#!/opt/tpkg/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use CPAN; use Config; # According to the Changes file for EU::I this is the earliest version # that supports all of the ExtUtils::Installed->new() parameters we use. use ExtUtils::Installed 1.41_03; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use File::Find; # find use File::Path; # mkpath use File::Basename; # basename, dirname use File::Copy; # copy use File::Spec; # catdir, catfile, etc. use Storable qw(dclone); sub usage { die < \$modver, 'package-version=s' => \$pkgver, 'extra-deps=s' => \$extradepsopts, 'native-deps=s' => \$nativedepsopts, 'force' => \$force, 'help' => \$help); my $module = shift @ARGV; usage() if (!$getopt); usage() if ($help); usage() if (!$module); # FIXME: we're not actually using $modver, we're just letting CPAN install # the latest available version if ($modver) { die "--version not implemented\n"; } my @extradepsopts = split(/,/, $extradepsopts); while (scalar @extradepsopts) { my $dep = shift @extradepsopts; # These are optional, shift will return undef if they aren't present # and we'll handle that properly when creating tpkg.xml my $depminver = shift @extradepsopts; my $depmaxver = shift @extradepsopts; $extradeps{$dep} = {}; $extradeps{$dep}{minimum_version} = $depminver; $extradeps{$dep}{maximum_version} = $depmaxver; } my @nativedepsopts = split(/,/, $nativedepsopts); while (scalar @nativedepsopts) { my $dep = shift @nativedepsopts; # These are optional, shift will return undef if they aren't present # and we'll handle that properly when creating tpkg.xml my $depminver = shift @nativedepsopts; my $depmaxver = shift @nativedepsopts; $nativedeps{$dep} = {}; $nativedeps{$dep}{minimum_version} = $depminver; $nativedeps{$dep}{maximum_version} = $depmaxver; } # FIXME, pause for confirmation? printf "Running under $^X, version %vd\n", $^V; # Getting the major and minor versions out of $^X looks like it should be # more straighforward according to the documentation, but the structure of # $^X is different between Perl 5.8 and 5.10 and despite a few hours of # trying I'm not smart enough to sort it out. # Example $] from perl 5.8.8: 5.008008 my ($major, my $minorpatch) = split(/\./, $]); my ($minor, $patch) = unpack('A3A3', $minorpatch); # Force conversion to number so that 010 becomes 10, etc. my $majornum = $major + 0; my $minornum = $minor + 0; my $majorminor = "$majornum$minornum"; my $majordotminor = "$majornum.$minornum"; # FIXME: distribute MyConfig.pm? # MyConfig.pm needs all sorts of OS-specific stuff (paths to make, gzip, # etc.) so distributing it would be a pain. For now we don't, and thus # force the user to do their own CPAN configuration. In Perl 5.10 # that's fairly painless. my $modobj = CPAN::Shell->expand('Module', $module); if (!$modobj) { die "Unable to find $module or something went wrong\n"; } # Set install location to temp directory # There are two installers that modules might use to install themselves # (ExtUtils::MakeMaker or Module::Build), so we have to set two different # options to cover both possiblities. my $workdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); print "Working directory: $workdir\n"; # http://perldoc.perl.org/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.html#DESTDIR CPAN::Shell->o('conf', 'makepl_arg', "DESTDIR=$workdir"); # http://perldoc.perl.org/Module/Build.html#INSTALL-PATHS CPAN::Shell->o('conf', 'mbuildpl_arg', "--destdir=$workdir"); # Automatically install dependencies so that we can package them too CPAN::Shell->o('conf', 'prerequisites_policy', "follow"); # In order for cpan2tpkg to be able to install and package dependencies of the # user's module we need perl to be able to find modules installed in our # working directory. $ENV{PERL5LIB} = File::Spec->catdir($workdir, $Config{sitelib}); # Install the module if ($force) { CPAN::Shell->force('install', $module); } else { CPAN::Shell->install($module); } # It is not nearly as straightforward as one might wish to get # ExtUtils::Installed to inspect only a specified directory structure and not # include system library directories. EU::I wants to look at a couple of # system directories from $Config, any directories in the PERL5LIB environment # variable, and any extra directories you pass it. You can work around the # system directories from $Config by passing EU::I your own modified $Config # via the config_override parameter. We override $ENV{PERL5LIB} above. # And that just leaves it searching the extra directories you pass it