Action # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def command = [] command << "bundle exec" if params[:use_bundle_exec] && shell_out_should_use_bundle_exec? command << "pod lib lint" command << params[:podspec] if params[:podspec] command << "--verbose" if params[:verbose] command << "--allow-warnings" if params[:allow_warnings] command << "--sources='#{params[:sources].join(',')}'" if params[:sources] command << "--subspec='#{params[:subspec]}'" if params[:subspec] command << "--include-podspecs='#{params[:include_podspecs]}'" if params[:include_podspecs] command << "--external-podspecs='#{params[:external_podspecs]}'" if params[:external_podspecs] command << "--swift-version=#{params[:swift_version]}" if params[:swift_version] command << "--use-libraries" if params[:use_libraries] command << "--use-modular-headers" if params[:use_modular_headers] command << "--fail-fast" if params[:fail_fast] command << "--private" if params[:private] command << "--quick" if params[:quick] command << "--no-clean" if params[:no_clean] command << "--no-subspecs" if params[:no_subspecs] command << "--platforms=#{params[:platforms]}" if params[:platforms] command << "--skip-import-validation" if params[:skip_import_validation] command << "--skip-tests" if params[:skip_tests] result =' ')) UI.success("Pod lib lint Successfully ⬆️ ") return result end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Pod lib lint" end def self.details "Test the syntax of your Podfile by linting the pod against the files of its directory" end def self.available_options [ :use_bundle_exec, description: "Use bundle exec when there is a Gemfile presented", type: Boolean, default_value: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_USE_BUNDLE"), :podspec, description: "Path of spec to lint", type: String, optional: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_PODSPEC"), :verbose, description: "Allow output detail in console", type: Boolean, optional: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_VERBOSE"), :allow_warnings, description: "Allow warnings during pod lint", type: Boolean, optional: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_ALLOW_WARNINGS"), :sources, description: "The sources of repos you want the pod spec to lint with, separated by commas", type: Array, optional: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_SOURCES", verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Sources must be an array.") unless value.kind_of?(Array) end), :subspec, description: "A specific subspec to lint instead of the entire spec", type: String, optional: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_SUBSPEC"), :include_podspecs, description: "A Glob of additional ancillary podspecs which are used for linting via :path (available since cocoapods >= 1.7)", type: String, optional: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_INCLUDE_PODSPECS"), :external_podspecs, description: "A Glob of additional ancillary podspecs which are used for linting via :podspec. If there"\ " are --include-podspecs, then these are removed from them (available since cocoapods >= 1.7)", type: String, optional: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_EXTERNAL_PODSPECS"), :swift_version, description: "The SWIFT_VERSION that should be used to lint the spec. This takes precedence over a .swift-version file", type: String, optional: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_SWIFT_VERSION"), :use_libraries, description: "Lint uses static libraries to install the spec", type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_USE_LIBRARIES"), :use_modular_headers, description: "Lint using modular libraries (available since cocoapods >= 1.6)", type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_USE_MODULAR_HEADERS"), :fail_fast, description: "Lint stops on the first failing platform or subspec", type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_FAIL_FAST"), :private, description: "Lint skips checks that apply only to public specs", type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_PRIVATE"), :quick, description: "Lint skips checks that would require to download and build the spec", type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_QUICK"), :no_clean, description: "Lint leaves the build directory intact for inspection", type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_NO_CLEAN"), :no_subspecs, description: "Lint skips validation of subspecs", type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_NO_SUBSPECS"), :platforms, description: "Lint against specific platforms (defaults to all platforms supported by "\ "the podspec). Multiple platforms must be comma-delimited (available since cocoapods >= 1.6)", optional: true, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_PLATFORMS"), :skip_import_validation, description: "Lint skips validating that the pod can be imported (available since cocoapods >= 1.3)", type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_SKIP_IMPORT_VALIDATION"), :skip_tests, description: "Lint skips building and running tests during validation (available since cocoapods >= 1.3)", type: Boolean, default_value: false, env_name: "FL_POD_LIB_LINT_SKIP_TESTS") ] end def self.output end def self.return_value nil end def self.authors ["thierryxing"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'pod_lib_lint', '# Allow output detail in console pod_lib_lint(verbose: true)', '# Allow warnings during pod lint pod_lib_lint(allow_warnings: true)', '# If the podspec has a dependency on another private pod, then you will have to supply the sources pod_lib_lint(sources: ["", ""])' ] end def self.category :misc end end end end