# encoding: utf-8 require 'y_support' require 'y_support/core_ext/array/misc' # Provides +Try+ class, and +Object#try+ method that constructs and calls a # +Consciously::Try+ instance. This +#try+ method has nothing to do with the # error-swallowing +#try+ method frequently seen elsewhere. On the contrary, # our +#try+ method _facilitates_ raising and ultimately, correcting errors # by providing well-formed error messages. # # Constructing error messages is labor-intensive. +Consciously::Try+ allows one # to construct verbose error messages with +#note+ statements inside the block, # that act as comments at the same time. # # "FooBar".try "to do something" do # note has: "#{size} letters", is: "a #{self.class} instance" # unless include? "Quux" # note "Quux", is: "not a part of it" # try "to append Quux to it" do # self << "Quux" # fail "EPIC FAIL" # end # end # end # # Should produce an automatic error message like this: "When trying to do # something, FooBar having 6 letters, being a String instance, Quux being # not a part of it, RuntimeError occurred: When trying to append Quux to it, # RuntimeError occurred: EPIC FAIL" # module Consciously class Try < BasicObject DECORATE = -> str, prefix: '', postfix: '' { str.to_s.tap { |ς| return ς.empty? ? '' : prefix + ς + postfix } } TRANSITIVE = ::Hash.new do |ꜧ, key| "#{key}ing %s" end .update( is: "being %s", has: "having %s" ) STATE = ::Hash.new do |ꜧ, key| "#{key} %s" end .update( is: "%s", has: "has %s" ) attr_reader :__obj__, :__txt__, :__bl__, :__facts__ # This def initialize( object: nil, text: nil, &block ) @__obj__, @__txt__, @__bl__ = object, text, block @__facts__ = ::Hash.new do |hsh, key| hsh[key] = [ {} ] end end # The syntax of this method, available inside the #try block, is: # # note "Concatenation of Foo and Bar", is: "FooBar", has: "6 letters" # def note *subjects, **statements, &block return Array( subjects ).each { |s| __facts__[s].push_ordered s } if statements.empty? subjects << __obj__ if subjects.empty? Array( subjects ).each { |subj| statements.each { |verb, obj| __facts__[subj].push_named verb => obj } } return statements.first[1] end # Invokes the Try object's block. # def __invoke__ *args begin instance_exec *args, &__bl__ rescue ::StandardError => err txt1 = "When trying #{__txt__}" thing, statements = __describe__ txt2 = DECORATE.( thing, prefix: ' ' ) txt3 = DECORATE.( statements.map { |verb, object| STATE[verb] % object }.join( ', ' ), prefix: ' (', postfix: ')' ) txt4 = DECORATE.( __circumstances__, prefix: ', ' ) txt5 = DECORATE.( "#{err.class} occurred: #{err}", prefix: ', ' ) raise err, txt1 + txt2 + txt3 + txt4 + txt5 end end def try *args, &block __obj__.try *args, &block end def method_missing sym, *args __obj__.send sym, *args end def __describe__ obj=__obj__ facts = __facts__[obj].dup statements = if facts.last.is_a? ::Hash then facts.pop else {} end fs = facts.join ', ' if statements.empty? then return fs, statements else return facts.empty? ? obj.to_s : fs, statements end end def __circumstances__ __facts__.reject { |subj, _| subj == __obj__ }.map { |subj, _| thing, statements = __describe__( subj ) thing + DECORATE.( statements.map { |v, o| TRANSITIVE[v] % o }.join( ', ' ), prefix: ' ' ) }.join( ', ' ) end end end class Object # Try method takes two textual arguments and one block. The first (optional) # argument is a natural language description of the method's receiver (with # #to_s of the receiver used by default). The second argument is a natural # language description of the supplied block's _contract_ -- in other words, # what the supplied block tries to do. Finally, the block contains the code # to perform the described risky action. Inside the block, +#note+ method is # available, which builds up the context information for a good error message, # should the risky action raise one. # def try receiver_NL_description=self, attempt_NL_description, &block Consciously::Try.new( object: receiver_NL_description, text: attempt_NL_description, &block ).__invoke__ end alias consciously try end