The EDSAC did not support lower-case letters. The method used here is to include a separate O order to print each character: for short messages and labels this is quite adequate. A more general (though slightly more involved) solution for printing strings is given at [[Hello world/Line printer#EDSAC order code]]. [ Print HELLO WORLD ] [ A program for the EDSAC ] [ Works with Initial Orders 2 ] T64K [ Set load point: address 64 ] GK [ Set base address ] O13@ [ Each O order outputs one ] O14@ [ character. The numerical ] O15@ [ parameter gives the offset ] O16@ [ (from the base address) where ] O17@ [ the character to print is ] O18@ [ stored ] O19@ O20@ O21@ O22@ O23@ O24@ ZF [ Stop ] *F [ Shift to print letters ] HF [ Character literals ] EF LF LF OF !F [ Space character ] WF OF RF LF DF EZPF [ Start program beginning at the load point ]