# ===================================================================================================== # Template for generating a no-frills Rails application with support for Elasticsearch full-text search # ===================================================================================================== # # This file creates a basic, fully working Rails application with support for Elasticsearch full-text # search via the `elasticsearch-rails` gem; https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails. # # Requirements: # ------------- # # * Git # * Ruby >= 1.9.3 # * Rails >= 5 # * Java >= 8 (for Elasticsearch) # # Usage: # ------ # # $ rails new searchapp --skip --skip-bundle --template https://raw.github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails/master/elasticsearch-rails/lib/rails/templates/01-basic.rb # # ===================================================================================================== require 'uri' require 'net/http' at_exit do pid = File.read("#{destination_root}/tmp/pids/elasticsearch.pid") rescue nil if pid say_status "Stop", "Elasticsearch", :yellow run "kill #{pid}" end end $elasticsearch_url = ENV.fetch('ELASTICSEARCH_URL', 'http://localhost:9200') # ----- Check & download Elasticsearch ------------------------------------------------------------ cluster_info = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse($elasticsearch_url)) rescue nil cluster_info = JSON.parse(cluster_info) if cluster_info if cluster_info.nil? || cluster_info['version']['number'] < '5' # Change the port when incompatible Elasticsearch version is running on localhost:9200 if $elasticsearch_url == 'http://localhost:9200' && cluster_info && cluster_info['version']['number'] < '5' $change_port = '9280' $elasticsearch_url = "http://localhost:#{$change_port}" end COMMAND = <<-COMMAND.gsub(/^ /, '') curl -# -O "https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.2.1.tar.gz" tar -zxf elasticsearch-5.2.1.tar.gz rm -f elasticsearch-5.2.1.tar.gz ./elasticsearch-5.2.1/bin/elasticsearch -d -p #{destination_root}/tmp/pids/elasticsearch.pid #{$change_port.nil? ? '' : "-E http.port=#{$change_port}" } COMMAND puts "\n" say_status "ERROR", "Elasticsearch not running!\n", :red puts '-'*80 say_status '', "It appears that Elasticsearch 5 is not running on this machine." say_status '', "Is it installed? Do you want me to install and run it for you with this command?\n\n" COMMAND.each_line { |l| say_status '', "$ #{l}" } puts say_status '', "(To uninstall, just remove the generated application directory.)" puts '-'*80, '' if yes?("Install Elasticsearch?", :bold) puts say_status "Install", "Elasticsearch", :yellow java_info = `java -version 2>&1` unless java_info.match /1\.[8-9]/ puts say_status "ERROR", "Required Java version (1.8) not found, exiting...", :red exit(1) end commands = COMMAND.split("\n") exec = commands.pop inside("vendor") do commands.each { |command| run command } run "(#{exec})" # Launch Elasticsearch in subshell end # Wait for Elasticsearch to be up... # system <<-COMMAND until $(curl --silent --head --fail #{$elasticsearch_url} > /dev/null 2>&1); do printf '.'; sleep 1 done COMMAND end end unless ENV['RAILS_NO_ES_INSTALL'] # ----- Application skeleton ---------------------------------------------------------------------- run "touch tmp/.gitignore" append_to_file ".gitignore", "vendor/elasticsearch-5.2.1/\n" git :init git add: "." git commit: "-m 'Initial commit: Clean application'" # ----- Add README -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- puts say_status "README", "Adding Readme...\n", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.25 remove_file 'README.md' create_file 'README.md', <<-README # Ruby on Rails and Elasticsearch: Example application This application is an example of integrating the {Elasticsearch}[http://www.elasticsearch.org] search engine with the {Ruby On Rails}[http://rubyonrails.org] web framework. It has been generated by application templates available at https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails/tree/master/elasticsearch-rails/lib/rails/templates. ## [1] Basic The `basic` version provides a simple integration for a simple Rails model, `Article`, showing how to include the search engine support in your model, automatically index changes to records, and use a form to perform simple search require 'requests.' README git add: "." git commit: "-m '[01] Added README for the application'" # ----- Use Thin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin require 'thin' puts say_status "Rubygems", "Adding Thin into Gemfile...\n", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; gem 'thin' rescue LoadError end # ----- Auxiliary gems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- gem 'mocha', group: 'test', require: 'mocha/api' gem 'rails-controller-testing', group: 'test' # ----- Remove CoffeeScript, Sass and "all that jazz" --------------------------------------------- comment_lines 'Gemfile', /gem 'coffee/ comment_lines 'Gemfile', /gem 'sass/ comment_lines 'Gemfile', /gem 'uglifier/ uncomment_lines 'Gemfile', /gem 'therubyracer/ # ----- Add gems into Gemfile --------------------------------------------------------------------- puts say_status "Rubygems", "Adding Elasticsearch libraries into Gemfile...