# frozen_string_literal: true require 'psych' require 'fileutils' require 'erb' require 'json' require 'rack' require 'mimemagic' require 'active_support/all' require 'ruby_dig' require 'base64' require 'digest' require 'English' # The VizBuilder class does all the stuff for a viz builder app class VizBuilder attr_reader :config delegate :sitemap, :data, :hooks, :helper_modules, to: :config BUILD_DIR = 'build' PREBUILT_DIR = 'prebuild' DATA_DIR = 'data' def initialize(config = {}, &blk) # Config is an object used as the context for the given block @config = Config.new(config: config) @config_block = block_given? ? blk : nil @config.helpers(Helpers) @config.helpers(ConfigHelpers, type: :config) @config.helpers(TemplateHelpers, type: :template) @_configured = false end # Generate all pages in the sitemap and save to `build/` def build!(silent: false) configure!(mode: :build, target: :production) ctx = TemplateContext.new(@config) index_prebuilt! # First we build prebuilt pages that need digests calculated by build_page digested = sitemap.select { |_path, page| page[:digest] == true } digested.each { |path, _page| build_page(path, ctx, silent: silent) } # Then we build all other pages undigested = sitemap.reject { |_path, page| page[:digest] == true } undigested.each { |path, _page| build_page(path, ctx, silent: silent) } end # Run this builder as a server def runserver!(host: '', port: '3456') configure!(mode: :server, target: :development) status = 0 # running: 0, reload: 1, exit: 2 # spawn a thread to watch the status flag and trigger a reload or exit monitor = Thread.new do sleep 0.1 while status.zero? # Shutdown the server, wait for it to finish and then wait a tick Rack::Handler::WEBrick.shutdown sleep 0.1 # Use ps to get the command that the user executed, and use Kernel.exec # to execute the command, replacing the current process. # Basically restart everything. Kernel.exec(`ps #{$PID} -o command`.split("\n").last) if status == 1 end # trap ctrl-c and set status flag trap('SIGINT') do if status == 1 status = 2 # ctrl-c hit twice or more, set status to exit elsif status.zero? # ctrl-c hit once, notify user and set status to reload puts "\nReloading the server, hit ctrl-c twice to exit\n" status = 1 end end puts "\nStarting Dev server, hit ctrl-c once to reload, twice to exit\n" Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run(self, Host: host, Port: port) monitor.join # let the monitor thread finish its work end # Support the call method so an instance can act as a Rack app def call(env) raise 'VizBuilder configuration incomplete!' unless @_configured # Only support GET, OPTIONS, HEAD unless env['REQUEST_METHOD'].in?(%w[GET HEAD OPTIONS]) return [405, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }, ['METHOD NOT ALLOWED']] end # default response is 404 not found status = 404 content_type = 'text/plain' content = '404 File not found' # Validate the requested path path = env['PATH_INFO'] if path =~ %r{/$} # path is for a directory path += 'index.html' elsif path =~ %r{/[^./]+$} # path looks like a directory but is missing a trailing slash path += '/index.html' end # remove any leading slashes path = path[1..-1] if path =~ %r{^/} # filename for a potential prebuilt asset build_filename = File.join(PREBUILT_DIR, path) # Check our sitemap then our prebuilt folder for content to serve if sitemap[path].present? content_type = MimeMagic.by_path(path).to_s ctx = TemplateContext.new(@config) content = build_page(path, ctx) status = 200 elsif File.exist?(build_filename) content_type = MimeMagic.by_path(path).to_s content = File.read(build_filename) status = 200 end # Status code, headers and content for this response [status, { 'Content-Type' => content_type }, [content]] end # Force a reload of data files in `data/` def reload_data! data.merge!(load_data) # TODO: after load hooks only run once, not every time reload_data! is called run_hook!(:after_load_data) # Chainable self end # Complete the configuration for this app. Is used by build! and runserver!. # You will only need this method if you're running VizBuilder as a rack app # without using runserver!. def configure!(kwargs = nil) return self if @_configured # Update config with any kwargs @config.merge!(kwargs) if kwargs.present? # Load data into @data reload_data! # Execute the given block as a method of this class. The block can then use # the methods `add_page`, `add_data`, and `set` @config.instance_exec(&@config_block) if @config_block.present? # Run any after load data hooks since they got added after the first load # data was called. run_hook!