.\" generated with Ronn-NG/v0.9.1 .\" http://github.com/apjanke/ronn-ng/tree/0.9.1 .TH "UFFIZZI\-PROJECT\-COMPOSE\-SET" "" "April 2022" "" .SH "NAME" \fBuffizzi\-project\-compose\-set\fR \- sets the configuration of a project with a compose file .SH "SYNOPSIS" .nf uffizzi project compose set [\-\-repository=REPOSITORY] [\-\-branch=BRANCH] [\-\-path=PATH_TO_COMPOSE_FILE] [UFFIZZI_WIDE_FLAG \|\.\|\.\|\.] .fi .SH "DESCRIPTION" .nf By default, sets the configuration of the default project with the specified compose file\. Use the \-\-project flag to set the compose file of a different project\. If already set, this command overrides the project\'s configuration with the new compose file\. The compose file must exist within a GitHub repository\. This command can fail for the following reasons: \- The repository, branch, or path to the compose file as specified does not exist\. \- uffizzi is not authorized to access the repository\. Run $ uffizzi connect \-\-help for details about connecting to external services\. \- The compose file is invalid\. For more information on the uffizzi project compose command, see: https://docs\.uffizzi\.com/cli/project For more information on the Uffizzi Compose specification, see: https://docs\.uffizzi\.com/references/compose\-spec .fi .SH "FLAGS" .nf \-\-repository=REPOSITORY The repository that contains the compose file you want to set for a project\. \-\-branch=BRANCH The branch of the repository that contains the compose file you want to set for a project\. If not specified, the default branch as configured on GitHub is used\. \-\-path=PATH_TO_COMPOSE_FILE The path to the compose file that you want to set for a project\. This compose file is used as the default when creating previews\. Run $ uffizzi preview \-\-help for details\. .fi .SH "UFFIZZI WIDE FLAGS" .nf These flags are available to all commands: \-\-project\. Run $ uffizzi help for details\. .fi .SH "EXAMPLES" .nf The following command sets a compose file for the default project\. The compose file (docker\-compose\.uffizzi\.yml) exists in the main branch of a GitHub repository called example\-app: $ uffizzi project compose set \e \-\-repository="github\.com/example/example\-app" \e \-\-branch="main" \e \-\-path="app/docker\-compose\.uffizzi\.yml" .fi