# -*- ruby -*- require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/package_task' if ENV['YAML'] == "syck" ENV['TEST_SYCK'] = "1" end begin require 'psych' rescue ::LoadError require 'yaml' end require 'hoe' Hoe::RUBY_FLAGS << " --disable-gems" if RUBY_VERSION > "1.9" Hoe.plugin :minitest Hoe.plugin :git Hoe.plugin :travis hoe = Hoe.spec 'rubygems-update' do self.author = ['Jim Weirich', 'Chad Fowler', 'Eric Hodel'] self.email = %w[rubygems-developers@rubyforge.org] self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' license 'Ruby' license 'MIT' spec_extras[:required_rubygems_version] = Gem::Requirement.default spec_extras[:required_ruby_version] = Gem::Requirement.new '>= 1.8.7' spec_extras[:executables] = ['update_rubygems'] rdoc_locations << 'docs-push.seattlerb.org:/data/www/docs.seattlerb.org/rubygems/' clean_globs.push('**/debug.log', '*.out', '.config', 'data__', 'html', 'logs', 'graph.dot', 'pkgs/sources/sources*.gem', 'scripts/*.hieraki') dependency 'builder', '~> 2.1', :dev dependency 'hoe-seattlerb', '~> 1.2', :dev dependency 'rdoc', '~> 3.0', :dev dependency 'ZenTest', '~> 4.5', :dev dependency 'rake', '~> 0.9.3', :dev dependency 'minitest', '~> 4.0', :dev self.extra_rdoc_files = Dir["*.rdoc"] + %w[ CVE-2013-4287.txt CVE-2013-4363.txt ] spec_extras['rdoc_options'] = proc do |rdoc_options| rdoc_options << "--title=RubyGems Update Documentation" end self.rsync_args += " --no-p -O" spec_extras['require_paths'] = %w[hide_lib_for_update] end v = hoe.version hoe.test_prelude = 'gem "minitest", "~> 4.0"' Rake::Task['docs'].clear Rake::Task['clobber_docs'].clear begin require 'rdoc/task' RDoc::Task.new :rdoc => 'docs', :clobber_rdoc => 'clobber_docs' do |doc| doc.main = hoe.readme_file doc.title = "RubyGems #{v} API Documentation" rdoc_files = Rake::FileList.new %w[lib History.txt LICENSE.txt MIT.txt] rdoc_files.add hoe.extra_rdoc_files doc.rdoc_files = rdoc_files doc.rdoc_dir = 'doc' end rescue LoadError, RuntimeError # rake 10.1 on rdoc from ruby 1.9.2 and earlier task 'docs' do abort 'You must install rdoc to build documentation, try `rake newb` again' end end desc "Install gems needed to run the tests" task :install_test_deps => :clean_env do sh "gem install minitest -v '~> 4.0'" end # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creating a release task :prerelease => [:clobber, :check_manifest, :test] task :postrelease => %w[upload guides:publish blog:publish publish_docs] file "pkg/rubygems-#{v}" => "pkg/rubygems-update-#{v}" do |t| require 'find' dest_root = File.expand_path t.name cd t.source do Find.find '.' do |file| dest = File.expand_path file, dest_root if File.directory? file then mkdir_p dest else rm_f dest safe_ln file, dest end end end end source_pkg_dir = "pkg/rubygems-#{v}" file "pkg/rubygems-#{v}.tgz" => source_pkg_dir do cd 'pkg' do sh "tar -czf rubygems-#{v}.tgz rubygems-#{v}" end end file "pkg/rubygems-#{v}.zip" => source_pkg_dir do cd 'pkg' do sh "zip -q -r rubygems-#{v}.zip rubygems-#{v}" end end file "pkg/rubygems-update-#{v}.gem" task :package => %W[ pkg/rubygems-update-#{v}.gem pkg/rubygems-#{v}.tgz pkg/rubygems-#{v}.zip ] desc "Upload release to gemcutter S3" task :upload_to_gemcutter do sh "s3cmd put -P pkg/rubygems-update-#{v}.gem pkg/rubygems-#{v}.zip pkg/rubygems-#{v}.tgz s3://production.s3.rubygems.org/rubygems/" end desc "Upload release to rubygems.org" task :upload => %w[upload_to_gemcutter] on_master = `git branch --list master`.strip == '* master' on_master = true if ENV['FORCE'] Rake::Task['publish_docs'].clear unless on_master directory '../guides.rubygems.org' do sh 'git', 'clone', 'git@github.com:rubygems/guides.git', '../guides.rubygems.org' end namespace 'guides' do task 'pull' => %w[../guides.rubygems.org] do chdir '../guides.rubygems.org' do sh 'git', 'pull' end end task 'update' => %w[../guides.rubygems.org] do lib_dir = File.join Dir.pwd, 'lib' chdir '../guides.rubygems.org' do ruby '-I', lib_dir, '-S', 'rake', 'command_guide' ruby '-I', lib_dir, '-S', 'rake', 'spec_guide' end end task 'commit' => %w[../guides.rubygems.org] do chdir '../guides.rubygems.org' do begin sh 'git', 'diff', '--quiet' rescue sh 'git', 'commit', 'command-reference.md', 'specification-reference.md', '-m', "Rebuild for RubyGems #{v}" end end end task 'push' => %w[../guides.rubygems.org] do chdir '../guides.rubygems.org' do sh 'git', 'push' end end desc 'Updates and publishes the guides for the just-released RubyGems' task 'publish' task 'publish' => %w[ guides:pull guides:update guides:commit guides:push ] if on_master end directory '../blog.rubygems.org' do sh 'git', 'clone', 'git@github.com:rubygems/rubygems.github.com.git', '../blog.rubygems.org' end namespace 'blog' do date = Time.now.strftime '%Y-%m-%d' post_page = "_posts/#{date}-#{v}-released.md" checksums = '' task 'checksums' => 'package' do require 'digest' Dir['pkg/*{tgz,zip,gem}'].map do |file| digest = Digest::SHA256.new open file, 'rb' do |io| while chunk = io.read(65536) do digest.update chunk end end checksums << "* #{File.basename(file)} \n" checksums << " #{digest.hexdigest}\n" end end task 'pull' => %w[../blog.rubygems.org] do chdir '../blog.rubygems.org' do sh 'git', 'pull' end end path = File.join '../blog.rubygems.org', post_page task 'update' => [path] file path => 'checksums' do name = `git config --get user.name`.strip email = `git config --get user.email`.strip history = File.read 'History.txt' history.force_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 if Object.const_defined? :Encoding _, change_log, = history.split %r%^===\s*\d.*%, 3 change_types = [] lines = change_log.strip.lines change_log = [] while line = lines.shift do case line when /(^[A-Z].*)/ then change_types << $1 change_log << "_#{$1}_\n" when /^\*/ then entry = [line.strip] while /^ \S/ =~ lines.first do entry << lines.shift.strip end change_log << "#{entry.join ' '}\n" else change_log << line end end change_log = change_log.join change_types = change_types.map do |change_type| change_type.downcase.tr '^a-z ', '' end last_change_type = change_types.pop if change_types.empty? then change_types = '' else change_types = change_types.join(', ') << ' and ' end change_types << last_change_type require 'tempfile' Tempfile.open 'blog_post' do |io| io.write <<-ANNOUNCEMENT --- title: #{v} Released layout: post author: #{name} author_email: #{email} --- RubyGems #{v} includes #{change_types}. To update to the latest RubyGems you can run: gem update --system If you need to upgrade or downgrade please follow the [how to upgrade/downgrade RubyGems][upgrading] instructions. To install RubyGems by hand see the [Download RubyGems][download] page. #{change_log} SHA256 Checksums: #{checksums} [download]: http://rubygems.org/pages/download [upgrading]: http://docs.seattlerb.org/rubygems/UPGRADING_rdoc.html ANNOUNCEMENT io.flush sh ENV['EDITOR'], io.path FileUtils.cp io.path, path end end task 'commit' => %w[../blog.rubygems.org] do chdir '../blog.rubygems.org' do sh 'git', 'add', post_page sh 'git', 'commit', post_page, '-m', "Added #{v} release announcement" end end task 'push' => %w[../blog.rubygems.org] do chdir '../blog.rubygems.org' do sh 'git', 'push' end end desc 'Updates and publishes the blog for the just-released RubyGems' task 'publish' => %w[ blog:pull blog:update blog:commit blog:push ] end # Misc Tasks --------------------------------------------------------- # These tasks expect to have the following directory structure: # # git/git.rubini.us/code # Rubinius git HEAD checkout # svn/ruby/trunk # ruby subversion HEAD checkout # svn/rubygems/trunk # RubyGems subversion HEAD checkout # # If you don't have this directory structure, set RUBY_PATH and/or # RUBINIUS_PATH. def rsync_with dir rsync_options = "-avP " + "--exclude '*svn*' " + "--exclude '*swp' " + "--exclude '*rbc' " + "--exclude '*.rej' " + "--exclude '*.orig' " + "--exclude 'lib/rubygems/defaults/*' " + "--exclude gauntlet_rubygems.rb" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/gem #{dir}/bin/gem" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} lib/ #{dir}/lib" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} test/ #{dir}/test" end def diff_with dir diff_options = "-urpN --exclude '*svn*' --exclude '*swp' --exclude '*rbc'" sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/gem #{dir}/bin/gem; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/ubygems.rb #{dir}/lib/ubygems.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rubygems.rb #{dir}/lib/rubygems.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rubygems #{dir}/lib/rubygems; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rbconfig #{dir}/lib/rbconfig; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} test/rubygems #{dir}/test/rubygems; true" end rubinius_dir = ENV['RUBINIUS_PATH'] || '../git.rubini.us/code' ruby_dir = ENV['RUBY_PATH'] || '../../svn/ruby/trunk' desc "Updates Ruby HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RubyGems." task :update_ruby do rsync_with ruby_dir end desc "Updates Rubinius HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RubyGems." task :update_rubinius do rsync_with rubinius_dir end desc "Diffs Ruby HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RubyGems." task :diff_ruby do diff_with ruby_dir end desc "Diffs Rubinius HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RubyGems." task :diff_rubinius do diff_with rubinius_dir end desc "Cleanup trailing whitespace" task :whitespace do system 'find . -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i "" -E "s/[[:space:]]*$//"' end