// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /** @namespace An experimental `CollectionView` mixin that makes it extremely fast under certain circumstances, including for mobile devices. */ SC.CollectionFastPath = { // // ITEM VIEW CLASS/INSTANCE MANAGEMENT // initMixin: function() { this._indexMap = {}; }, /** Returns the pool for a given example view. The pool is calculated based on the guid for the example view class. @param {SC.View} exampleView */ poolForExampleView: function(exampleView) { var poolKey = "_pool_" + SC.guidFor(exampleView); if (!this[poolKey]) this[poolKey] = []; return this[poolKey]; }, /** Creates an item view from a given example view, configuring it with basic settings and the supplied attributes. @param {SC.View} exampleView @param {Hash} attrs */ createItemViewFromExampleView: function(exampleView, attrs) { // create the example view var ret = this.createItemView(exampleView, null, attrs); // for our pooling, if it is poolable, mark the view as poolable and // give it a reference to its pool. if (ret.isPoolable) { ret.owningPool = this.poolForExampleView(exampleView); } // we will sometimes need to know what example view created the item view ret.createdFromExampleView = exampleView; // and now, return (duh) return ret; }, /** @param {SC.View} itemView @param {Hash} attrs */ configureItemView: function(itemView, attrs) { // set settings. Self explanatory. itemView.beginPropertyChanges(); itemView.setIfChanged('content', attrs.content); itemView.setIfChanged('contentIndex', attrs.contentIndex); itemView.setIfChanged('parentView', attrs.parentView); itemView.setIfChanged('layerId', attrs.layerId); itemView.setIfChanged('isEnabled', attrs.isEnabled); itemView.setIfChanged('isSelected', attrs.isSelected); itemView.setIfChanged('outlineLevel', attrs.outlineLevel); itemView.setIfChanged('layout', attrs.layout); itemView.setIfChanged('disclosureState', attrs.disclosureState); itemView.setIfChanged('isVisibleInWindow', attrs.isVisibleInWindow); itemView.setIfChanged('isGroupView', attrs.isGroupView); itemView.setIfChanged('page', this.page); itemView.endPropertyChanges(); }, /** Configures a pooled view, calling `.awakeFromPool` if it is defined. @param {SC.View} itemView @param {Hash} attrs */ wakePooledView: function(itemView, attrs) { // configure this.configureItemView(itemView, attrs); // awake from the pool, etc. if (itemView.awakeFromPool) itemView.awakeFromPool(itemView.owningPool, this); }, /** Gets an item view from an example view, from a pool if possible, and otherwise by generating it. @param {SC.View} exampleView @param {Hash} attrs */ allocateItemView: function(exampleView, attrs) { // we will try to get it from a pool. This will fill ret. If ret is not // filled, then we'll know to generate one. var ret; // if it is poolable, we just grab from the pool. if (exampleView.prototype.isPoolable) { var pool = this.poolForExampleView(exampleView); if (pool.length > 0) { ret = pool.pop(); this.wakePooledView(ret, attrs); } } if (!ret) { ret = this.createItemViewFromExampleView(exampleView, attrs); } return ret; }, /** Releases an item view. If the item view is pooled, it puts it into the pool; otherwise, this calls `.destroy()`. This is called for one of two purposes: to release a view that is no longer displaying, or to release an older cached version of a view that needed to be replaced because the example view changed. @param {SC.View} itemView */ releaseItemView: function(itemView) { // if it is not poolable, there is not much we can do. if (!itemView.isPoolable) { itemView.destroy(); return; } // otherwise, we need to return to view var pool = itemView.owningPool; pool.push(itemView); if (itemView.hibernateInPool) itemView.hibernateInPool(pool, this); }, /** @private Returns YES if the item at the index is a group. */ contentIndexIsGroup: function(view, content, index) { var contentDelegate = this.get("contentDelegate"); // setup our properties var groupIndexes = this.get('_contentGroupIndexes'), isGroupView = NO; // and do our checking isGroupView = groupIndexes && groupIndexes.contains(index); if (isGroupView) isGroupView = contentDelegate.contentIndexIsGroup(this, this.get("content"), index); // and return return isGroupView; }, /** @private Determines the example view for a content index. There are two optional parameters that will speed things up: `contentObject` and `isGroupView`. If you don't supply them, they must be computed. */ exampleViewForItem: function(item, index) { var del = this.get('contentDelegate'), groupIndexes = this.get('_contentGroupIndexes'), key, ExampleView, isGroupView = this.contentIndexIsGroup(this, this.get('content'), index); if (isGroupView) { // so, if it is indeed a group view, we go that route to get the example view key = this.get('contentGroupExampleViewKey'); if (key && item) ExampleView = item.get(key); if (!ExampleView) ExampleView = this.get('groupExampleView') || this.get('exampleView'); } else { // otherwise, we go through the normal example view key = this.get('contentExampleViewKey'); if (key && item) ExampleView = item.get(key); if (!ExampleView) ExampleView = this.get('exampleView'); } return ExampleView; }, /** @private This may seem somewhat awkward, but it is for memory performance: this fills in a hash YOU provide with the properties for the given content index. Properties include both the attributes given to the view and some `CollectionView` tracking properties, most importantly the exampleView. */ setAttributesForItem: function(item, index, attrs) { var del = this.get('contentDelegate'), isGroupView = this.contentIndexIsGroup(this, this.get('content'), index), ExampleView = this.exampleViewForItem(item, index), content = this.get("content"); // // FIGURE OUT "NORMAL" ATTRIBUTES // attrs.createdFromExampleView = ExampleView; attrs.parentView = this.get('containerView') || this; attrs.contentIndex = index; attrs.owner = attrs.displayDelegate = this; attrs.content = item; attrs.page = this.page; attrs.layerId = this.layerIdFor(index); attrs.isEnabled = del.contentIndexIsEnabled(this, content, index); attrs.isSelected = del.contentIndexIsSelected(this, content, index); attrs.outlineLevel = del.contentIndexOutlineLevel(this, content, index); attrs.disclosureState = del.contentIndexDisclosureState(this, content, index); attrs.isVisibleInWindow = this.get('isVisibleInWindow'); attrs.isGroupView = isGroupView; attrs.layout = this.layoutForContentIndex(index); if (!attrs.layout) attrs.layout = ExampleView.prototype.layout; }, // // ITEM LOADING/DOM MANAGEMENT // /** @private Returns mapped item views for the supplied item. */ mappedViewsForItem: function(item, map) { if (!map) map = this._viewMap; return map[SC.guidFor(item)]; }, /** @private Returns the mapped view for an item at the specified index. */ mappedViewForItem: function(item, idx, map) { if (!map) map = this._viewMap; var m = map[SC.guidFor(item)]; if (!m) return undefined; return m[idx]; }, /** @private Maps a view to an item/index combination. */ mapView: function(item, index, view, map) { // get the default view map if a map was not supplied if (!map) map = this._viewMap; // get the item map var g = SC.guidFor(item), imap = map[g]; if (!imap) imap = map[g] = {_length: 0}; // fill in the index imap[index] = view; imap._length++; }, /** @private Unmaps a view from an item/index combination. */ unmapView: function(item, index, map) { if (!map) map = this._viewMap; var g = SC.guidFor(item), imap = map[g]; // return if there is nothing to do if (!imap) return; // remove if (imap[index]) { var v = imap[index]; delete imap[index]; imap._length--; if (imap._length <= 0) delete map[g]; } }, /** Returns the item view for the given content index. NOTE: THIS WILL ADD THE VIEW TO DOM TEMPORARILY (it will be cleaned if it is not used). As such, use sparingly. @param {Number} index */ itemViewForContentIndex: function(index) { var content = this.get("content"); if (!content) return; var item = content.objectAt(index); if (!item) return null; var exampleView = this.exampleViewForItem(item, index), view = this._indexMap[index]; if (view && view.createdFromExampleView !== exampleView) { this.removeItemView(view); this.unmapView(item, index); view = null; } if (!view) { view = this.addItemView(exampleView, item, index); } return view; }, /** @private Returns the nearest item view index to the supplied index mapped to the item. */ nearestMappedViewIndexForItem: function(item, index, map) { var m = this.mappedViewsForItem(item, map); if (!m) return null; // keep track of nearest and the nearest distance var nearest = null, ndist = -1, dist = 0; // loop through for (var idx in m) { idx = parseInt(idx, 10); if (isNaN(idx)) continue; // get distance dist = Math.abs(index - idx); // compare to nearest distance if (ndist < 0 || dist < ndist) { ndist = dist; nearest = idx; } } return nearest; }, /** @private Remaps the now showing views to their new indexes (if they have moved). */ remapItemViews: function(nowShowing) { // reset the view map, but keep the old for removing var oldMap = this._viewMap || {}, newMap = (this._viewMap = {}), indexMap = (this._indexMap = {}), mayExist = [], content = this.get("content"), item; if (!content) return; var itemsToAdd = this._itemsToAdd; // first, find items which we can (that already exist, etc.) nowShowing.forEach(function(idx) { item = content.objectAt(idx); // determine if we have view(s) in the old map for the item var possibleExistingViews = this.mappedViewsForItem(item, oldMap); if (possibleExistingViews) { // if it is the same index, we just take it. End of story. if (possibleExistingViews[idx]) { var v = possibleExistingViews[idx]; this.unmapView(item, idx, oldMap); this.mapView(item, idx, v, newMap); indexMap[idx] = v; } else { // otherwise, we must investigate later mayExist.push(idx); } } else { // if it is in now showing but we didn't find a view, it needs to be created. itemsToAdd.push(idx); } }, this); // now there are also some items which _could_ exist (but might not!) for (var idx = 0, len = mayExist.length; idx < len; idx++) { var newIdx = mayExist[idx]; item = content.objectAt(newIdx); var nearestOldIndex = this.nearestMappedViewIndexForItem(item, newIdx, oldMap), nearestView; if (!SC.none(nearestOldIndex)) { nearestView = this.mappedViewForItem(item, nearestOldIndex, oldMap); var newExampleView = this.exampleViewForItem(item, newIdx); if (newExampleView === nearestView.createdFromExampleView) { // if there is a near one, use it, and remove it from the map this.unmapView(item, nearestOldIndex, oldMap); this.mapView(item, newIdx, nearestView, newMap); indexMap[newIdx] = nearestView; } else { itemsToAdd.push(newIdx); } } else { // otherwise, we need to create it. itemsToAdd.push(newIdx); } } return oldMap; }, /** Reloads. @param {SC.IndexSet} nowShowing @param {Boolean} scrollOnly */ reloadIfNeeded: function(nowShowing, scrollOnly) { var content = this.get("content"), invalid; // we use the nowShowing to determine what should and should not be showing. if (!nowShowing || !nowShowing.isIndexSet) nowShowing = this.get('nowShowing'); // we only update if this is a non-scrolling update. // don't worry: we'll actually update after the fact, and the invalid indexes should // be queued up nicely. if (!scrollOnly) { invalid = this._invalidIndexes; if (!invalid || !this.get('isVisibleInWindow')) return this; this._invalidIndexes = NO; // tell others we will be reloading if (invalid.isIndexSet && invalid.contains(nowShowing)) invalid = YES ; if (this.willReload) this.willReload(invalid === YES ? null : invalid); } // get arrays of items to add/remove var itemsToAdd = this._itemsToAdd || (this._itemsToAdd = []); // remap var oldMap = this.remapItemViews(nowShowing); // The oldMap has the items to remove, so supply it to processRemovals this.processRemovals(oldMap); // handle the invalid set (if it is present) if (invalid) { this.processUpdates(invalid === YES ? nowShowing : invalid); } // process items to add this.processAdds(); // only clear the DOM pools if this is not during scrolling. Adding/removing is a // bad idea while scrolling :) if (!scrollOnly) this.clearDOMPools(); // clear the lists itemsToAdd.length = 0; // and if this is a full reload, we need to adjust layout if (!scrollOnly) { var layout = this.computeLayout(); if (layout) this.adjust(layout); if (this.didReload) this.didReload(invalid === YES ? null : invalid); } return this; }, /** Loops through remove queue and removes. @param {Hash} oldMap */ processRemovals: function(oldMap) { var content = this.get("content"); for (var guid in oldMap) { var imap = oldMap[guid]; for (var itemIdx in imap) { itemIdx = parseInt(itemIdx, 10); if (isNaN(itemIdx)) continue; var view = imap[itemIdx]; if (this._indexMap[itemIdx] === view) delete this._indexMap[itemIdx]; view._isInCollection = NO; this.removeItemView(view); } } }, /** @private Loops through update queue and... updates. */ processUpdates: function(invalid) { var u = this._itemsToUpdate, content = this.get("content"), item, view; invalid.forEach(function(idx) { item = content.objectAt(idx); if (view = this.mappedViewForItem(item, idx)) { if (!view._isInCollection) return; var ex = this.exampleViewForItem(item, idx); this.updateItemView(view, ex, item, idx); } }, this); }, /** @private Loops through add queue and, well, adds. */ processAdds: function() { var content = this.get("content"); var add = this._itemsToAdd, idx, len = add.length, itemIdx, item; for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { itemIdx = add[idx]; item = content.objectAt(itemIdx); // get example view and create item view var exampleView = this.exampleViewForItem(item, itemIdx); var view = this.addItemView(exampleView, item, itemIdx); } }, /** @private Clear all