# encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" require "logstash/util" require "logstash/event" require "json" require "java" TIMESTAMP = "@timestamp" describe LogStash::Event do context "to_json" do it "should correctly serialize RubyNil values a Null values" do e = LogStash::Event.new({ "null_value" => nil, TIMESTAMP => "2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z"}) expect(JSON.parse(e.to_json)).to eq(JSON.parse("{\"null_value\":null,\"@timestamp\":\"2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z\",\"@version\":\"1\"}")) end it "should serialize simple values" do e = LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => "bar", "bar" => 1, "baz" => 1.0, TIMESTAMP => "2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z"}) expect(JSON.parse(e.to_json)).to eq(JSON.parse("{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"bar\":1,\"baz\":1.0,\"@timestamp\":\"2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z\",\"@version\":\"1\"}")) end it "should serialize deep hash values" do e = LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => {"bar" => 1, "baz" => 1.0, "biz" => "boz"}, TIMESTAMP => "2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z"}) expect(JSON.parse(e.to_json)).to eq(JSON.parse("{\"foo\":{\"bar\":1,\"baz\":1.0,\"biz\":\"boz\"},\"@timestamp\":\"2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z\",\"@version\":\"1\"}")) end it "should serialize deep array values" do e = LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => ["bar", 1, 1.0], TIMESTAMP => "2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z"}) expect(JSON.parse(e.to_json)).to eq(JSON.parse("{\"foo\":[\"bar\",1,1.0],\"@timestamp\":\"2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z\",\"@version\":\"1\"}")) end it "should serialize deep hash from field reference assignments" do e = LogStash::Event.new({TIMESTAMP => "2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z"}) e.set("foo", "bar") e.set("bar", 1) e.set("baz", 1.0) e.set("[fancy][pants][socks]", "shoes") expect(JSON.parse(e.to_json)).to eq(JSON.parse("{\"@timestamp\":\"2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z\",\"@version\":\"1\",\"foo\":\"bar\",\"bar\":1,\"baz\":1.0,\"fancy\":{\"pants\":{\"socks\":\"shoes\"}}}")) end end context "#get" do it "should get simple values" do e = LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => "bar", "bar" => 1, "baz" => 1.0, TIMESTAMP => "2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z"}) expect(e.get("foo")).to eq("bar") expect(e.get("[foo]")).to eq("bar") expect(e.get("bar")).to eq(1) expect(e.get("[bar]")).to eq(1) expect(e.get("baz")).to eq(1.0) expect(e.get("[baz]")).to eq(1.0) expect(e.get(TIMESTAMP).to_s).to eq("2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z") expect(e.get("[#{TIMESTAMP}]").to_s).to eq("2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z") end it "should get deep hash values" do e = LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => {"bar" => 1, "baz" => 1.0}}) expect(e.get("[foo][bar]")).to eq(1) expect(e.get("[foo][baz]")).to eq(1.0) end it "should get deep array values" do e = LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => ["bar", 1, 1.0]}) expect(e.get("[foo][0]")).to eq("bar") expect(e.get("[foo][1]")).to eq(1) expect(e.get("[foo][2]")).to eq(1.0) expect(e.get("[foo][3]")).to be_nil end context "negative array values" do it "should index from the end of the array" do list = ["bar", 1, 1.0] e = LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => list}) expect(e.get("[foo][-3]")).to eq(list[-3]) expect(e.get("[foo][-2]")).to eq(list[-2]) expect(e.get("[foo][-1]")).to eq(list[-1]) end end context 'with illegal-syntax field reference' do # NOTE: in true-legacy-mode FieldReference parsing, the input `[` caused Logstash # to crash entirely with a Java ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception; this spec ensures that # we instead raise a RuntimeException that can be handled normally within the # Ruby runtime. it 'raises a RuntimeError' do e = LogStash::Event.new expect { e.get('[') }.to raise_exception(::RuntimeError) end end end context "#set" do it "should set simple values" do e = LogStash::Event.new() expect(e.set("foo", "bar")).to eq("bar") expect(e.get("foo")).to eq("bar") e = LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => "test"}) expect(e.set("foo", "bar")).to eq("bar") expect(e.get("foo")).to eq("bar") end it "should propagate changes to mutable strings to java APIs" do e = LogStash::Event.new() e.to_java.setField("foo", "bar") expect(e.get("foo")).to eq("bar") e.get("foo").gsub!