require 'erb' require 'cgi' require 'fileutils' require 'time' require 'pathname' require File.expand_path( "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/simplecov-rcov/version.rb" ) unless defined?(SimpleCov) raise RuntimeError, "simplecov-rcov is a formatter for simplecov. Please update your test helper and gemfile to require 'simplecov'!" end class SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter UPSTREAM_URL = "" def format( result ) Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../assets/*')].each do |path| FileUtils.cp_r(path, asset_output_path) end @path_relativizer ={|h,base| h[base] ={^\w:[/\\]}, "").gsub(/\./, "_").gsub(/[\\\/]/, "-") + ".html" } generated_on = @files = result.files @total_lines = { |e| e.lines.count }.inject(:+) @total_lines_code = { |e| e.covered_lines.count + e.missed_lines.count }.inject(:+) @total_coverage = coverage(result.files) @total_coverage_code = coverage_code(result.files) FileUtils.mkdir_p( SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter.output_path ) write_file(template("index.html"), File.join(SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter.output_path, "/index.html") , binding) template = template("detail.html") result.files.each do |file| write_file(template, File.join(SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter.output_path, relative_filename(shortened_filename(file))), binding) end puts "Coverage report Rcov style generated for #{result.command_name} to #{SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter.output_path}" end private def write_file(template, output_filename, binding) rcov_result = template.result( binding ) output_filename, "w" ) do |file_result| file_result.write rcov_result end end def template(name), '../views/', "#{name}.erb")), nil, '-') end def lines(file_list) return 0.0 if file_list.length == 0 { |e| e.lines.count }.inject(:+) end def lines_covered(file_list) return 0.0 if file_list.length == 0 {|f| f.covered_lines.count }.inject(&:+) end def lines_missed(file_list) return 0.0 if file_list.length == 0 {|f| f.missed_lines.count }.inject(&:+) end def lines_of_code(file_list) lines_missed(file_list) + lines_covered(file_list) end def coverage(file_list) return 100.0 if file_list.length == 0 or lines_of_code(file_list) == 0 never_lines = {|f| f.never_lines.count }.inject(&:+) (lines_covered(file_list) + never_lines) * 100 / lines(file_list).to_f end def coverage_code(file_list) return 100.0 if file_list.length == 0 or lines_of_code(file_list) == 0 lines_covered(file_list) * 100 / lines_of_code(file_list).to_f end def self.output_path File.join( SimpleCov.coverage_path, "/rcov" ) end def asset_output_path return @asset_output_path if @asset_output_path @asset_output_path = File.join(SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter.output_path, 'assets', SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter::VERSION) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@asset_output_path) @asset_output_path end def project_name SimpleCov.project_name end def assets_path(name) File.join('./assets', SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter::VERSION, name) end def code_coverage_html(code_coverage_percentage, is_total=false) %{
#{ "%3.2f" % code_coverage_percentage }%
} end def total_coverage_for_report(file) return 100.0 if file.lines.count == 0 (file.covered_lines.count + file.never_lines.count) * 100 / file.lines.count.to_f end def coverage_threshold_classes(percentage) return 110 if percentage == 100 return (1..10).find_all{|i| i * 10 > percentage}.map{|i| i.to_i * 10} * " " end def shortened_filename(file) file.filename.gsub("#{SimpleCov.root}/", '') end def relative_filename(path) @path_relativizer[path] end def file_filter_classes(file_path) file_path.split('/')[0..-2] * " " end def line_css_for(coverage) unless coverage.nil? if coverage > 0 "marked" else "uncovered" end else "inferred" end end end