module Dry # rubocop:disable Style/MultilineBlockChain # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Style/MethodName module BlackTie class << self def proto_caller caller.drop_while do |line| line =~ %r[dry-behaviour/lib/dry/behaviour] end.first end def Logger @logger ||= if Kernel.const_defined?('::Rails') Rails.logger else require 'logger'$stdout) end @logger ? @logger : { def warn(*); end }.new end def protocols @protocols ||= { |h, k| h[k] = h.dup.clear } end def implementations @implementations ||= { |h, k| h[k] = h.dup.clear } end end def defprotocol(implicit_inheritance: false, &λ) raise if BlackTie.protocols.key?(self) raise unless block_given? BlackTie.protocols[self][:__implicit_inheritance__] = !!implicit_inheritance ims = instance_methods(false) class_eval(&λ) (instance_methods(false) - ims).each { |m| class_eval { module_function m } } singleton_class.send :define_method, :method_missing do |method, *_args| raise :method, inspect, method: method, self: self ) end singleton_class.send :define_method, :implementation_for do |receiver| do |c| BlackTie.implementations[self].fetch(c, nil) end.reject(&:nil?).first end BlackTie.protocols[self].each do |method, *_| # FIXME: CHECK ARITY HERE singleton_class.send :define_method, method do |receiver = nil, *args| impl = implementation_for(receiver) raise :protocol, inspect, method: method, receiver: receiver, args: args, self: self ) unless impl begin impl[method].(*args.unshift(receiver)) rescue => e raise :nested, inspect, cause: e, method: method, receiver: receiver, args: args, impl: impl, self: self ) end end end singleton_class.send :define_method, :respond_to? do |method| NORMALIZE_KEYS.(self).include? method end end def defmethod(name, *params) if || params.first.is_a?(Array) && params.first.last != :req BlackTie.Logger.warn(IMPLICIT_RECEIVER_DECLARATION % [Dry::BlackTie.proto_caller, self.inspect, name]) params.unshift(:this) end params = do |p, type| if type && !PARAM_TYPES.include?(type) BlackTie.Logger.warn(UNKNOWN_TYPE_DECLARATION % [Dry::BlackTie.proto_caller, type, self.inspect, name]) type = nil end [type || PARAM_TYPES.include?(p) ? p : :req, p] end BlackTie.protocols[self][name] = params end def defimpl(protocol = nil, target: nil, delegate: [], map: {}, &λ) raise if target.nil? || !block_given? && delegate.empty? && map.empty? mds = normalize_map_delegates(delegate, map) do mds.each(&DELEGATE_METHOD.curry[singleton_class]) singleton_class.class_eval(&λ) if block_given? # block takes precedence end.tap do |mod| protocol ? mod.extend(protocol) : POSTPONE_EXTEND.(mod, protocol = self) mod.methods(false).tap do |meths| (NORMALIZE_KEYS.(protocol) - meths).each_with_object(meths) do |m, acc| if BlackTie.protocols[protocol][:__implicit_inheritance__] mod.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method m do |this, *♿_args, &♿_λ| super(this, *♿_args, &♿_λ) end end else BlackTie.Logger.warn( IMPLICIT_DELEGATE_DEPRECATION % [Dry::BlackTie.proto_caller, protocol.inspect, m, target] ) DELEGATE_METHOD.(mod.singleton_class, [m] * 2) end acc << m end end.each do |m| target = [target] unless target.is_a?(Array) target.each do |tgt| params = mod.method(m).parameters.reject { |_, v| v.to_s[/\A♿_/] } proto = BlackTie.protocols[protocol] ok = || ((proto[m] == {} || proto[:__implicit_inheritance__]) && [[:req], [:rest]].include?( || [proto[m], params].map { |args| }.reduce(:==) # TODO[1.0] raise NotImplemented(:arity) BlackTie.Logger.warn( WRONG_PARAMETER_DECLARATION % [Dry::BlackTie.proto_caller, protocol.inspect, m, target, BlackTie.protocols[protocol][m].map(&:first)] ) unless ok BlackTie.implementations[protocol][tgt][m] = mod.method(m).to_proc end end end end module_function :defimpl PARAM_TYPES = %i[req opt rest keyrest block] DELEGATE_METHOD = lambda do |klazz, (source, target)| klazz.class_eval do define_method(source, &Dry::DEFINE_METHOD.curry[target]) end end POSTPONE_EXTEND = lambda do |target, protocol| do |tp| if tp.self == protocol target.extend protocol tp.disable end end.enable end NORMALIZE_KEYS = lambda do |protocol| BlackTie.protocols[protocol].keys.reject { |k| k.to_s =~ /\A__.*__\z/ } end IMPLICIT_DELEGATE_DEPRECATION = "\n🚨️ DEPRECATED → %s\n" \ "  ⮩ Implicit delegation to the target class will be removed in 1.0\n" \ "  ⮩ due to the lack of the explicit implementation of %s#%s for %s\n" \ "  ⮩ it will be delegated to the target class itself.\n" \ "  ⮩ Consider using explicit `delegate:' declaration in `defimpl' or\n" \ "  ⮩ use `implicit_inheritance: true' parameter in protocol definition.".freeze IMPLICIT_RECEIVER_DECLARATION = "\n⚠️ TOO IMPLICIT → %s\n" \ "  ⮩ Implicit declaration of `this' parameter in `defmethod'.\n" \ "  ⮩ Whilst it’s allowed, we strongly encourage to explicitly declare it\n" \ "  ⮩ in call to %s#defmethod(%s).".freeze UNKNOWN_TYPE_DECLARATION = "\n⚠️ UNKNOWN TYPE → %s\n" \ "  ⮩ Unknown parameter type [%s] in call to %s#defmethod(%s).\n" \ "  ⮩ Is it a typo? Omit the type for `:req' or pass one of allowed types:\n" \ "  ⮩ #{PARAM_TYPES.inspect}".freeze WRONG_PARAMETER_DECLARATION = "\n🚨️ DEPRECATED → %s\n" \ "  ⮩ Wrong parameters declaration will be removed in 1.0\n" \ "  ⮩ %s#%s was implemented for %s with unexpected parameters.\n" \ "  ⮩ Consider implementing interfaces exactly as they were declared.\n" \ "  ⮩ Expected: %s".freeze private def normalize_map_delegates(delegate, map) [*delegate, *map].map do |e| case e when Symbol, String then [e.to_sym] * 2 when Array then if e.size == 2 end end.compact end module_function :normalize_map_delegates end # rubocop:enable Style/MethodName # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Style/MultilineBlockChain end