(/bar/, 'pff') expect(e.get("foo")).to eq("pff") expect(e.to_java.getField("foo")).to eq("pff") end it "should set deep hash values" do e = LogStash::Event.new() expect(e.set("[foo][bar]", "baz")).to eq("baz") expect(e.get("[foo][bar]")).to eq("baz") expect(e.get("[foo][baz]")).to be_nil end it "should set deep array values" do e = LogStash::Event.new() expect(e.set("[foo][0]", "bar")).to eq("bar") expect(e.get("[foo][0]")).to eq("bar") expect(e.set("[foo][1]", 1)).to eq(1) expect(e.get("[foo][1]")).to eq(1) expect(e.set("[foo][2]", 1.0)).to eq(1.0) expect(e.get("[foo][2]")).to eq(1.0) expect(e.get("[foo][3]")).to be_nil end it "should add key when setting nil value" do e = LogStash::Event.new() e.set("[foo]", nil) expect(e.to_hash).to include("foo" => nil) end # BigDecimal is now natively converted by JRuby, see https://github.com/elastic/logstash/pull/4838 it "should set BigDecimal" do e = LogStash::Event.new() e.set("[foo]", BigDecimal.new(1)) expect(e.get("foo")).to be_kind_of(BigDecimal) expect(e.get("foo")).to eq(BigDecimal.new(1)) end it "should set RubyInteger" do e = LogStash::Event.new() e.set("[foo]", -9223372036854776000) expect(e.get("foo")).to be_kind_of(Integer) expect(e.get("foo")).to eq(-9223372036854776000) end it "should convert Time to Timestamp" do e = LogStash::Event.new() time = Time.now e.set("[foo]", Time.at(time.to_f)) expect(e.get("foo")).to be_kind_of(LogStash::Timestamp) expect(e.get("foo").to_f).to be_within(0.1).of(time.to_f) end it "should fail on non UTF-8 encoding" do # e = LogStash::Event.new # s1 = "\xE0 Montr\xE9al".force_encoding("ISO-8859-1") # expect(s1.encoding.name).to eq("ISO-8859-1") # expect(s1.valid_encoding?).to eq(true) # e.set("test", s1) # s2 = e.get("test") # expect(s2.encoding.name).to eq("UTF-8") # expect(s2.valid_encoding?).to eq(true) end context 'with illegal-syntax field reference' do # NOTE: in true-legacy-mode FieldReference parsing, the input `[` caused Logstash # to crash entirely with a Java ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception; this spec ensures that # we instead raise a RuntimeException that can be handled normally within the # Ruby runtime. it 'raises a RuntimeError' do e = LogStash::Event.new expect { e.set('[', 'value') }.to raise_exception(::RuntimeError) end end end context "timestamp" do it "getters should present a Ruby LogStash::Timestamp" do e = LogStash::Event.new() expect(e.timestamp.class).to eq(LogStash::Timestamp) expect(e.get(TIMESTAMP).class).to eq(LogStash::Timestamp) end it "to_hash should inject a Ruby LogStash::Timestamp" do e = LogStash::Event.new() expect(e.to_java).to be_kind_of(Java::OrgLogstash::Event) expect(e.to_java.get_field(TIMESTAMP)).to be_kind_of(Java::OrgLogstash::Timestamp) expect(e.to_hash[TIMESTAMP]).to be_kind_of(LogStash::Timestamp) # now make sure the original map was not touched expect(e.to_java.get_field(TIMESTAMP)).to be_kind_of(Java::OrgLogstash::Timestamp) end it "should set timestamp" do e = LogStash::Event.new now = Time.now e.set("@timestamp", LogStash::Timestamp.at(now.to_i)) expect(e.timestamp.to_i).to eq(now.to_i) expect(e.get("@timestamp").to_i).to eq(now.to_i) end end context "append" do it "should append" do event = LogStash::Event.new("message" => "hello world") event.append(LogStash::Event.new("message" => "another thing")) expect(event.get("message")).to eq(["hello world", "another thing"]) end end context "tags" do it "should tag" do event = LogStash::Event.new("message" => "hello world") expect(event.get("tags")).to be_nil event.tag("foo") expect(event.get("tags")).to eq(["foo"]) end end # TODO(talevy): migrate tests to Java. no reason to test logging logic in ruby when it is being # done in java land. # context "logger" do # let(:logger) { double("Logger") } # before(:each) do # allow(LogStash::Event).to receive(:logger).and_return(logger) # end # it "should set logger using a module" do # expect(logger).to receive(:warn).once # LogStash::Event.new(TIMESTAMP => "invalid timestamp") # end # it "should warn on invalid timestamp object" do # expect(logger).to receive(:warn).once.with(/^Unrecognized/) # LogStash::Event.new(TIMESTAMP => Array.new) # end # end context "to_hash" do let (:source_hash) { {"a" => 1, "b" => [1, 2, 3, {"h" => 1, "i" => "baz"}], "c" => {"d" => "foo", "e" => "bar", "f" => [4, 5, "six"]}} } let (:source_hash_with_metadata) { source_hash.merge({"@metadata" => {"a" => 1, "b" => 2}}) } subject { LogStash::Event.new(source_hash_with_metadata) } it "should include @timestamp and @version" do h = subject.to_hash expect(h).to include("@timestamp") expect(h).to include("@version") expect(h).not_to include("@metadata") end it "should include @timestamp and @version and @metadata" do h = subject.to_hash_with_metadata expect(h).to include("@timestamp") expect(h).to include("@version") expect(h).to include("@metadata") end it "should produce valid deep Ruby hash without metadata" do h = subject.to_hash h.delete("@timestamp") h.delete("@version") expect(h).to eq(source_hash) end it "should