# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'select input' do include FormtasticSpecHelper before do @output_buffer = '' mock_everything end describe 'explicit values' do describe 'using an array of values' do before do @array_with_values = ["Title A", "Title B", "Title C"] @array_with_keys_and_values = [["Title D", 1], ["Title E", 2], ["Title F", 3]] concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:title, :as => :select, :collection => @array_with_values)) concat(builder.input(:title, :as => :select, :collection => @array_with_keys_and_values)) end) end it 'should have a option for each key and/or value' do @array_with_values.each do |v| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{v}']", :text => /^#{v}$/) end @array_with_keys_and_values.each do |v| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{v.second}']", :text => /^#{v.first}$/) end end end describe 'using a set of values' do before do @set_with_values = Set.new(["Title A", "Title B", "Title C"]) @set_with_keys_and_values = [["Title D", :d], ["Title E", :e], ["Title F", :f]] concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:title, :as => :select, :collection => @set_with_values)) concat(builder.input(:title, :as => :select, :collection => @set_with_keys_and_values)) end) end it 'should have a option for each key and/or value' do @set_with_values.each do |v| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{v}']", :text => /^#{v}$/) end @set_with_keys_and_values.each do |v| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{v.second}']", :text => /^#{v.first}$/) end end end describe "using a related model without reflection's options (Mongoid Document)" do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:mongoid_reviewer) concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:mongoid_reviewer, :as => :select)) end) end it 'should draw select options' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select') expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select#post_reviewer_id') expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag('form li select#post_mongoid_reviewer_id') end end describe 'using a range' do before do @range_with_values = 1..5 concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:title, :as => :select, :collection => @range_with_values)) end) end it 'should have an option for each value' do @range_with_values.each do |v| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{v}']", :text => /^#{v}$/) end end end describe 'using a string' do before do @string ="".html_safe concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:title, :as => :select, :collection => @string)) end) end it 'should render select options using provided HTML string' do 2.times do |v| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{v}']", :text => /^#{v}$/) end end end describe 'using a nil name' do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:title, :as => :select, :collection => [], :input_html => {:name => nil})) end) end it_should_have_select_with_name("post[title]") end end describe 'for boolean columns' do describe 'default formtastic locale' do before do # Note: Works, but something like Formtastic.root.join(...) would probably be "safer". ::I18n.load_path = [File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. .. lib locale en.yml])] ::I18n.backend.send(:init_translations) concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:published, :as => :select)) end) end after do ::I18n.load_path = [] ::I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {} end it 'should render a select with at least options: true/false' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='true']", :text => /^Yes$/) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='false']", :text => /^No$/) end end describe 'custom locale' do before do @boolean_select_labels = {:yes => 'Yep', :no => 'Nope'} ::I18n.backend.store_translations :en, :formtastic => @boolean_select_labels concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:published, :as => :select)) end) end after do ::I18n.backend.store_translations :en, {} end it 'should render a select with at least options: true/false' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='true']", :text => /#{@boolean_select_labels[:yes]}/) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='false']", :text => /#{@boolean_select_labels[:no]}/) end end end describe 'for a enum column' do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:status) { 'inactive' } statuses = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new("active"=>0, "inactive"=>1) allow(@new_post.class).to receive(:statuses) { statuses } allow(@new_post).to receive(:defined_enums) { { "status" => statuses } } end context 'single choice' do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:status, :as => :select)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class("select") it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:input) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("post_status_input") it_should_have_label_with_text(/Status/) it_should_have_label_for('post_status') it_should_apply_error_logic_for_input_type(:select) it 'should have a select inside the wrapper' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select') expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select#post_status') end it 'should have a valid name' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select[@name='post[status]']") expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag("form li select[@name='post[status][]']") end it 'should not create a multi-select' do expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag('form li select[@multiple]') end it 'should not add a hidden input' do expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag('form li input[@type="hidden"]') end it 'should create a select without size' do expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag('form li select[@size]') end it 'should have a blank option' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']") end it 'should have a select option for each defined enum status' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select[@name='post[status]'] option", :count => @new_post.class.statuses.count + 1) @new_post.class.statuses.each do |label, value| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{label}']", :text => /#{label.humanize}/) end end it 'should have one option with a "selected" attribute (TODO)' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select[@name='post[status]'] option[@selected]", :count => 1) end end context 'multiple choice' do it 'raises an error' do expect { concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:status, :as => :select, :multiple => true)) end) }.to raise_error