module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # The SPARQL UPDATE `with` operator. # # The WITH clause provides a convenience for when an operation primarily refers to a single graph. # # [41] Modify ::= ( 'WITH' iri )? ( DeleteClause InsertClause? | InsertClause ) UsingClause* 'WHERE' GroupGraphPattern # # @example SPARQL Grammar # PREFIX : <http://example/> # WITH :g # DELETE { <base:s> ?p ?o . } # WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } # # @example SSE # (prefix ((: <http://example/>)) # (update # (modify # (with :g # (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o)) # (delete ((triple <base:s> ?p ?o))))))) # # @see class With < Operator include SPARQL::Algebra::Update NAME = :with ## # Executes this upate on the given `writable` graph or repository. # # Effectively filters results by setting a default `__graph_name__` variable so that it is used when binding to perform update operations on the appropriate triples. # # @param [RDF::Queryable] queryable # the graph or repository to write # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional keyword options # @option options [Boolean] debug # Query execution debugging # @return [RDF::Queryable] # Returns queryable. # @raise [IOError] # If `from` does not exist, unless the `silent` operator is present # @see def execute(queryable, **options) debug(options) {"With: #{operand.to_sse}"} # Bound variable name = operands.shift unless queryable.has_graph?(name) debug(options) {"=> default data source #{name}"} load_opts = {logger: options.fetch(:logger, false), base_uri: name} debug(options) {"=> load #{name}"} queryable.load(name.to_s, **load_opts) end # Set name for RDF::Graph descendants having no graph_name to the name variable each_descendant do |op| case op when RDF::Query, RDF::Query::Pattern unless op.graph_name debug(options) {"set graph_name on #{op.to_sse}"} op.graph_name =, name) end end end query = operands.shift # Restrict query portion to this graph queryable.query(query, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) do |solution| debug(options) {"(solution)=>#{solution.inspect}"} # Execute each operand with queryable and solution operands.each do |op| op.execute(queryable, solutions: solution, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) end end end ## # # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for this operator. # # @return [String] def to_sparql(**options) with, where, *ops = operands str = "WITH #{with.to_sparql(**options)}\n" # The content of the WHERE clause, may be USING content = where.to_sparql(top_level: false, **options) # DELETE | INSERT | DELETE INSERT str << ops.to_sparql(top_level: false, delimiter: "\n", **options) + "\n" # Append the WHERE or USING clause str << if where.is_a?(Using) content else Operator.to_sparql(content, project: nil, **options) end end end # With end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra