h1. Configoro -- Environment-specific configuration data for Rails apps | *Author* | Tim Morgan | | *Version* | 1.1 (May 9, 2011) | | *License* | Released under the MIT license. | h2. About Pretty much every Rails app out there needs to store environment-specific configuration data: API URLs, Memcache settings, AWS keys, etc. The "quick fix" approach is usually to dump this information in, e.g., @development.rb@ as constants, like @MAILCHIMP_API_URL@. This creates cluttered and unorganized environment files. Configoro creates a configuration object that can be accessed as both a hash and struct. It stores common configuration data merged with environment-specific data. The data is read from YAML files stored alongside the environment files. h2. Installation To use this gem, simply add
gem 'configoro'
to your Gemfile, then run
rails generate configoro
to install some default configuration files. Edit these new files with your
configuration data.
h2. Usage
Assume your application namespace is @MyApp@ (which is what it
would be if you had created your Rails project using @rails new my_app@). You
can find your namespace in your @config/application.rb@ file.
In this case, you would access your configuration using the
@MyApp::Configuration@ object. You can access it as an indifferent hash
or as a struct.
If you include any hashes in your configuration YAML files, they will also be
accessible as indifferent hashes or structs:
h2. Configuration Files
Configuration is stored within the @config/environments@ directory of your Rails
app. Files ending in ".yml" are loaded from the @common/@ subdirectory and a
subdirectory named after the current environment.
Each file goes into its own hash in the configuration. For example, if you
placed a file called @memcache.yml@ within @config/environments/development@,
you would be able to access your Memcache timeout using
h3. Custom Configuration Locations
If you need to do your own configuration loading, you can do so using the
{Configoro::Hash#<<} method. For example, you could place the following in a
Ruby file under @config/initializers@:
MyApp::Configuration << "path/to/additional/yaml_file.yml"
MyApp::Configuration << { 'additional' => 'configuration' }
MyApp::Configuration.additional #=> 'configuration'
Note that if you pass a path to a YAML file, a key will be created to store the
contents of the file, named after the file name. If the key already exists, the
new values will be deep-merged into the existing values.
In the example above, the data in the @yaml_file.yml@ file can be accessed using