namespace :lipsiadmin do namespace :loops do desc "Start all yours loops" task :start do print "Starting all loops" system "#{RAILS_ROOT}/script/loops -a -d &> /dev/null" puts "... done." end desc "Stop all yours loops" task :stop do system "#{RAILS_ROOT}/script/loops -a -s" end desc "Restart all yours loops" task :restart => [:stop, :start] end namespace :update do desc "Update your javascripts from your current lipsiadmin install" task :javascripts do Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '/lipsiadmin_generators/backend/templates/javascripts/*.js')].each do |js| puts "Coping #{File.basename(js)} ... DONE" FileUtils.cp(js, RAILS_ROOT + '/public/javascripts/') end %w(backend locale).each do |t| js = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', "/lipsiadmin_generators/backend/templates/views/javascripts/#{t}.js.erb") puts "Coping #{t}.js.erb ... DONE" FileUtils.cp(js, RAILS_ROOT + '/app/views/javascripts/') end end namespace :locales do desc "Updated the current rails locale and backend locale" task :system do Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '/lipsiadmin_generators/backend/templates/config/locales/rails/*.yml')].each do |yml| puts "Coping config/locales/rails/#{File.basename(yml)} ... DONE" FileUtils.cp(yml, RAILS_ROOT + '/config/locales/rails') end Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '/lipsiadmin_generators/backend/templates/config/locales/backend/*.yml')].each do |yml| puts "Coping config/locales/backend/#{File.basename(yml)} ... DONE" FileUtils.cp(yml, RAILS_ROOT + '/config/locales/backend') end end desc "Updated the current models locales. Use LANGS=en,it,cz" task :models => :environment do langs = ENV['LANGS'] ? ENV['LANGS'].split(",") : [:en] models = Dir["#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/*"].collect { |model| File.basename(model, ".rb") } for model in models # Get the model class klass = model.camelize.constantize next unless klass.respond_to?(:columns) # Init the processing print "Processing #{model.humanize}: " FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/locales/models/#{model}") # Create models for it and en locales langs.each do |lang| filename = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/locales/models/#{model}/#{lang}.yml" columns = klass.columns.collect(&:name) # If the lang file already exist we need to check it if File.exist?(filename) locale = columns.each do |c| locale += "\n #{c}: #{klass.human_attribute_name(c)}" unless locale.include?("#{c}:") end print "#{lang} already exist ... "; $stdout.flush # Do some ere else locale = "#{lang}:" + "\n" + " activerecord:" + "\n" + " models:" + "\n" + " #{model}: #{klass.human_name}" + "\n" + " attributes:" + "\n" + " #{model}:" + "\n" + columns.collect { |c| " #{c}: #{klass.human_attribute_name(c)}" }.join("\n") print "#{lang} created new one ... "; $stdout.flush end, "w") { |f| f.puts locale } end puts end end end end # namespace :update end # namespace :lipsiadmin desc "Init the test env and autotest them" task :autotest => "test:init" do system("autotest") end namespace :test do desc "Init the test database dropping them, recreating and loading fixtures" task :init do RAILS_ENV = "test" Rake::Task["db:drop"].invoke Rake::Task["db:create"].invoke Rake::Task["db:migrate"].invoke Rake::Task["db:fixtures:load"].invoke end end