from trac.web.api import ITemplateStreamFilter from trac.core import * from genshi.core import * from genshi.builder import tag from sets import Set as set from genshi.filters.transform import Transformer import re from import ReportModule from trac.util.datefmt import format_datetime, format_time import csv from trac.web.api import RequestDone billing_report_regex = re.compile("\{(?P\d*)\}") def report_id_from_text(text): m = billing_report_regex.match(text) if m: return int(m.groupdict()["reportid"]) def get_billing_reports(comp): cur = comp.env.get_db_cnx().cursor() try: cur.execute("SELECT id FROM custom_report") return set([x[0] for x in cur.fetchall()]) except Exception, e: # if we can't get the billing reports (e.g. the # TimingAndEstimationPlugin isn't installed), silently continue # without hiding anything. return set() class RowFilter(object): """A genshi filter that operates on table rows, completely hiding any that are in the billing_reports table.""" def __init__(self, comp): self.component = comp self.billing_reports = get_billing_reports(comp) self.component.log.debug('self.billing_reports= %r' % self.billing_reports) def __call__(self, row_stream): events = list(row_stream) report_url = Stream(events) \ .select('td[@class="report"]/a/@href').render() id = int(report_url.split('/')[-1]) if not id in self.billing_reports: for kind,data,pos in Stream(events): yield kind,data,pos class ReportsFilter(Component): """Remove all billing reports from the reports list.""" implements(ITemplateStreamFilter) def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data): if not filename == 'report_view.html': return stream self.log.debug("Applying Reports Filter to remove T&E reports") return stream | Transformer( '//table[@class="listing reports"]/tbody/tr' ).filter(RowFilter(self)) class ReportScreenFilter(Component): """Hides TandE reports even when you just go to the url""" implements(ITemplateStreamFilter) def __init__(self): self.billing_reports = get_billing_reports(self) self.log.debug('ReportScreenFilter: self.billing_reports= %r' % self.billing_reports) def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data): if not filename == 'report_view.html': return stream reportid = [None] def idhelper(strm): header = strm[0][1] if not reportid[0]: self.log.debug("ReportScreenFilter: helper: %s %s %s"%(strm,header,report_id_from_text(header))) reportid[0] = report_id_from_text(header) for kind, data, pos in strm: yield kind, data, pos def permhelper(strm): id = reportid[0] self.log.debug("ReportScreenFilter: id:%s, in bill: %s has perm:%s" % (id, id in self.billing_reports, req.perm.has_permission("TIME_VIEW"))) if id and id in self.billing_reports and not req.perm.has_permission("TIME_VIEW"): self.log.debug("ReportScreenFilter: No time view, prevent render") msg = "YOU MUST HAVE TIME_VIEW PERMSSIONS TO VIEW THIS REPORT" for kind, data, pos in tag.span(msg).generate(): yield kind, data, pos else: for kind, data, pos in strm: yield kind, data, pos self.log.debug("ReportScreenFilter: About to prevent rendering of billing reports without permissions") stream = stream | Transformer('//div[@id="content"]/h1/text()').filter(idhelper) stream = stream | Transformer('//div[@id="content"]').filter(permhelper) return stream ## ENFORCE PERMISSIONS ON report exports billing_report_fname_regex = re.compile("report_(?P\d*)") def report_id_from_filename(text): if text: m = billing_report_fname_regex.match(text) if m: return int(m.groupdict()["reportid"]) return -1; def _send_csv(self, req, cols, rows, sep=',', mimetype='text/plain', filename=None): req.send_response(200) req.send_header('Content-Type', mimetype + ';charset=utf-8') if filename: req.send_header('Content-Disposition', 'filename=' + filename) req.end_headers() id = report_id_from_filename(filename) reports = get_billing_reports(self) if id in reports and not req.perm.has_permission("TIME_VIEW"): raise RequestDone def iso_time(t): return format_time(t, 'iso8601') def iso_datetime(dt): return format_datetime(dt, 'iso8601') col_conversions = { 'time': iso_time, 'datetime': iso_datetime, 'changetime': iso_datetime, 'date': iso_datetime, 'created': iso_datetime, 'modified': iso_datetime, } converters = [col_conversions.get(c.strip('_'), unicode) for c in cols] writer = csv.writer(req, delimiter=sep) writer.writerow([unicode(c).encode('utf-8') for c in cols]) for row in rows: row = list(row) for i in xrange(len(row)): row[i] = converters[i](row[i]).encode('utf-8') writer.writerow(row) raise RequestDone ReportModule._send_csv = _send_csv