# Shodanz [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/shodanz.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/shodanz) [![Yard Docs](http://img.shields.io/badge/shodanz-docs-blue.svg)](https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/shodanz/) ![CI](https://github.com/picatz/shodanz/workflows/CI/badge.svg) A modern, async Ruby [gem](https://rubygems.org/) for [Shodan](https://www.shodan.io/), the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices. ## Installation $ gem install shodanz ## Usage ```ruby require "shodanz" client = Shodanz.client.new(key: "YOUR_API_KEY") ``` > **NOTE:** You can also set the `SHODAN_API_KEY` environment variable instead of passing the API key as an argument when creating a client. ### Optional Async Support Shodanz utilizes [async](https://github.com/socketry/async) to provide asyncronous IO. This doesn't break any existing scripts using Shodanz, but now offers even more flexibility to write more awesome things, like this asyncronous honeypot detector: ```ruby require 'async' require 'shodanz' client = Shodanz.client.new # Asynchronously stream banner info from shodan and check any # IP addresses against the experimental honeypot scoring service. client.streaming_api.banners do |banner| if ip = banner['ip_str'] Async do score = client.rest_api.honeypot_score(ip).wait puts "#{ip} has a #{score * 100}% chance of being a honeypot" rescue Shodanz::Errors::RateLimited sleep rand retry rescue # any other errors next end end end ``` > **Note:** To run any Shodanz method asyncronously, simply wrap it in a `Async { ... }` block. To wait for any other async operation to finnish in the block, call `.wait` on it. ## REST API The REST API provides methods to search Shodan, look up hosts, get summary information on queries and a variety of utility methods to make developing easier. Refer to the [REST API](https://developer.shodan.io/api) documentation for more ideas on how to use it. ### Shodan Search Methods Search'n for stuff, are 'ya? #### Host Information Returns all services that have been found on the given host IP. ```ruby client.host("") # Default client.host("", history: true) # All historical banners should be returned. client.host("", minify: true) # Only return the list of ports and the general host information, no banners. ``` #### Host Search Search Shodan using the same query syntax as the website and use facets to get summary information for different properties. ```ruby client.host_search("mongodb") client.host_search("nginx") client.host_search("apache", after: "1/12/16") client.host_search("ssh", port: 22, page: 1) client.host_search("ssh", port: 22, page: 2) client.host_search("ftp", port: 21, facets: { link: "Ethernet or modem" }) ``` #### Search Shodan without Results This method behaves identical to `host_search` with the only difference that this method does not return any host results, it only returns the total number of results that matched the query and any facet information that was requested. As a result this method does not consume query credits. ```ruby client.host_count("apache") client.host_count("apache", country: "US") client.host_count("apache", country: "US", state: "MI") client.host_count("apache", country: "US", state: "MI", city: "Detroit") client.host_count("nginx", facets: { country: 5 }) client.host_count("apache", facets: { country: 5 }) ``` #### Scan Targets Use this method to request Shodan to crawl an IP or netblock. ```ruby client.scan("") ``` #### Crawl Internet for Port Use this method to request Shodan to crawl the Internet for a specific port. This method is restricted to security researchers and companies with a Shodan Data license. To apply for access to this method as a researcher, please email `jmath@shodan.io` with information about your project. Access is restricted to prevent abuse. ```ruby client.crawl_for(port: 80, protocol: "http") ``` #### List Community Queries Use this method to obtain a list of search queries that users have saved in Shodan. ```ruby client.community_queries client.community_queries(page: 2) client.community_queries(sort: "votes") client.community_queries(sort: "votes", page: 2) client.community_queries(order: "asc") client.community_queries(order: "desc") ``` #### Search Community Queries Use this method to search the directory of search queries that users have saved in Shodan. ```ruby client.search_for_community_query("the best") client.search_for_community_query("the best", page: 2) ``` #### Popular Community Query Tags Use this method to obtain a list of popular tags for the saved search queries in Shodan. ```ruby client.popular_query_tags client.popular_query_tags(20) ``` #### Protocols This method returns an object containing all the protocols that can be used when launching an Internet scan. ```ruby client.protocols ``` #### Ports This method returns a list of port numbers that the Shodan crawlers are looking for. ```ruby client.ports ``` #### Account Profile Returns information about the Shodan account linked to this API key. ```ruby client.profile ``` #### DNS Lookup Look up the IP address for the provided list of hostnames. ```ruby client.resolve("google.com") client.resolve("google.com", "bing.com") ``` #### Reverse DNS Lookup Look up the hostnames that have been defined for the given list of IP addresses. ```ruby client.reverse_lookup("") client.reverse_lookup("", "") ``` #### HTTP Headers Shows the HTTP headers that your client sends when connecting to a webserver. ```ruby client.http_headers ``` #### Your IP Address Get your current IP address as seen from the Internet. ```ruby client.my_ip ``` #### Honeypot Score Calculates a honeypot probability score ranging from 0 (not a honeypot) to 1.0 (is a honeypot). ```ruby client.honeypot_score('') ``` #### API Plan Information ```ruby client.info ``` ### Streaming API The Streaming API is an HTTP-based service that returns a real-time stream of data collected by Shodan. Refer to the [Streaming API](https://developer.shodan.io/api/stream) documentation for more ideas on how to use it. #### Banners This stream provides ALL of the data that Shodan collects. Use this stream if you need access to everything and/ or want to store your own Shodan database locally. If you only care about specific ports, please use the Ports stream. ```ruby client.banners do |data| # do something with banner data puts data end ``` #### Banners Filtered by ASN This stream provides a filtered, bandwidth-saving view of the Banners stream in case you are only interested in devices located in certain ASNs. ```ruby client.banners_within_asns(3303, 32475) do |data| # do something with banner data puts data end ``` #### Banners Filtered by Country This stream provides a filtered, bandwidth-saving view of the Banners stream in case you are only interested in devices located in certain countries. ```ruby client.banners_within_countries("DE", "US", "JP") do |data| # do something with banner data puts data end ``` #### Banners Filtered by Ports Only returns banner data for the list of specified ports. This stream provides a filtered, bandwidth-saving view of the Banners stream in case you are only interested in a specific list of ports. ```ruby client.banners_on_ports(21, 22, 80) do |data| # do something with banner data puts data end ``` #### Banners by Network Alerts Subscribe to banners discovered on all IP ranges described in the network alerts. ```ruby client.alerts do |data| # do something with banner data puts data end ``` #### Banner Filtered by Alert ID Subscribe to banners discovered on the IP range defined in a specific network alert. ```ruby client.alert("HKVGAIRWD79Z7W2T") do |data| # do something with banner data puts data end ``` ### Exploits API The Exploits API provides access to several exploit/ vulnerability data sources. Refer to the [Exploits API](https://developer.shodan.io/api/exploits/rest) documentation for more ideas on how to use it. #### Search Search across a variety of data sources for exploits and use facets to get summary information. ```ruby client.exploits_api.search("python") # Search for python vulns. client.exploits_api.search(port: 22) # Port number for the affected service if the exploit is remote. client.exploits_api.search(type: "shellcode") # A category of exploit to search for. client.exploits_api.search(osvdb: "100007") # Open Source Vulnerability Database ID for the exploit. ``` #### Count This method behaves identical to the Exploits API `search` method with the difference that it doesn't return any results. ```ruby client.exploits_api.count("python") # Count python vulns. client.exploits_api.count(port: 22) # Port number for the affected service if the exploit is remote. client.exploits_api.count(type: "shellcode") # A category of exploit to search for. client.exploits_api.count(osvdb: "100007") # Open Source Vulnerability Database ID for the exploit. ``` ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).