# Commonly used email steps # # To add your own steps make a custom_email_steps.rb # The provided methods are: # # last_email_address # reset_mailer # open_last_email # visit_in_email # unread_emails_for # mailbox_for # current_email # open_email # read_emails_for # find_email # # General form for email scenarios are: # - clear the email queue (done automatically by email_spec) # - execute steps that sends an email # - check the user received an/no/[0-9] emails # - open the email # - inspect the email contents # - interact with the email (e.g. click links) # # The Cucumber steps below are setup in this order. module EmailHelpers def current_email_address # Replace with your a way to find your current email. e.g @current_user.email # last_email_address will return the last email address used by email spec to find an email. # Note that last_email_address will be reset after each Scenario. last_email_address || "example@example.com" end end World(EmailHelpers) # # Reset the e-mail queue within a scenario. # This is done automatically before each scenario. # Given /^(?:a clear email queue|no emails have been sent)$/ do reset_mailer end # # Check how many emails have been sent/received # Then /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") should receive (an|no|\d+) emails?$/ do |address, amount| unread_emails_for(address).size.should == parse_email_count(amount) end Then /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") should have (an|no|\d+) emails?$/ do |address, amount| mailbox_for(address).size.should == parse_email_count(amount) end Then /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") should receive (an|no|\d+) emails? with subject "([^"]*?)"$/ do |address, amount, subject| unread_emails_for(address).select { |m| m.subject =~ Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(subject)) }.size.should == parse_email_count(amount) end Then /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") should receive (an|no|\d+) emails? with subject \/([^"]*?)\/$/ do |address, amount, subject| unread_emails_for(address).select { |m| m.subject =~ Regexp.new(subject) }.size.should == parse_email_count(amount) end Then /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") should receive an email with the following body:$/ do |address, expected_body| open_email(address, :with_text => expected_body) end # # Accessing emails # # Opens the most recently received email When /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") opens? the email$/ do |address| open_email(address) end When /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") opens? the email with subject "([^"]*?)"$/ do |address, subject| open_email(address, :with_subject => subject) end When /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") opens? the email with subject \/([^"]*?)\/$/ do |address, subject| open_email(address, :with_subject => Regexp.new(subject)) end When /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") opens? the email with text "([^"]*?)"$/ do |address, text| open_email(address, :with_text => text) end When /^(?:I|they|"([^"]*?)") opens? the email with text \/([^"]*?)\/$/ do |address, text| open_email(address, :with_text => Regexp.new(text)) end # # Inspect the Email Contents # Then /^(?:I|they) should see "([^"]*?)" in the email subject$/ do |text| current_email.should have_subject(text) end Then /^(?:I|they) should see \/([^"]*?)\/ in the email subject$/ do |text| current_email.should have_subject(Regexp.new(text)) end Then /^(?:I|they) should see "([^"]*?)" in the email body$/ do |text| current_email.default_part_body.to_s.should include(text) end Then /^(?:I|they) should see \/([^"]*?)\/ in the email body$/ do |text| current_email.default_part_body.to_s.should =~ Regexp.new(text) end Then /^(?:I|they) should see the email delivered from "([^"]*?)"$/ do |text| current_email.should be_delivered_from(text) end Then /^(?:I|they) should see "([^\"]*)" in the email "([^"]*?)" header$/ do |text, name| current_email.should have_header(name, text) end Then /^(?:I|they) should see \/([^\"]*)\/ in the email "([^"]*?)" header$/ do |text, name| current_email.should have_header(name, Regexp.new(text)) end Then /^I should see it is a multi\-part email$/ do current_email.should be_multipart end Then /^(?:I|they) should see "([^"]*?)" in the email html part body$/ do |text| current_email.html_part.body.to_s.should include(text) end Then /^(?:I|they) should see "([^"]*?)" in the email text part body$/ do |text| current_email.text_part.body.to_s.should include(text) end # # Inspect the Email Attachments # Then /^(?:I|they) should see (an|no|\d+) attachments? with the email$/ do |amount| current_email_attachments.size.should == parse_email_count(amount) end Then /^there should be (an|no|\d+) attachments? named "([^"]*?)"$/ do |amount, filename| current_email_attachments.select { |a| a.filename == filename }.size.should == parse_email_count(amount) end Then /^attachment (\d+) should be named "([^"]*?)"$/ do |index, filename| current_email_attachments[(index.to_i - 1)].filename.should == filename end Then /^there should be (an|no|\d+) attachments? of type "([^"]*?)"$/ do |amount, content_type| current_email_attachments.select { |a| a.content_type.include?(content_type) }.size.should == parse_email_count(amount) end Then /^attachment (\d+) should be of type "([^"]*?)"$/ do |index, content_type| current_email_attachments[(index.to_i - 1)].content_type.should include(content_type) end Then /^all attachments should not be blank$/ do current_email_attachments.each do |attachment| attachment.read.size.should_not == 0 end end Then /^show me a list of email attachments$/ do EmailSpec::EmailViewer::save_and_open_email_attachments_list(current_email) end # # Interact with Email Contents # When /^(?:I|they) follow "([^"]*?)" in the email$/ do |link| visit_in_email(link) end When /^(?:I|they) click the first link in the email$/ do click_first_link_in_email end # # Debugging # These only work with Rails and OSx ATM since EmailViewer uses RAILS_ROOT and OSx's 'open' command. # Patches accepted. ;) # Then /^save and open current email$/ do EmailSpec::EmailViewer::save_and_open_email(current_email) end Then /^save and open all text emails$/ do EmailSpec::EmailViewer::save_and_open_all_text_emails end Then /^save and open all html emails$/ do EmailSpec::EmailViewer::save_and_open_all_html_emails end Then /^save and open all raw emails$/ do EmailSpec::EmailViewer::save_and_open_all_raw_emails end