\n", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.75 gem 'elasticsearch', git: 'git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby.git' gem 'elasticsearch-model', git: 'git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails.git' gem 'elasticsearch-rails', git: 'git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails.git' git add: "Gemfile*" git commit: "-m 'Added libraries into Gemfile'" # ----- Disable asset logging in development ------------------------------------------------------ puts say_status "Application", "Disabling asset logging in development...\n", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.25 environment 'config.assets.logger = false', env: 'development' environment 'config.assets.quiet = true', env: 'development' git add: "config/" git commit: "-m 'Disabled asset logging in development'" # ----- Install gems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ puts say_status "Rubygems", "Installing Rubygems...", :yellow puts '-'*80, '' run "bundle install" # ----- Generate Article resource ----------------------------------------------------------------- puts say_status "Model", "Generating the Article resource...", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.75 generate :scaffold, "Article title:string content:text published_on:date" route "root to: 'articles#index'" rake "db:migrate" git add: "." git commit: "-m 'Added the generated Article resource'" # ----- Add Elasticsearch integration into the model ---------------------------------------------- puts say_status "Model", "Adding search support into the Article model...", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.25 run "rm -f app/models/article.rb" file 'app/models/article.rb', <<-CODE class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include Elasticsearch::Model include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks #{'attr_accessible :title, :content, :published_on' if Rails::VERSION::STRING < '4'} end CODE git commit: "-a -m 'Added Elasticsearch support into the Article model'" # ----- Add Elasticsearch integration into the interface ------------------------------------------ puts say_status "Controller", "Adding controller action, route, and HTML for searching...", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.25 inject_into_file 'app/controllers/articles_controller.rb', before: %r|^\s*# GET /articles/1$| do <<-CODE # GET /articles/search def search @articles = Article.search(params[:q]).records render action: "index" end CODE end inject_into_file 'app/views/articles/index.html.erb', after: %r{


}i do <<-CODE
<%= form_tag search_articles_path, method: 'get' do %> <%= label_tag :query %> <%= text_field_tag :q, params[:q] %> <%= submit_tag :search %> <% end %>
CODE end inject_into_file 'app/views/articles/index.html.erb', after: %r{<%= link_to 'New Article', new_article_path %>} do <<-CODE <%= link_to 'All Articles', articles_path if params[:q] %> CODE end gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', %r{resources :articles$}, <<-CODE resources :articles do collection { get :search } end CODE gsub_file "test/controllers/articles_controller_test.rb", %r{setup do.*?end}m, <<-CODE setup do @article = articles(:one) Article.__elasticsearch__.import force: true Article.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end CODE inject_into_file "test/controllers/articles_controller_test.rb", after: %r{test "should get index" do.*?end}m do <<-CODE test "should get search results" do #{ Rails::VERSION::STRING > '5' ? 'get search_articles_url(q: "mystring")' : 'get :search, q: "mystring"' } assert_response :success assert_not_nil assigns(:articles) assert_equal 2, assigns(:articles).size end CODE end git commit: "-a -m 'Added search form and controller action'" # ----- Seed the database ------------------------------------------------------------------------- puts say_status "Database", "Seeding the database with data...", :yellow puts '-'*80, ''; sleep 0.25 remove_file "db/seeds.rb" create_file 'db/seeds.rb', %q{ contents = [ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', 'Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.', 'Labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.', 'Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.' ] puts "Deleting all articles..." Article.delete_all unless ENV['COUNT'] puts "Creating articles..." %w[ One Two Three Four Five ].each_with_index do |title, i| Article.create title: title, content: contents[i], published_on: i.days.ago.utc end else print "Generating articles..." (1..ENV['COUNT'].to_i).each_with_index do |title, i| Article.create title: "Title #{title}", content: 'Lorem ipsum dolor', published_on: i.days.ago.utc print '.' if i % ENV['COUNT'].to_i/10 == 0 end puts "\n" end } run "rails runner 'Article.__elasticsearch__.create_index! force: true'" rake "db:seed" git add: "db/seeds.rb" git commit: "-m 'Added the database seeding script'" # ----- Print Git log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- puts say_status "Git", "Details about the application:", :yellow puts '-'*80, '' git tag: "basic" git log: "--reverse --oneline" # ----- Start the application --------------------------------------------------------------------- unless ENV['RAILS_NO_SERVER_START'] require 'net/http' if (begin; Net::HTTP.get(URI('http://localhost:3000')); rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED; false; rescue Exception; true; end) puts "\n" say_status "ERROR", "Some other application is running on port 3000!\n", :red puts '-'*80 port = ask("Please provide free port:", :bold) else port = '3000' end puts "", "="*80 say_status "DONE", "\e[1mStarting the application.\e[0m", :yellow puts "="*80, "" run "rails server --port=#{port}" end