require 'docker' require 'excon' require 'tempfile' require 'zlib' require 'rubygems/package' require 'fileutils' class Dockly::Docker include Dockly::Util::DSL include Dockly::Util::Logger::Mixin autoload :Registry, 'dockly/docker/registry' logger_prefix '[dockly docker]' dsl_class_attribute :build_cache, Dockly::BuildCache.model, type: Array dsl_class_attribute :registry, Dockly::Docker::Registry dsl_attribute :name, :import, :git_archive, :build, :tag, :build_dir, :package_dir, :timeout, :cleanup_images, :tar_diff, :s3_bucket, :s3_object_prefix default_value :tag, nil default_value :build_dir, 'build/docker' default_value :package_dir, '/opt/docker' default_value :cleanup_images, false default_value :timeout, 60 default_value :tar_diff, false default_value :s3_bucket, nil default_value :s3_object_prefix, "" def build_env(hash = nil) (@build_env ||= {}).tap { |env| env.merge!(hash) if hash.is_a?(Hash) } end def copy_from_s3(sha) return if s3_bucket.nil? object = s3_object_for(sha) info "Copying s3://#{s3_bucket}/#{object} to #{s3_bucket}/#{s3_object}" Dockly.s3.copy_object( copy_source: File.join(s3_bucket, object), bucket: s3_bucket, key: s3_object, acl: 'bucket-owner-full-control', ) info "Successfully copied s3://#{s3_bucket}/#{object} to s3://#{s3_bucket}/#{s3_object}" end def generate! image = generate_build export_image(image) ensure cleanup([image]) if cleanup_images end def export_only if image = find_image_by_repotag info "Found image by repo:tag: #{repo}:#{tag} - #{image.inspect}" export_image(image) else raise "Could not find image" end end def find_image_by_repotag Docker::Image.all.find do |image|["RepoTags"].include?("#{repo}:#{tag}") end end def generate_build Docker.options.merge!(:read_timeout => timeout, :write_timeout => timeout) Docker.reset_connection! images = {} if registry_import.nil? docker_tar = File.absolute_path(ensure_tar(fetch_import)) images[:one] = import_base(docker_tar) else registry.authenticate! unless registry.nil? full_name = "#{registry_import[:name]}:#{registry_import[:tag]}" info "Pulling #{full_name}" images[:one] = ::Docker::Image.create('fromImage' => registry_import[:name], 'tag' => registry_import[:tag]) info "Successfully pulled #{full_name}" end images[:two] = add_build_env(images[:one]) images[:three] = add_git_archive(images[:two]) images[:four] = run_build_caches(images[:three]) build_image(images[:four]) ensure cleanup(images.values.compact) if cleanup_images end def registry_import(img_name = nil, opts = {}) if img_name @registry_import ||= {} @registry_import[:name] = img_name @registry_import[:tag] = opts[:tag] || 'latest' else @registry_import end end def cleanup(images) info 'Cleaning up intermediate images' images ||= [] images = images.compact ::Docker::Container.all(:all => true).each do |container| image_id = container.json['Image'] if images.any? { |image| || image_id.start_with?( } container.kill container.delete end end images.each { |image| image.remove rescue nil } info 'Done cleaning images' end def export_filename "#{name}-image.tgz" end def run_build_caches(image) info "starting build caches" (build_cache || []).each do |cache| cache.image = image image = cache.execute! end info "finished build caches" image end def tar_path File.join(build_dir, export_filename) end def ensure_tar(file_name) if Dockly::Util::Tar.is_tar?(file_name) file_name elsif Dockly::Util::Tar.is_gzip?(file_name) file_name else raise "Expected a (possibly gzipped) tar: #{file_name}" end end def make_git_archive ensure_present! :git_archive info "initializing" prefix = git_archive prefix += '/' unless prefix.end_with?('/') FileUtils.rm_rf(git_archive_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(git_archive_dir) info "archiving #{Dockly::Util::Git.sha}", 'wb') do |file| Dockly::Util::Git.archive(Dockly::Util::Git.sha, prefix, file) end info "made the git archive for sha #{Dockly::Util::Git.sha}" git_archive_path end def git_archive_dir @git_archive_dir ||= File.join(build_dir, "gitarc") end def git_archive_path "#{git_archive_dir}/#{name}.tar" end def git_archive_tar git_archive && File.absolute_path(make_git_archive) end def import_base(docker_tar) repo = "#{name}-base" tag = "dockly-#{Dockly::VERSION}-#{File.basename(import).split('.').first}" info "looking for imported base image with tag: #{tag}" image = Docker::Image.all.find { |img|['RepoTags'].include?