class Lt def system("ls") end def puts "this function is currently not operational" dir = gets system("cd "+dir) end def puts "please enter the filename" file = gets system("cat "+file) end def self.chmod puts "Please enter the mode and the file/directory name(777 /some/directory)" file = gets system("chmod "+mode+" "+file) end def self.cp puts "please enter the source and destination" file = gets system("cp "+file) end def system("date") end def self.df system("df -h") end def self.du puts "Enter the path" path=gets system("du -h "+path) end def self.kill system("ps -e") puts "Enter the process id to kill" pid=gets system("kill "+pid) end def self.mkdir puts"enter the path" mdir=gets system("mkdir "+mdir) end def puts"move from source to destination" sdir=gets ddir=gets system("mv "+sdir+" "+ddir) end def self.passwd system("passwd "+gets) end def system("ps ") end def self.pwd system("pwd") end def self.rm system("rm "+gets) end def self.rmdir system("rmdir "+gets) end def self.who system("who") end def self.whoami system("whoami") end end