(:after_load_data) # Add helpers to the TemplateContext class TemplateContext.include(*helper_modules) unless helper_modules.empty? # Mark app configured @_configured = true # Chainable self end # Like File.extname, but gets all extensions if multiple are present def self.fullextname(path) fname = File.basename(path) parts = fname.split('.') ".#{parts[1..-1].join('.')}" end # Plaster over API changes in ERB def self.erb_new(template_path) # The parameters of ERB.new are changed in ruby 2.6 erb_changed_ruby_version = Gem::Version.new('2.6.0') current_ruby_version = Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) erb = if current_ruby_version >= erb_changed_ruby_version ERB.new(File.read(template_path), trim_mode: '-') else ERB.new(File.read(template_path), nil, '-') end erb.filename = File.expand_path(template_path) erb end # Convenience methods for configuring the site class Config attr_accessor :data, :config, :sitemap, :hooks, :helper_modules delegate :[], :[]=, :key?, :update, :merge!, to: :config def initialize(config: {}) # Config is a Hash of site wide configuration variables @config = config.with_indifferent_access # Data contains content and data that needs displaying @data = {}.with_indifferent_access # Hooks is a hash of hook names and arrays of blocks registered to be # executed when those hooks are reached @hooks = {}.with_indifferent_access # Sitemap is a hash representing the documents in the site that will be # processed by Builder. No indifferent access since the keys are all # file paths. @sitemap = {} # Helpers is an array of Modules that will get mixed into the template # context and with the current Config instance @helper_modules = [] end # Add a page to the sitemap def add_page(path, kwargs) @sitemap[path] = kwargs.with_indifferent_access self end # Add or replace data def add_data(key, val) @data[key] = val.is_a?(Hash) ? val.with_indifferent_access : val self end # Set a global config option def set(key, val) @config[key] = val.is_a?(Hash) ? val.with_indifferent_access : val self end # Add code to run after data is loaded or reloaded. Is also run after object # is created. def after_load_data(&blk) hook(:after_load_data, &blk) self end # Add a block to a hook name def hook(name, &blk) @hooks[name.to_sym] ||= [] @hooks[name.to_sym] << blk self end # Add helper modules or define helpers in a block def helpers(*mods, type: nil, &blk) new_helpers = [] # loop over the list of arguments, making sure they're all modules, and # then add them to the list of new helpers mods.each do |mod| unless mod.is_a?(Module) raise ArgumentError, 'Helpers must be defined in a module or block' end new_helpers << mod end # if block is given, turn it into a module and add it to the helpers list new_helpers << Module.new(&blk) if blk if new_helpers.present? # extend the current Config instance with the helpers, making them available # to the rest of the configuration block extend(*new_helpers) if type.nil? || type.to_sym == :config # add our new helpers to our array of all helpers @helper_modules += new_helpers if type.nil? || type.to_sym == :template end self end def respond_to_missing?(sym, *) config.key?(sym) || super end # Treat config options as local def method_missing(sym) return config[sym] if config.key?(sym) super end end # Templates are rendered using this class. Templates are effectively treated # as methods of this class when rendered. So any methods or attributes exposed # in this class are available inside of templates. class TemplateContext attr_accessor :page delegate :data, :sitemap, :config, to: :@config_obj def initialize(config) # Config is our Builder config object @config_obj = config # Page is a hash representing the page. Is the same as whats in sitemap # for a given page path @page = {} # Locals is a hash thats used to resolve missing methods, making them # seem like local variables @locals = {} end # Render any given template and return as a string. Can be used to render # partials. def render(template_path, locals = {}) old_locals = @locals @locals = locals.with_indifferent_access erb = VizBuilder.erb_new(template_path) ret = erb.result(binding) @locals = old_locals ret end # Load the content of a pre-rendered file and return it def include_file(filepath) content = File.read(filepath) mime = MimeMagic.by_path(filepath) if mime.text? return content elsif mime.image? return Base64.strict_encode64(content) else raise "File '${filepath}' of type '${mime}' can't be included as text" end end # Looks for an invoked method name in locals then in config, so locals # and config vars can be used as if they're local vars in the template def method_missing(sym) return @locals[sym] if @locals.key?