en: mongoid: errors: messages: blank: can't be blank taken: is already taken callbacks: "Calling %{method} on %{klass} resulted in a false return from a callback." document_not_found: Document not found for class %{klass} with id(s) %{identifiers}. eager_load: "Eager loading :%{name} is not supported due to it being a many-to-many or polymorphic belongs_to relation." invalid_database: "Database should be a Mongo::DB, not %{name}." invalid_time: "'%{value}' is not a valid Time." invalid_options: "Invalid option :%{invalid} provided to relation :%{name}. Valid options are: %{valid}." invalid_type: Field was defined as a(n) %{klass}, but received a %{other} with the value %{value}. unsupported_version: MongoDB %{version} not supported, please upgrade to %{mongo_version}. validations: Validation failed - %{errors}. invalid_collection: Access to the collection for %{klass} is not allowed since it is an embedded document, please access a collection from the root document. invalid_field: Defining a field named %{name} is not allowed. Do not define fields that conflict with Mongoid internal attributes or method names. Use Mongoid.destructive_fields to see what names this includes. too_many_nested_attribute_records: Accepting nested attributes for %{association} is limited to %{limit} records. embedded_in_must_have_inverse_of: Options for embedded_in association must include inverse_of. dependent_only_references_one_or_many: The dependent => destroy|delete option that was supplied is only valid on references_one or references_many associations. association_cant_have_inverse_of: Defining an inverse_of on this association is not allowed. Only use this option on embedded_in or references_many as array. calling_document_find_with_nil_is_invalid: Calling Document#find with nil is invalid unsaved_document: "You cannot call create or create! through a relational association relation (%{document}) who's parent (%{base}) is not already saved." mixed_relations: Referencing a(n) %{embedded} document from the %{root} document via a relational association is not allowed since the %{embedded} is embedded. no_environment: "Mongoid attempted to find the appropriate environment but no Rails.env, Sinatra::Base.environment, or RACK_ENV could be found." scope_overwrite: "Cannot create scope :%{scope_name}, because of existing method %{model_name}.%{scope_name}."