= Brite A Shiny Static Website Generator {Homepage}[http://rubyworks.github.com/brite] / {Documentation}[http://rubydoc.info/gems/brite/frames] / {Report Issue}[http://github.com/rubyworks/brite/issues] / {Development}[http://github.com/rubyworks/brite] / {Mailing List}[http://groups.google.com/group/rubyworks-mailinglist] {}[http://travis-ci.org/rubyworks/brite] == DESCRIPTION Brite is an inovative static website/blog generation utility which is as easy to use as it is versatile. == FEATURES * Site layout is 100% user-defined. * Can generate files in place, so no "special directories" are required. * Alternatively templated routes can customize the site organization. * Supports multi-format templates via Neapolitan template engine. * Supports many markup and templating formats via Malt or Tilt. == SYNOPSIS Very briefly, one creates `.page`, `.post`, .part and `.layout` files and then runs: $ brite Voila, website made! Of course, the question really is how does one go about creating `.page`, `.post`, `.part` and `.layout` files and such. For information about that see the {Brite website}[https://rubyworks.github.com/brite] and see the {Getting Started Tutorial}[https://github.com/rubyworks/brite/wiki/Getting-Started]. For a quick start, have a look at the {brite-site repository}[https://github.com/rubyworks/brite-site] which contains a generic Brite project anyone can use to start their own Brite Site. To get further under the hood see Brite source code in the {GitHub hosted repository}[http://github.com/rubyworks/brite] and read the {API documentation}[http://rubydoc.info/gems/brite/frames]. == HOW TO INSTALL === RubyGems $ gem install brite === Setup.rb If you're old fashion and want to install to a site location, see Setup.rb[http://rubyworks.github.com/setup]. == COPYRIGHTS Copyright (c) 2009 Rubyworks Brite is distributable in accordance to the *BSD-2-Clause* license. See COPYING.rdoc file for details.