// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== // ======================================================================== // View Convertion Layout Unit Tests // ======================================================================== /*globals module test ok same equals */ /* These unit tests verify: convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(), convertLayoutToCustomLayout() */ var parent, child; /** Helper setup that creates a parent and child view so that you can do basic tests. */ var commonSetup = { setup: function() { // create basic parent view parent = SC.View.create({ layout: { top: 0, left: 0, width: 500, height: 500 } }); // create child view to test against. child = SC.View.create(); }, teardown: function() { parent = child = null ; } }; // .......................................................... // TEST LAYOUT WITH BASIC LAYOUT CONVERSION // module('BASIC LAYOUT CONVERSION', commonSetup); test("layout {top, left, width, height}", function() { var layout = { top: 10, left: 10, width: 50, height: 50 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); same(cl, layout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {top, left, bottom, right}", function() { var layout = { top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 10, left: 10, width: 480, height: 480 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {bottom, right, width, height}", function() { var layout = { bottom: 10, right: 10, width: 50, height: 50 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 440, left: 440, width: 50, height: 50 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {centerX, centerY, width, height}", function() { var layout = { centerX: 10, centerY: 10, width: 50, height: 50 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 235, left: 235, width: 50, height: 50 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; // .......................................................... // TEST LAYOUT WITH INVALID LAYOUT VARIATIONS // module('INVALID LAYOUT VARIATIONS', commonSetup); test("layout {top, left} - assume right/bottom=0", function() { var layout = { top: 10, left: 10 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 10, left: 10, width: 490, height: 490 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {height, width} - assume top/left=0", function() { var layout = { height: 60, width: 60 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 0, left: 0, width: 60, height: 60 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {right, bottom} - assume top/left=0", function() { var layout = { right: 10, bottom: 10 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 0, left: 0, width: 490, height: 490 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {centerX, centerY} - assume width/height=0", function() { var layout = { centerX: 10, centerY: 10 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 260, left: 260, width: 0, height: 0 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {top, left, centerX, centerY, height, width} - top/left take presidence", function() { var layout = { top: 10, left: 10, centerX: 10, centerY: 10, height: 60, width: 60 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 10, left: 10, width: 60, height: 60 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {bottom, right, centerX, centerY, height, width} - bottom/right take presidence", function() { var layout = { bottom: 10, right: 10, centerX: 10, centerY: 10, height: 60, width: 60 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 430, left: 430, width: 60, height: 60 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {top, left, bottom, right, centerX, centerY, height, width} - top/left take presidence", function() { var layout = { top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10, centerX: 10, centerY: 10, height: 60, width: 60 }; var cl = SC.View.convertLayoutToAnchoredLayout(layout, parent.get('frame')); var testLayout = { top: 10, left: 10, width: 60, height: 60 }; same(cl, testLayout, 'conversion is equal'); }) ; test("layout {centerX, centerY, width:auto, height:auto}", function() { // var error=null; // var layout = { centerX: 10, centerY: 10, width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }; // child.set('layout', layout) ; // try{ // child.layoutStyle(); // }catch(e){ // error=e; // } // equals(SC.T_ERROR,SC.typeOf(error),'Layout style functions should throw and '+ // 'error if centerx/y and width/height are set at the same time ' + error ); }) ;