Formtastic::UnsupportedEnumCollection end end end describe 'for a belongs_to association' do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:author, :as => :select)) concat(builder.input(:reviewer, :as => :select)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class("select") it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class(:input) it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("post_author_input") it_should_have_label_with_text(/Author/) it_should_have_label_for('post_author_id') it_should_apply_error_logic_for_input_type(:select) it_should_call_find_on_association_class_when_no_collection_is_provided(:select) it_should_use_the_collection_when_provided(:select, 'option') it 'should have a select inside the wrapper' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select') expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select#post_author_id') expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select#post_reviewer_id') end it 'should have a valid name' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select[@name='post[author_id]']") expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag("form li select[@name='post[author_id][]']") expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag("form li select[@name='post[reviewer_id][]']") end it 'should not create a multi-select' do expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag('form li select[@multiple]') end it 'should not add a hidden input' do expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag('form li input[@type="hidden"]') end it 'should create a select without size' do expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag('form li select[@size]') end it 'should have a blank option' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']") end it 'should have a select option for each Author' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select[@name='post[author_id]'] option", :count => ::Author.all.size + 1) ::Author.all.each do |author| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{author.id}']", :text => /#{author.to_label}/) end end it 'should have one option with a "selected" attribute (bob)' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select[@name='post[author_id]'] option[@selected]", :count => 1) end it 'should not singularize the association name' do allow(@new_post).to receive(:author_status).and_return(@bob) allow(@new_post).to receive(:author_status_id).and_return(@bob.id) allow(@new_post).to receive(:column_for_attribute).and_return(double('column', :type => :integer, :limit => 255)) concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:author_status, :as => :select)) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select#post_author_status_id') end end describe "for a belongs_to association with :conditions" do before do allow(::Post).to receive(:reflect_on_association).with(:author) do mock = double('reflection', :options => {:conditions => {:active => true}}, :klass => ::Author, :macro => :belongs_to) allow(mock).to receive(:[]).with(:class_name).and_return("Author") mock end end it "should call author.(scoped|where) with association conditions" do expect(::Author).to receive(:where).with({:active => true}) semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:author, :as => :select)) end end end describe 'for a has_many association' do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@fred) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:posts, :as => :select)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class("select") it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("author_posts_input") it_should_have_label_with_text(/Post/) it_should_have_label_for('author_post_ids') it_should_apply_error_logic_for_input_type(:select) it_should_call_find_on_association_class_when_no_collection_is_provided(:select) it_should_use_the_collection_when_provided(:select, 'option') it 'should have a select inside the wrapper' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select') expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select#author_post_ids') end it 'should have a multi-select select' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select[@multiple="multiple"]') end it 'should append [] to the name attribute for multiple select' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select[@multiple="multiple"][@name="author[post_ids][]"]') end it 'should have a hidden field' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li input[@type="hidden"][@name="author[post_ids][]"]', :count => 1) end it 'should have a select option for each Post' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select option', :count => ::Post.all.size) ::Post.all.each do |post| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{post.id}']", :text => /#{post.to_label}/) end end it 'should not have a blank option by default' do expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']") end it 'should respect the :include_blank option for single selects' do concat(semantic_form_for(@fred) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:posts, :as => :select, :multiple => false, :include_blank => true)) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']") end it 'should respect the :include_blank option for multiple selects' do concat(semantic_form_for(@fred) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:posts, :as => :select, :multiple => true, :include_blank => true)) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']") end it 'should have one option with a "selected" attribute' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select option[@selected]', :count => 1) end end describe 'for a has_and_belongs_to_many association' do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@freds_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:authors, :as => :select)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_class("select") it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("post_authors_input") it_should_have_label_with_text(/Author/) it_should_have_label_for('post_author_ids') it_should_apply_error_logic_for_input_type(:select) it_should_call_find_on_association_class_when_no_collection_is_provided(:select) it_should_use_the_collection_when_provided(:select, 'option') it 'should have a select inside the wrapper' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select') expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select#post_author_ids') end it 'should have a multi-select select' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select[@multiple="multiple"]') end it 'should have a select option for each Author' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select option', :count => ::Author.all.size) ::Author.all.each do |author| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{author.id}']", :text => /#{author.to_label}/) end end it 'should not have a blank option by default' do expect(output_buffer).not_to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']") end it 'should respect the :include_blank option for single selects' do concat(semantic_form_for(@freds_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:authors, :as => :select, :multiple => false, :include_blank => true)) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']") end it 'should respect the :include_blank option for multiple selects' do concat(semantic_form_for(@freds_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:authors, :as => :select, :multiple => true, :include_blank => true)) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']") end it 'should have one option with a "selected" attribute' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select option[@selected]', :count => 1) end end describe 'when :prompt => "choose something" is set' do before do allow(@new_post).to receive(:author_id).and_return(nil) concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:author, :as => :select, :prompt => "choose author")) end) end it 'should have a select with prompt' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']", :text => /choose author/, :count => 1) end it 'should not have a second blank select option' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='']", :count => 1) end end describe 'when no object is given' do before(:example) do concat(semantic_form_for(:project, :url => 'http://test.host') do |builder| concat(builder.input(:author, :as => :select, :collection => ::Author.all)) end) end it 'should generate label' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li label', :text => /Author/) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li label[@for='project_author']") end it 'should generate select inputs' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select#project_author') expect(output_buffer).to have_tag('form li select option', :count => ::Author.all.size + 1) end it 'should generate an option to each item' do ::Author.all.each do |author| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select option[@value='#{author.id}']", :text => /#{author.to_label}/) end end end describe 'when no association exists' do it 'should still generate a valid name attribute' do concat(semantic_form_for(:project, :url => 'http://test.host') do |builder| concat(builder.input(:author_name, :as => :select, :collection => ::Author.all)) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select[@name='project[author_name]']") end describe 'and :multiple is set to true through :input_html' do it "should make the select a multi-select" do concat(semantic_form_for(:project, :url => 'http://test.host') do |builder| concat(builder.input(:author_name, :as => :select, :input_html => {:multiple => true} )) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select[@multiple]") end end describe 'and :multiple is set to true' do it "should make the select a multi-select" do concat(semantic_form_for(:project, :url => 'http://test.host') do |builder| concat(builder.input(:author_name, :as => :select, :multiple => true, :collection => ["Fred", "Bob"])) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select[@multiple]") end end end describe 'when a grouped collection collection is given' do before(:example) do concat(semantic_form_for(:project, :url => 'http://test.host') do |builder| @grouped_opts = [['one', ['pencil', 'crayon', 'pen']], ['two', ['eyes', 'hands', 'feet']], ['three', ['wickets', 'witches', 'blind mice']]] concat(builder.input(:author, :as => :select, :collection => grouped_options_for_select(@grouped_opts, "hands"))) end) end it 'should generate an option to each item' do @grouped_opts.each do |opt_pair| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select optgroup[@label='#{opt_pair[0]}']") opt_pair[1].each do |v| expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select optgroup[@label='#{opt_pair[0]}'] option[@value='#{v}']") end end expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select optgroup option[@selected]","hands") end end describe "enum" do before do @output_buffer = '' @some_meta_descriptions = ["One", "Two", "Three"] allow(@new_post).to receive(:meta_description).at_least(:once) end describe ":as is not set" do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:meta_description, :collection => @some_meta_descriptions)) end) concat(semantic_form_for(:project, :url => 'http://test.host') do |builder| concat(builder.input(:meta_description, :collection => @some_meta_descriptions)) end) end it "should render a select field" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li select", :count => 2) end end describe ":as is set" do before do # Should not be a case, but just checking :as got highest priority in setting input type. concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:meta_description, :as => :string, :collection => @some_meta_descriptions)) end) concat(semantic_form_for(:project, :url => 'http://test.host') do |builder| concat(builder.input(:meta_description, :as => :string, :collection => @some_meta_descriptions)) end) end it "should render a text field" do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("form li input[@type='text']", :count => 2) end end end describe 'when a namespace is provided' do before do concat(semantic_form_for(@freds_post, :namespace => 'context2') do |builder| concat(builder.input(:authors, :as => :select)) end) end it_should_have_input_wrapper_with_id("context2_post_authors_input") it_should_have_select_with_id("context2_post_author_ids") it_should_have_label_for("context2_post_author_ids") end describe "when index is provided" do before do @output_buffer = '' mock_everything concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.fields_for(:author, :index => 3) do |author| concat(author.input(:name, :as => :select)) end) end) end it 'should index the id of the wrapper' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("li#post_author_attributes_3_name_input") end it 'should index the id of the select tag' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("select#post_author_attributes_3_name") end it 'should index the name of the select' do expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("select[@name='post[author_attributes][3][name]']") end end context "when required" do it "should add the required attribute to the select's html options" do with_config :use_required_attribute, true do concat(semantic_form_for(@new_post) do |builder| concat(builder.input(:author, :as => :select, :required => true)) end) expect(output_buffer).to have_tag("select[@required]") end end end end