via the # extra_libs parameter. To further complicate matters EU::I searches the # directories in @INC when asked for the version of an installed module, but # allows you to customize that via the inc_override parameter. my @incwork; foreach my $incdir (@INC) { push(@incwork, File::Spec->catdir($workdir, $incdir)); } @incwork = sort(@incwork); # Lie to ExtUtils::Installed about the two directories from %Config it # cares about so that it only searches our working directory and no # system directories. my %myconfig = %{dclone(\%Config)}; $myconfig{archlibexp} = File::Spec->catdir($workdir, $Config{archlibexp}); $myconfig{sitearchexp} = File::Spec->catdir($workdir, $Config{sitearchexp}); my $extinst = ExtUtils::Installed->new( config_override=>\%myconfig, inc_override=>\@incwork, extra_libs=>\@incwork); print "Installed modules to be packaged (except Perl):\n"; print join(', ', $extinst->modules), "\n"; # Inspect temp directory and package each installed module MODULE: foreach my $name ($extinst->modules) { next MODULE if ($name eq 'Perl'); print "Packaging $name\n"; my %deps = (); my $mod = CPAN::Shell->expand('Module', $name); # Sometimes calling expand on a result from EU::I->modules doesn't # work. For example, if the user requests Date::Parse that module # is part of the TimeDate distribution. EU::I->modules will return # ['Perl', 'TimeDate'], but calling expand on TimeDate fails. # FIXME: We should find an alternative to EU::I->modules, # something that returns the distributions installed rather than the # modules. if (!$mod) { # If EU::I->modules only returned two results we can safely # assume the !Perl one is whatever the user asked to have # installed and use its expansion instead. Continue the example # mentioned above, calling expand on TimeDate fails but calling # expand on Date::Parse works, for whatever reason. if (scalar($extinst->modules) == 2) { # We've already called expand on the user's request, so we # can reuse that result. $mod = $modobj; warn "Failed to expand $name the usual way, secondary efforts ", "successful\n"; } else { warn "Failed to expand $name, secondary efforts failed, skipping\n"; next MODULE; } } # Note that this won't work if we ever implement letting the user # select a specific version (via the --version CLI option), as # expand presumably returns the info for the latest available # version of the distribution. Note that EU::I->version returns the # version of the module, not the version of the distribution, and # those can differ. We're packaging the distribution, which may # include multiple modules with their own, differing versions. my $ver = module_to_dist_ver($mod); print "Module version is $ver\n"; my $pkgname = module_to_pkg_name($mod); print "Package name, based on distribution, is $pkgname\n"; # Looks like newer versions of CPAN.pm have a CPAN::Module::distribution() # method. What I'm using here is a little hacky but works, so I # don't think it is worth forcing users to use a newer version. my $dist = CPAN::Shell->expand('Distribution', $mod->{RO}{CPAN_FILE}); # The docs say you have to call make before prereq_pm is available $dist->make; # If there are any pre-reqs capture those if ($dist->prereq_pm) { # Older versions return a basic {module name => min version} structure # Newer versions seperate build-time dependencies (build_requires) # from run-time dependencies (requires), each of which has the # {name=>minver} format. my %prereqs = %{$dist->prereq_pm}; if (exists $prereqs{requires}) { # If we got back the newer format we want to pull out the run-time # requirements. If there are no run-time requirements then # $prereqs{requires} will be undef. if ($prereqs{requires}) { %prereqs = %{$prereqs{requires}}; } else { %prereqs = (); } } PREREQ: foreach my $dep (keys %prereqs) { if ($dep eq 'perl') { # We always add a dependency on perl anyway, so the # module's dependency is only relevant if it specifies a # newer version than is running. if ($prereqs{$dep} ne '0') { if ($prereqs{$dep} > $]) { die "Module requires perl >= $prereqs{$dep}, this is $]\n"; } } } else { # Skip dependencies on core modules my $depmod = CPAN::Shell->expand('Module', $dep); # This is a bit of an indirect way to identify core # modules but the only way I can figure out. Core stuff # gets installed with perl into /opt/tpkg/perl-version, # CPAN modules into /opt/tpkg/lib/perl5/site_perl. # # What seems like it should be the "right" way is that # the "D" (aka "Development Stage") field in # dslip_status has "S" (aka "Standard, supplied