DOM pools. */ clearDOMPools: function() { var pools = this._domPools || (this._domPools = {}); for (var p in pools) { this.clearDOMPool(pools[p]); } }, /** @type Number @default 10 */ domPoolSize: 10, /** @private Clears a specific DOM pool. */ clearDOMPool: function(pool) { var idx, len = pool.length, item; // we skip one because there is a buffer area of one while scrolling for (idx = this.domPoolSize; idx < len; idx++) { item = pool[idx]; // remove from DOM this.removeChild(item); // release the item this.releaseItemView(item); } // pool is cleared. pool.length = Math.min(pool.length, this.domPoolSize); }, /** @private Returns the DOM pool for the given exampleView. */ domPoolForExampleView: function(exampleView) { var pools = this._domPools || (this._domPools = {}), guid = SC.guidFor(exampleView); var pool = pools[guid]; if (!pool) pool = pools[guid] = []; return pool; }, /** @private Tries to find an item for the given example view in a dom pool. If one could not be found, returns `null`. */ itemFromDOMPool: function(exampleView) { var pool = this.domPoolForExampleView(exampleView); if (pool.length < 1) return null; var view = pool.shift(); if (view.wakeFromDOMPool) view.wakeFromDOMPool(); return view; }, /** @private Sends a view to a DOM pool. */ sendToDOMPool: function(view) { var pool = this.domPoolForExampleView(view.createdFromExampleView); pool.push(view); var f = view.get("frame"); view.adjust({ top: -f.height }); view.set("layerId", SC.guidFor(view)); if (view.sleepInDOMPool) view.sleepInDOMPool(); }, /** @private Adds an item view (grabbing the actual item from one of the pools if possible). */ addItemView: function(exampleView, object, index) { var view, attrs = this._TMP_ATTRS || (this._TMP_ATTRS = {}); // in any case, we need attributes this.setAttributesForItem(object, index, attrs); // try to get from DOM pool first if (view = this.itemFromDOMPool(exampleView)) { // set attributes this.configureItemView(view, attrs); // set that it is in the collection view._isInCollection = YES; // add to view map (if not used, it will be removed) this.mapView(object, index, view); this._indexMap[index] = view; // and that should have repositioned too return view; } // otherwise, just allocate a view view = this.allocateItemView(exampleView, attrs); // and then, add it this.appendChild(view); // set that it is in the collection. view._isInCollection = YES; // add to view map (if not used, it will be removed) this.mapView(object, index, view); this._indexMap[index] = view; return view; }, /** @private Removes an item view. */ removeItemView: function(current) { if (current.get("layerIsCacheable")) { this.sendToDOMPool(current); } else { this.removeChild(current); } current._isInCollection = NO; }, /** Updates the specified item view. If the view is not "layer cacheable" or the example view has changed, it will be redrawn. Otherwise, nothing will happen. */ updateItemView: function(current, exampleView, object, index) { if (!current.get("layerIsCacheable") || current.createdFromExampleView !== exampleView) { // unmap old and remove this.unmapView(current, index); delete this._indexMap[index]; this.removeItemView(current, object, index); // add new and map var newView = this.addItemView(exampleView, object, index); } else { var attrs = this._TMP_ATTRS || (this._TMP_ATTRS = {}); this.setAttributesForItem(object, index, attrs); this.configureItemView(current, attrs); } }, /** @private Tells `ScrollView` that this should receive live updates during touch scrolling. We are so fast, aren't we? */ _lastTopUpdate: 0, /** @private */ _lastLeftUpdate: 0, /** @private */ _tolerance: 100, /** @private */ touchScrollDidChange: function(left, top) { // prevent getting too many in close succession. if (Date.now() - this._lastTouchScrollTime < 25) return; var clippingFrame = this.get('clippingFrame'); var cf = this._inScrollClippingFrame || (this._inScrollClippingFrame = {x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0}); cf.x = clippingFrame.x; cf.y = clippingFrame.y; cf.width = clippingFrame.width; cf.height = clippingFrame.height; // update cf.x = left; cf.y = top; var r = this.contentIndexesInRect(cf); if (!r) return; // no rect, do nothing. var len = this.get('length'), max = r.get('max'), min = r.get('min'); if (max > len || min < 0) { r = r.copy(); r.remove(len, max-len).remove(min, 0-min).freeze(); } if (this._lastNowShowing) { if (r.contains(this._lastNowShowing) && this._lastNowShowing.contains(r)) return; } this._lastNowShowing = r; this.reloadIfNeeded(r, YES); this._lastTouchScrollTime = Date.now(); } };