# A visitor for converting a Sass tree into a source string. class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Convert < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base # Runs the visitor on a tree. # # @param root [Tree::Node] The root node of the Sass tree. # @param options [{Symbol => Object}] An options hash (see {Sass::CSS#initialize}). # @param format [Symbol] `:sass` or `:scss`. # @return [String] The Sass or SCSS source for the tree. def self.visit(root, options, format) new(options, format).send(:visit, root) end protected def initialize(options, format) @options = options @format = format @tabs = 0 # 2 spaces by default @tab_chars = @options[:indent] || " " end def visit_children(parent) @tabs += 1 return @format == :sass ? "\n" : " {}\n" if parent.children.empty? (@format == :sass ? "\n" : " {\n") + super.join.rstrip + (@format == :sass ? "\n" : "\n#{ @tab_chars * (@tabs-1)}}\n") ensure @tabs -= 1 end # Ensures proper spacing between top-level nodes. def visit_root(node) Sass::Util.enum_cons(node.children + [nil], 2).map do |child, nxt| visit(child) + if nxt && (child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::CommentNode) && child.line + child.lines + 1 == nxt.line) || (child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::ImportNode) && nxt.is_a?(Sass::Tree::ImportNode) && child.line + 1 == nxt.line) || (child.is_a?(Sass::Tree::VariableNode) && nxt.is_a?(Sass::Tree::VariableNode) && child.line + 1 == nxt.line) "" else "\n" end end.join.rstrip + "\n" end def visit_charset(node) "#{tab_str}@charset \"#{node.name}\"#{semi}\n" end def visit_comment(node) value = interp_to_src(node.value) content = if @format == :sass content = value.gsub(/\*\/$/, '').rstrip if content =~ /\A[ \t]/ # Re-indent SCSS comments like this: # /* foo # bar # baz */ content.gsub!(/^/, ' ') content.sub!(/\A([ \t]*)\/\*/, '/*\1') end content = unless content.include?("\n") content else content.gsub!(/\n( \*|\/\/)/, "\n ") spaces = content.scan(/\n( *)/).map {|s| s.first.size}.min sep = node.type == :silent ? "\n//" : "\n *" if spaces >= 2 content.gsub(/\n /, sep) else content.gsub(/\n#{' ' * spaces}/, sep) end end content.gsub!(/\A\/\*/, '//') if node.type == :silent content.gsub!(/^/, tab_str) content.rstrip + "\n" else spaces = (' ' * [@tabs - value[/^ */].size, 0].max) content = if node.type == :silent value.gsub(/^[\/ ]\*/, '//').gsub(/ *\*\/$/, '') else value end.gsub(/^/, spaces) + "\n" content end content.sub!(%r{^\s*(/\*)}, '/*!') if node.type == :loud #' content end def visit_debug(node) "#{tab_str}@debug #{node.expr.to_sass(@options)}#{semi}\n" end def visit_directive(node) res = "#{tab_str}#{interp_to_src(node.value)}" res.gsub!(/^@import \#\{(.*)\}([^}]*)$/, '@import \1\2'); return res + "#{semi}\n" unless node.has_children res + yield + "\n" end def visit_each(node) "#{tab_str}@each $#{dasherize(node.var)} in #{node.list.to_sass(@options)}#{yield}" end def visit_extend(node) "#{tab_str}@extend #{selector_to_src(node.selector).lstrip}#{semi}\n" end def visit_for(node) "#{tab_str}@for $#{dasherize(node.var)} from #{node.from.to_sass(@options)} " + "#{node.exclusive ? "to" : "through"} #{node.to.to_sass(@options)}#{yield}" end def visit_function(node) args = node.args.map do |v, d| d ? "#{v.to_sass(@options)}: #{d.to_sass(@options)}" : v.to_sass(@options) end.join(", ") "#{tab_str}@function #{dasherize(node.name)}(#{args})#{yield}" end def visit_if(node) name = if !