produce valid deep Ruby hash with metadata" do h = subject.to_hash_with_metadata h.delete("@timestamp") h.delete("@version") expect(h).to eq(source_hash_with_metadata) end end context "from_json" do let (:source_json) { "{\"foo\":1, \"bar\":\"baz\"}" } let (:blank_strings) {["", " ", " "]} let (:bare_strings) {["aa", " aa", "aa "]} it "should produce a new event from json" do expect(LogStash::Event.from_json(source_json).size).to eq(1) event = LogStash::Event.from_json(source_json)[0] expect(event.get("[foo]")).to eq(1) expect(event.get("[bar]")).to eq("baz") end it "should ignore blank strings" do blank_strings.each do |s| expect(LogStash::Event.from_json(s).size).to eq(0) end end it "should raise TypeError on nil string" do expect{LogStash::Event.from_json(nil)}.to raise_error TypeError end it "should consistently handle nil" do blank_strings.each do |s| expect{LogStash::Event.from_json(nil)}.to raise_error expect{LogStash::Event.new(LogStash::Json.load(nil))}.to raise_error end end it "should consistently handle bare string" do bare_strings.each do |s| expect{LogStash::Event.from_json(s)}.to raise_error LogStash::Json::ParserError expect{LogStash::Event.new(LogStash::Json.load(s))}.to raise_error LogStash::Json::ParserError end end end context "initialize" do it "should accept Ruby Hash" do e = LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => 1, TIMESTAMP => "2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z"}) expect(e.get("foo")).to eq(1) expect(e.timestamp.to_iso8601).to eq("2015-05-28T23:02:05.350Z") end it "should accept Java Map" do h = Java::JavaUtil::HashMap.new h.put("foo", 2); h.put(TIMESTAMP, "2016-05-28T23:02:05.350Z"); e = LogStash::Event.new(h) expect(e.get("foo")).to eq(2) expect(e.timestamp.to_iso8601).to eq("2016-05-28T23:02:05.350Z") end end context "method missing exception messages" do subject { LogStash::Event.new({"foo" => "bar"}) } it "#[] method raises a better exception message" do expect { subject["foo"] }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, /Direct event field references \(i\.e\. event\['field'\]\)/) end it "#[]= method raises a better exception message" do expect { subject["foo"] = "baz" }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, /Direct event field references \(i\.e\. event\['field'\] = 'value'\)/) end it "other missing method raises normal exception message" do expect { subject.baz() }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, /undefined method `baz' for/) end end describe "#clone" do let(:fieldref) { "[@metadata][fancy]" } let(:event1) { LogStash::Event.new("hello" => "world", "@metadata" => { "fancy" => "pants" }) } let(:event2) { LogStash::Event.new("hello" => "world", "@metadata" => { "fancy" => {"fancy2" => "pants2"} }) } let(:event3) { LogStash::Event.new("hello" => "world", "@metadata" => { "fancy" => {"fancy2" => {"fancy3" => "pants2"}} }) } let(:event4) { LogStash::Event.new("hello" => "world", "@metadata" => { "fancy" => {"fancy2" => ["pants1", "pants2"]} }) } let(:event5) { LogStash::Event.new("hello" => "world", "@metadata" => { "fancy" => "pants", "smarty" => "pants2" }) } it "should clone metadata fields" do cloned = event1.clone expect(cloned.get(fieldref)).to eq("pants") expect(cloned.to_hash_with_metadata).to include("@metadata") end it "should clone metadata fields with nested json" do cloned = event2.clone expect(cloned.get(fieldref)).to eq({"fancy2" => "pants2"}) expect(cloned.get("hello")).to eq("world") expect(cloned.to_hash).not_to include("@metadata") expect(cloned.to_hash_with_metadata).to include("@metadata") end it "should clone metadata fields with 2-level nested json" do cloned = event3.clone expect(cloned.get(fieldref)).to eq({"fancy2" => {"fancy3" => "pants2"}}) expect(cloned.to_hash).not_to include("@metadata") expect(cloned.to_hash_with_metadata).to include("@metadata") end it "should clone metadata fields with nested json and array value" do cloned = event4.clone expect(cloned.get(fieldref)).to eq({"fancy2" => ["pants1", "pants2"]}) expect(cloned.to_hash_with_metadata).to include("@metadata") end it "should clone metadata fields with multiple keys" do cloned = event5.clone expect(cloned.get(fieldref)).to eq("pants") expect(cloned.get("[@metadata][smarty]")).to eq("pants2") expect(cloned.to_hash_with_metadata).to include("@metadata") end it "mutating cloned event should not affect the original event" do cloned = event1.clone cloned.set("hello", "foobar") expect(cloned.get("hello")).to eq("foobar") expect(event1.get("hello")).to eq("world") end it "mutating cloned event's metadata should not affect the original event metadata" do cloned = event1.clone cloned.set("[@metadata][fancy]", "foobar") expect(cloned.get("[@metadata][fancy]")).to eq("foobar") expect(event1.get("[@metadata][fancy]")).to eq("pants") end end end