require 'spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::DeltaJob do subject do ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::DeltaJob.tap do |s| s.stub(:` => true) s.stub(:puts => nil) end end describe '.perform' do before :each do ThinkingSphinx.suppress_delta_output = false ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta.stub(:locked?).and_return(false) end it "should output the delta indexing by default" do subject.should_receive(:puts) subject.perform('foo_delta') end it "should not output the delta indexing if requested" do ThinkingSphinx.suppress_delta_output = true subject.should_not_receive(:puts) subject.perform('foo_delta') end it "should process just the requested index" do subject.should_receive(:`) do |c| c.should match(/foo_delta/) c.should_not match(/--all/) end subject.perform('foo_delta') end context 'when an index is locked' do before do ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta.stub(:locked?) do |index_name| index_name == 'foo_delta' ? true : false end end it "should not start the indexer" do subject.should_not_receive(:`) subject.perform('foo_delta') end it "should start the indexer for unlocked indexes" do subject.should_receive(:`) subject.perform('bar_delta') end end context 'with flag as deleted document ids' do let(:client) { stub('client', :update => true) } let(:document_ids) { [1, 2, 3] } let(:bundled_search) { double('bundled_search', :search_for_ids => []) } before :each do ThinkingSphinx.updates_enabled = true ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance.stub(:client => client) ThinkingSphinx.stub(:sphinx_running? => true) ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::FlagAsDeletedSet.stub(:processing_members => document_ids) ThinkingSphinx::Search.stub_chain(:bundle_searches, :map => document_ids) end it 'should get the processing set of flag as deleted document ids' do ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::FlagAsDeletedSet.should_receive(:processing_members).with('foo_core') subject.perform('foo_delta') end it "should not update if Sphinx isn't running" do ThinkingSphinx.stub(:sphinx_running? => false) client.should_not_receive(:update) subject.perform('foo_delta') end it "should validate the document ids with sphinx" do ThinkingSphinx::Search.stub(:bundle_searches).tap do |s| document_ids.inject(s) do |s, id| s.and_yield(bundled_search, id) end end document_ids.each do |id| bundled_search.should_receive(:search_for_ids).with([], :index => 'foo_core', :id_range => end subject.perform('foo_delta') end context "with invalid ids" do before :each do ThinkingSphinx::Search.stub_chain(:bundle_searches, :map => document_ids.reject {|x| x == 2} ) end it "should not update documents that aren't in the index" do client.should_receive(:update) do |index, attributes, values| values.should_not include(2) end subject.perform('foo_delta') end it "should update documents that are in the index" do client.should_receive(:update) do |index, attributes, values| values.keys.should eql(document_ids.reject{|x| x == 2}) end subject.perform('foo_delta') end end it "should update the specified index" do client.should_receive(:update) do |index, attributes, values| index.should == 'foo_core' end subject.perform('foo_delta') end it "should update the sphinx_deleted attribute" do client.should_receive(:update) do |index, attributes, values| attributes.should == ['sphinx_deleted'] end subject.perform('foo_delta') end it "should set sphinx_deleted for valid documents to true" do client.should_receive(:update) do |index, attributes, values| document_ids.each {|id| values[id].should == [1] } end subject.perform('foo_delta') end end end describe '.around_perform_lock1' do before :each do Resque.stub(:encode => 'DeltaJobsAreAwesome') Resque.stub_chain(:redis, :lrem) ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::FlagAsDeletedSet.stub(:get_subset_for_processing) ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::FlagAsDeletedSet.stub(:clear_processing) end it 'should clear all other delta jobs' do Resque.redis.should_receive(:lrem).with("queue:#{subject.instance_variable_get(:@queue)}", 0, 'DeltaJobsAreAwesome') subject.around_perform_lock1('foo_delta') {} end it 'should set up the processing set of document ids' do ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::FlagAsDeletedSet.should_receive(:get_subset_for_processing).with('foo_core') subject.around_perform_lock1('foo_delta') {} end it 'should clear the processing set when finished' do ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::FlagAsDeletedSet.should_receive(:clear_processing).with('foo_core') subject.around_perform_lock1('foo_delta') {} end end describe '.lock_failed' do it 'should enqueue the delta job again' do Resque.stub(:enqueue => true) Resque.should_receive(:enqueue) subject.lock_failed('foo_delta') end end end