Module | Cms::Acts::ContentPage |
In: |
# File lib/cms/acts/content_page.rb, line 21 21: def self.included(base) 22: base.send :include, Cms::ContentRenderingSupport 23: base.send :include, Cms::Authentication::Controller 24: base.extend ClassMethods 25: 26: base.helper Cms::PageHelper 27: base.helper Cms::RenderingHelper 28: base.helper Cms::MenuHelper 29: end
Before filter that determines if the current user can access a specific section.
# File lib/cms/acts/content_page.rb, line 32 32: def check_access_to_section 33: user = current_user 34: logger.warn "Checking that current_user '#{user.login}' has access to view section with path '#{self.class.in_section}'." 35: unless user.able_to_view?(self.class.in_section) 36: store_location 37: raise Cms::Errors::AccessDenied 38: end 39: end