with # Perl 5") as one of its possible values, according to # the docs (http://perldoc.perl.org/CPAN.html). # However, that doesn't seem to be set reliably. if ($depmod->inst_file && $depmod->inst_file =~ /$Config{prefix}/) { print "Prereq $dep is a core module, skipping\n"; next PREREQ; } my $deppkgname = module_to_pkg_name($depmod); $deps{$deppkgname} = {}; if ($prereqs{$dep} ne '0') { $deps{$deppkgname}{minimum_version} = $prereqs{$dep}; } } } } my $tpkgdir = tempdir(CLEANUP =>1); print "Packaging into $tpkgdir\n"; mkdir("$tpkgdir/root"); my $nativefile; foreach my $packlistfile ($extinst->files($name)) { chomp($packlistfile); # Chop off $workdir $packlistfile =~ s/^$workdir//; # Make directory tree in $tpkgdir mkpath("$tpkgdir/root/" . dirname($packlistfile)); # Copy file copy("$workdir/$packlistfile", "$tpkgdir/root/$packlistfile"); if ($packlistfile =~ quotemeta($Config{archname})) { $nativefile = 1; } } # Create tpkg.xml open(my $xmlfh, '>', "$tpkgdir/tpkg.xml") or die; print $xmlfh '', "\n"; print $xmlfh '', "\n"; print $xmlfh '', "\n"; print $xmlfh " cpan-perl$majorminor-$pkgname", "\n"; print $xmlfh " $ver", "\n"; print $xmlfh " $pkgver", "\n"; print $xmlfh " cpan package for $pkgname", "\n"; print $xmlfh ' cpan2tpkg', "\n"; # If the package has native code then it needs to be flagged as # specific to the OS and architecture if ($nativefile) { my $os; my $arch; open(my $tpkgqefh, '-|', 'tpkg --qe') or die; while(my $tpkgqeline = <$tpkgqefh>) { chomp($tpkgqeline); if ($tpkgqeline =~ /^Operating System: (.*)/) { $os = $1; } elsif ($tpkgqeline =~ /^Architecture: (.*)/) { $arch = $1; } } close($tpkgqefh); if (!$os || !$arch) { die "Unable to read OS and architecture from tpkg --qe"; } # Packages built on Red Hat should work on CentOS and # vice-versa if ($os =~ /RedHat-(.*)/) { $os = $os . ",CentOS-$1"; } elsif ($os =~ /CentOS-(.*)/) { $os = $os . ",RedHat-$1"; } print $xmlfh " $os", "\n"; print $xmlfh " $arch", "\n"; } # Insert appropriate dependencies into the package print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; foreach my $dep (keys %deps) { print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; print $xmlfh " cpan-perl$majorminor-$dep", "\n"; if ($deps{$dep}{minimum_version}) { print $xmlfh " $deps{$dep}{minimum_version}", "\n"; } if ($deps{$dep}{maximum_version}) { print $xmlfh " $deps{$dep}{maximum_version}", "\n"; } print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; } foreach my $extradep (keys %extradeps) { print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; print $xmlfh " $extradep", "\n"; if ($extradeps{$extradep}{minimum_version}) { print $xmlfh " $extradeps{$extradep}{minimum_version}", "\n"; } if ($extradeps{$extradep}{maximum_version}) { print $xmlfh " $extradeps{$extradep}{maximum_version}", "\n"; } print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; } foreach my $nativedep (keys %nativedeps) { print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; print $xmlfh " $nativedep", "\n"; if ($nativedeps{$nativedep}{minimum_version}) { print $xmlfh " $nativedeps{$nativedep}{minimum_version}", "\n"; } if ($nativedeps{$nativedep}{maximum_version}) { print $xmlfh " $nativedeps{$nativedep}{maximum_version}", "\n"; } print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; } # Insert an appropriate dependency on Perl itself print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; print $xmlfh " perl", "\n"; print $xmlfh " ", sprintf("%vd", $^V), "", "\n"; print $xmlfh " $majordotminor.9999", "\n"; print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; print $xmlfh ' ', "\n"; print $xmlfh '', "\n"; # Build package system("tpkg --make $tpkgdir"); } # Pass in an expanded module (CPAN::Shell->expand), get back a name # suitable for use in packaging. # The package name is based on the distribution that contains the # module, as sometimes multiple modules are packaged into a single # distribution file. sub module_to_pkg_name { my $mod = shift; my $distfilename = basename($mod->{RO}{CPAN_FILE}); my $pkgname = $distfilename; # Cut off the version and suffix # I.e. TimeDate-1.20.tar.gz -> TimeDate $pkgname =~ s/-\d.*//; return $pkgname; } # Pass in an expanded module (CPAN::Shell->expand), get back the version # of the associated distribution. sub module_to_dist_ver { my $mod = shift; my $distfilename = basename($mod->{RO}{CPAN_FILE}); # Cut off the distribution name and suffix # I.e. TimeDate-1.20.tar.gz -> 1.20 $distfilename =~ /-(\d.*?)\.\D/; my $distver = $1; return $distver; }