("#{repo}:#{tag}") } if image info "found imported base image: #{}" image else info "could not find image with tag #{tag}, importing the docker image from #{docker_tar}" image = ::Docker::Image.import(docker_tar, 'repo' => repo, 'tag' => tag) info "imported initial docker image: #{}" image end end def add_build_env(image) return image if build_env.empty? info "Setting the following environment variables in the docker image: #{build_env.keys}" dockerfile = [ "FROM #{}", * { |key, val| "ENV #{key.to_s.shellescape}=#{val.to_s.shellescape}" } ].join("\n") out_image = info "Successfully set the environment variables in the dockerfile" out_image end def add_git_archive(image) return image if git_archive.nil? info "adding the git archive" new_image = image.insert_local( 'localPath' => git_archive_tar, 'outputPath' => '/' ) info "successfully added the git archive" new_image end def build_image(image) ensure_present! :name, :build info "running custom build steps, starting with id: #{}" out_image ="from #{}\n#{build}") info "finished running custom build steps, result id: #{}" out_image.tap { |img| img.tag(repo: repo, tag: tag, force: true) } end def repo @repo ||= case when registry.nil? name when registry.default_server_address? "#{registry.username}/#{name}" else "#{registry.server_address}/#{name}" end end def s3_url "s3://#{s3_bucket}/#{s3_object}" end def export_image(image) ensure_present! :name if registry.nil? ensure_present! :build_dir info "Exporting the image with id #{} to file #{File.expand_path(tar_path)}" container ='true') info "created the container: #{}" if s3_bucket.nil? output =, 'wb') else output =, s3_bucket, s3_object) end gzip_output = if tar_diff export_image_diff(container, gzip_output) else export_image_whole(container, gzip_output) end else push_to_registry(image) end rescue if output && !s3_bucket.nil? output.abort_unless_closed end raise ensure container.tap(&:wait).remove if container gzip_output.close if gzip_output end def export_image_whole(container, output) container.export do |chunk, remaining, total| output.write(chunk) end end def export_image_diff(container, output) rd, wr = IO.pipe(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) rd.binmode wr.binmode thread = do begin if Dockly::Util::Tar.is_tar?(fetch_import) base =, 'rb') else base =, 'rb')) end td =, rd, output) td.process info "done writing the docker tar: #{export_filename}" ensure base.close if base rd.close end end begin container.export do |chunk, remaining, total| wr.write(chunk) end ensure wr.close thread.join end end def s3_object s3_object_for(Dockly::Util::Git.sha) end def s3_object_for(sha) [s3_object_prefix, sha, '/', export_filename].join end def push_to_registry(image) ensure_present! :registry info "Exporting #{} to Docker registry at #{registry.server_address}" registry.authenticate! image = Docker::Image.all(:all => true).find { |img| || } raise "Could not find image after authentication" if image.nil? image.push(registry.to_h, :registry => registry.server_address) end def fetch_import ensure_present! :import path = "/tmp/dockly-docker-import.#{name}.#{File.basename(import)}" if File.exist?(path) debug "already fetched #{import}" else debug "fetching #{import}""#{path}.tmp", 'wb') do |file| case import when /^s3:\/\/(?.+?)\/(?.+)$/ bucket, key = Regexp.last_match[:bucket], Regexp.last_match[:key] Dockly.s3.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: key) do |chunk| file.write(chunk) end when /^https?:\/\// Excon.get(import, :response_block => lambda { |chunk, remaining, total| file.write(chunk) }) else raise "You can only import from S3 or a public url" end end"#{path}.tmp", path, :force => true) end path end def exists? return false unless s3_bucket debug "#{name}: checking for package: #{s3_url}" Dockly.s3.head_object(bucket: s3_bucket, key: s3_object) info "#{name}: found package: #{s3_url}" true rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NotFound, Aws::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey info "#{name}: could not find package: #{s3_url}" false end def repository(value = nil) name(value) end end