(sym) return config[sym] if config.key?(sym) super end def respond_to_missing?(sym, *) @locals.key?(sym) || config.key?(sym) || super end end # HELPERS # The Helpers module holds methods that are added to both the config and # template contexts. So you can use these in the config block and in # templates. module Helpers # Are we running as a server? def server? config[:mode] == :server end # Are we building this app out? def build? config[:mode] == :build end # Is this in production? def production? config[:target] == :production end # Is this in development? def development? config[:target] == :development end end # The TemplateHelpers modules hold methods that are added to the template # context only. So you can only use these in templates. module TemplateHelpers # Get the full URL to the root of this site def http_prefix return '/' if server? && development? prefix = config[:http_prefix] || '/' prefix += '/' unless prefix =~ %r{/$} prefix end # Get the full URL to the root of where assets are stored def asset_http_prefix return '/' if server? && development? prefix = config[:asset_http_prefix] || http_prefix prefix += '/' unless prefix =~ %r{/$} prefix end # Generate and return the URL to any asset def asset_path(*args) path = args.join('/') page = sitemap[path] if production? raise "Missing asset #{path}" if page.blank? if page[:digest] == true raise "Missing digest for #{path}" if page[:digest_path].blank? path = page[:digest_path] end end asset_http_prefix + path end # Generate and return the URL to any page def canonical_url(*args) http_prefix + args.join('/') end end # The ConfigHelpers modules hold methods that are added to the config block # context only. So you can only use these with the config object instance. module ConfigHelpers; end private # Generate one page from the sitemap and save to `build/` def build_page(path, ctx, silent: false) ctx.page = sitemap[path] out_fname = File.join(BUILD_DIR, path) puts "Rendering #{out_fname}..." unless silent # Check if we have a layout defined, use it layout = ctx.page['layout'] || config['layout'] || nil # Check page data for info on how to build this path if ctx.page['template'].present? # Make sure to render the template inside the layout render so code in the # erb layout and template are executed in a sensible order. content = \ if layout.present? ctx.render(layout) { ctx.render(ctx.page['template']) } else ctx.render(ctx.page['template']) end else # Everything else static data and not executable, so we don't have to load # the content inside the layout execution. if ctx.page['json'].present? content = ctx.page['json'].to_json elsif ctx.page['file'].present? content = File.read(ctx.page['file']) else raise( ArgumentError, "Page '#{path}' missing one of required attributes: 'template', 'json', 'file'." ) end content = ctx.render(layout) { content } if layout.present? end # If page data includes a digest flag, add sha1 digest to output filename if ctx.page['digest'] == true ext = VizBuilder.fullextname(path) fname = File.basename(path, ext) dir = File.dirname(path) digest = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(content) digest_fname = "#{fname}-#{digest}#{ext}" ctx.page['digest_path'] = "#{dir}/#{digest_fname}" out_fname = File.join(BUILD_DIR, dir, digest_fname) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(out_fname)) File.write(out_fname, content) content end # Read json and yaml files from `data/` and load them into a Hash using the # basename of the file names. def load_data data = {}.with_indifferent_access %w[.json .yaml].each do |ext| Dir.glob("#{DATA_DIR}/*#{ext}") do |fname| key = File.basename(fname, ext).to_sym puts "Loading data[:#{key}] from #{fname}..." data[key] = \ if ext == '.json' JSON.parse(File.read(fname)) else Psych.parse(fname) end end end data end # Execute all blocks in config registered with the given hook name. def run_hook!(name) return unless hooks[name.to_sym] hooks[name.to_sym].each { |blk| config.instance_exec(&blk) } end # Find prebuilt assets and add them to the sitemap def index_prebuilt! Dir.glob("#{PREBUILT_DIR}/**/[^_]*.*") do |filename| config.add_page(filename.sub("#{PREBUILT_DIR}/", ''), file: filename, digest: true) end end end