begin require "rspec/core/rake_task" desc "Run RSpec code examples" do |t| # Glob pattern to match files. t.pattern = "spec/unit/**/test_*.rb" # Whether or not to fail Rake when an error occurs (typically when # examples fail). t.fail_on_error = true # A message to print to stderr when there are failures. t.failure_message = nil # Use verbose output. If this is set to true, the task will print the # executed spec command to stdout. t.verbose = true # Use rcov for code coverage? t.rcov = false # Path to rcov. t.rcov_path = "rcov" # Command line options to pass to rcov. See 'rcov --help' about this t.rcov_opts = [] # Command line options to pass to ruby. See 'ruby --help' about this t.ruby_opts = [] # Path to rspec t.rspec_path = "rspec" # Command line options to pass to rspec. See 'rspec --help' about this t.rspec_opts = ["--color", "--backtrace"] end rescue LoadError => ex task :unit_test do abort 'rspec is not available. In order to run spec, you must: gem install rspec' end ensure task :spec => [:unit_test] task :test => [:unit_test] end