require 'base64' require 'simplews' class WorkflowSOAP < SimpleWS attr_accessor :workflow def job(jobid) workdir = @workflow.workdir if workdir.respond_to? :find workdir_find = workdir.find else workdir_find = workdir end @workflow.load_step(File.join(workdir_find, jobid)) end def initialize(workflow, *args) super(workflow.to_s, *args) @workflow = workflow @workflow.synchronous_exports.each do |name| synchronous name end @workflow.asynchronous_exports.each do |name| asynchronous name end @workflow.stream_exports.each do |name| asynchronous name end desc "Job management: Check the status of a job" param_desc :jobid => "Job identifier", :return => "Status code. Special status codes are: 'done' and 'error'" serve :status, [:jobid], :jobid => :string, :return => :string do |jobid| (job(jobid).status || :queued).to_s end desc "Job management: Return an array with the messages issued by the job" param_desc :jobid => "Job identifier", :return => "Array with message strings" serve :messages, ['jobid'], :job => :string, :return => :array do |jobid| job(jobid).messages || [] end desc "Job management: Return a YAML string containing arbitrary information set up by the job" param_desc :jobid => "Job identifier", :return => "Hash with arbitrary values in YAML format" serve :info, ['jobid'], :jobid => :string, :return => :string do |jobid| job(jobid).info.to_yaml end desc "Job management: Load job result as string " param_desc :jobid => "Job identifier", :return => "String containing the result of the job" serve :load_string, %w(jobid), :jobid => :string, :return => :string do |jobid| end desc "Job management: Abort the job" param_desc :jobid => "Job identifier" serve :abort, %w(jobid), :jobid => :string, :return => false do |jobid| job(jobid).abort end desc "Job management: Check if the job is done. Could have finished successfully, with error, or have been aborted" param_desc :jobid => "Job identifier", :return => "True if the job has status 'done', 'error' or 'aborted'" serve :done, %w(jobid), :jobid => :string, :return => :boolean do |jobid| [:done, :error, :aborted].include?((job(jobid).status || :queued).to_sym) end desc "Job management: Check if the job has finished with error. The last message is the error message" param_desc :jobid => "Job identifier", :return => "True if the job has status 'error'" serve :error, %w(jobid), :jobid => :string, :return => :boolean do |jobid| job(jobid).status.to_sym == :error end desc "Job management: Check if the job has finished with error. The last message is the error message" param_desc :jobid => "Job identifier", :return => "True if the job has status 'error'" serve :clean, %w(jobid), :jobid => :string, :return => nil do |jobid| job(jobid).clean nil end end def synchronous(*tasknames) tasknames.each do |name| name = name.to_sym task = @workflow.tasks[name] desc @workflow.task_description[name] if @workflow.task_description.include? name rec_inputs = @workflow.rec_inputs name rec_input_descriptions= @workflow.rec_input_descriptions name rec_input_types= @workflow.rec_input_types name param_desc rec_input_descriptions serve name, rec_inputs, rec_input_types, &task end end def asynchronous(*tasknames) tasknames.each do |name| task = @workflow.tasks[name] desc @workflow.task_description[name] if @workflow.task_description.include? name rec_inputs = @workflow.rec_inputs name rec_input_descriptions= @workflow.rec_input_descriptions name rec_input_types= @workflow.rec_input_types name param_desc rec_input_descriptions.merge(:suggested_name => "Suggested Name", :return => "Job identifier") serve name, [:suggested_name] + rec_inputs, rec_input_types.merge(:suggested_name => :string, :return => :string) do |jobname, *inputs| inputs = Hash[*@workflow.rec_inputs(name).zip(inputs).flatten] step = @workflow.job(name, jobname, inputs) step.fork @workflow.id_for step.path end end end end