<%- set_title "Content Report" -%> <%- unless @report -%>

This report displays the most popular content for the selected site(s) as well as the top entrance and exit pages per visit.

<%- end -%> <%- if @sites.size == 1 -%>

No traffic data has been gathered yet. Please try again later.

<%- else -%>
<%= legend_tag "Report Criteria" -%>

<%= select_tag "site", options_for_select(@sites, params[:site] || "All Sites") -%>

<%= select_tag "time_period", options_for_select(@time_periods, params[:time_period].titleize) -%>

<%= select_tag "visit_kind", options_for_select(TrackableSession.kinds_for_select, params[:visit_kind] || "All") -%>
<%- end -%> <%- if @report -%>
<%= Seer::init_visualization -%>
<%= legend_tag "Top Content", :help => 'This chart shows the top 25 most-requested pages across the selected site(s). Click on any bar in the graph for a count of visits to the corresponding page.' -%>
<%= Seer::visualize( @pages_series, :as => :bar_chart, :in_element => 'pages_chart', :series => {:series_label => 'url', :data_method => 'views'}, :chart_options => { :height => @pages_series.size * 20, :width => 900, :is_3_d => false, :legend => 'none', :colors => ["#7e7587"], :title => "# of Page Views", :title_font_size => 9, :title_x => '', :axis_font_size => 10 } ) -%>
<%= legend_tag "Entrance Pages", :help => 'This chart shows the top 25 pages that users initially visited across the selected site(s). Click on any bar in the graph for a count of visits to the corresponding page.' -%>
<%= Seer::visualize( @entrance_pages_series, :as => :bar_chart, :in_element => 'entrance_pages_chart', :series => {:series_label => 'url', :data_method => 'views'}, :chart_options => { :height => @entrance_pages_series.size * 20, :width => 900, :is_3_d => false, :legend => 'none', :colors => ["#7e7587"], :title => "# of Page Views", :title_font_size => 9, :title_x => '', :axis_font_size => 10 } ) -%>
<%= legend_tag "Exit Pages", :help => 'This chart shows the top 25 pages that users last visited before leaving the selected site(s). Click on any bar in the graph for a count of visits to the corresponding page.' -%>
<%= Seer::visualize( @exit_pages_series, :as => :bar_chart, :in_element => 'exit_pages_chart', :series => {:series_label => 'url', :data_method => 'views'}, :chart_options => { :height => @exit_pages_series.size * 20, :width => 900, :is_3_d => false, :legend => 'none', :colors => ["#7e7587"], :title => "# of Page Views", :title_font_size => 9, :title_x => '', :axis_font_size => 10 } ) -%>
<%= render 'print_buttons' -%> <%- end -%>