@is_else; "if" elsif node.expr; "else if" else; "else" end str = "#{tab_str}@#{name}" str << " #{node.expr.to_sass(@options)}" if node.expr str << yield @is_else = true str << visit(node.else) if node.else str ensure @is_else = false end def visit_import(node) quote = @format == :scss ? '"' : '' "#{tab_str}@import #{quote}#{node.imported_filename}#{quote}#{semi}\n" end def visit_media(node) "#{tab_str}@media #{node.query.to_src(@options)}#{yield}" end def visit_supports(node) "#{tab_str}@#{node.name} #{node.condition.to_src(@options)}#{yield}" end def visit_cssimport(node) if node.uri.is_a?(Sass::Script::Node) str = "#{tab_str}@import #{node.uri.to_sass(@options)}" else str = "#{tab_str}@import #{node.uri}" end str << " #{node.query.to_src(@options)}" if node.query "#{str}#{semi}\n" end def visit_mixindef(node) args = if node.args.empty? "" else '(' + node.args.map do |v, d| if d "#{v.to_sass(@options)}: #{d.to_sass(@options)}" else v.to_sass(@options) end end.join(", ") + ')' end "#{tab_str}#{@format == :sass ? '=' : '@mixin '}#{dasherize(node.name)}#{args}#{yield}" end def visit_mixin(node) unless node.args.empty? && node.keywords.empty? args = node.args.map {|a| a.to_sass(@options)}.join(", ") keywords = Sass::Util.hash_to_a(node.keywords). map {|k, v| "$#{dasherize(k)}: #{v.to_sass(@options)}"}.join(', ') arglist = "(#{args}#{', ' unless args.empty? || keywords.empty?}#{keywords})" end "#{tab_str}#{@format == :sass ? '+' : '@include '}#{dasherize(node.name)}#{arglist}#{node.has_children ? yield : semi}\n" end def visit_content(node) "#{tab_str}@content#{semi}\n" end def visit_prop(node) res = tab_str + node.declaration(@options, @format) return res + semi + "\n" if node.children.empty? res + yield.rstrip + semi + "\n" end def visit_return(node) "#{tab_str}@return #{node.expr.to_sass(@options)}#{semi}\n" end def visit_rule(node) if @format == :sass name = selector_to_sass(node.rule) name = "\\" + name if name[0] == ?: name.gsub(/^/, tab_str) + yield elsif @format == :scss name = selector_to_scss(node.rule) res = name + yield if node.children.last.is_a?(Sass::Tree::CommentNode) && node.children.last.type == :silent res.slice!(-3..-1) res << "\n" << tab_str << "}\n" end res end end def visit_variable(node) "#{tab_str}$#{dasherize(node.name)}: #{node.expr.to_sass(@options)}#{' !default' if node.guarded}#{semi}\n" end def visit_warn(node) "#{tab_str}@warn #{node.expr.to_sass(@options)}#{semi}\n" end def visit_while(node) "#{tab_str}@while #{node.expr.to_sass(@options)}#{yield}" end private def interp_to_src(interp) interp.map do |r| next r if r.is_a?(String) "\#{#{r.to_sass(@options)}}" end.join end def selector_to_src(sel) @format == :sass ? selector_to_sass(sel) : selector_to_scss(sel) end def selector_to_sass(sel) sel.map do |r| if r.is_a?(String) r.gsub(/(,)?([ \t]*)\n\s*/) {$1 ? "#{$1}#{$2}\n" : " "} else "\#{#{r.to_sass(@options)}}" end end.join end def selector_to_scss(sel) interp_to_src(sel).gsub(/^[ \t]*/, tab_str).gsub(/[ \t]*$/, '') end def semi @format == :sass ? "" : ";" end def tab_str @tab_chars * @tabs end def dasherize(s) if @options[:dasherize] s.gsub('_', '-') else s end end end