require 'fileutils' module IMWTest module Random STRING_CHARS = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a + [' ',' ',' ',' ',' '] TEXT_CHARS = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a + [' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',"\n"] FILENAME_CHARS = ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a + ["-","_"] FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH = 9 TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 1024 EXTENSIONS = { /\.csv$/ => :csv_file, /\.xml$/ => :xml_file, /\.html$/ => :html_file, /\.tar$/ => :tar_file, /\.tar\.gz$/ => :targz_file, /\.tar\.bz2$/ => :tarbz2_file, /\.rar$/ => :rar_file, /\.zip$/ => :zip_file } EXTERNAL_PROGRAMS = if defined?(IMW) && defined?(IMW::EXTERNAL_PROGRAMS) IMW::EXTERNAL_PROGRAMS else { :tar => "tar", :rar => "rar", :zip => "zip", :unzip => "unzip", :gzip => "gzip", :bzip2 => "bzip2", :wget => "wget" } end private # Return a random filename. Optional +length+ to set the maximum # length of the filename returned. def self.basename options = {} length = (options[:length] or FILENAME_MAX_LENGTH) filename = (1..length).map { |i| FILENAME_CHARS.random }.join # filenames beginning with hyphens suck while (filename[0,1] == '-') do filename[0] = FILENAME_CHARS.random end filename end # Return a random string of text up. Control the length with # optional +length+ and also the presence of +newlines+. def self.text options = {} length = (options[:length] or TEXT_MAX_LENGTH) char_pool = options[:newlines] ? TEXT_CHARS : STRING_CHARS (1..length).map { |i| char_pool.random }.join end public # Create a random file by matching the extension of the given # +filename+ or a text file if no match is found. def self.file filename match = EXTENSIONS.find { |regex,func| regex.match filename } match ? self.send(match.last,filename) : self.text_file(filename) end # Create a random text file at +filename+ containing a maximum of # +length+ characters. def self.text_file filename, options = {},'w') { |f| f.write text(:newlines => true) } end # Create a comma-separated value file containing random text at # +filename+ with the maximum +num_rows+, the given +num_columns+, # and the maximum +entry_length+. def self.csv_file(filename,num_rows = 500, num_columns = 9, entry_length = 9) f =,'w') rand(num_rows).times do # rows num_columns.times do # columns f.write(text(:length => entry_length)) # entry f.write ',' end f.write(text(:length => entry_length)) # last entry f.write("\n") end f.close end # Create an XML file at +filename+ of the maximum +length+. # # At the present moment, this file contains random text in a very # boring single-element XML tree. Randomizing the tree has not # been implemented. def self.xml_file filename, options = {} options = options.reverse_merge({:max_depth => 5, :starting_depth => 1, :depth => nil, :pretty_print => true}),'w') do |file| file.write "\n" file.write "" + text + "" file.close end end # Create an HTML file at +filename+ of the maximum +length+. # # At the present moment, this file contains random text in a very # boring bare-bones HTML with a single element body. Randomizing # the tree has not been implemented. def self.html_file(filename, title_length = 100, body_length = 5000) f =,'w') f.write "" + string(title_length) + "" + string(body_length) + "" f.close end # Create a tar archive at the given +filename+ containing random # files. def self.tar_file filename tmpd = File.dirname(filename) + '/dir' directory_with_files(tmpd) {|dir| system("#{EXTERNAL_PROGRAMS[:tar]} -cf file.tar *") } FileUtils.cp(tmpd + "/file.tar",filename) FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpd) end # Create a tar.gz archive at the given +filename+ containing # random files. def self.targz_file filename tar = File.dirname(filename) + "/file.tar" targz = tar + ".gz" tar_file tar system("#{EXTERNAL_PROGRAMS[:gzip]} #{tar}") FileUtils.cp(targz,filename) FileUtils.rm(targz) end # Create a tar.bz2 archive at the given +filename+ containing # random files. def self.tarbz2_file filename tar = File.dirname(filename) + "/file.tar" tarbz2 = tar + ".bz2" tar_file tar system("#{EXTERNAL_PROGRAMS[:bzip2]} #{tar}") FileUtils.cp(tarbz2,filename) FileUtils.rm(tarbz2) end # Create a compressed rar archive at the given +filename+ # containing random files. def self.rar_file filename tmpd = File.dirname(filename) + '/dir' directory_with_files(tmpd) {|dir| system("#{EXTERNAL_PROGRAMS[:rar]} a -r -o+ file.rar *") } FileUtils.cp(tmpd + "/file.rar",filename) FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpd) end # Create a compressed zip archive at the given +filename+ # containing random files. def self.zip_file filename tmpd = File.dirname(filename) + '/dir' directory_with_files(tmpd) {|dir| system("#{EXTERNAL_PROGRAMS[:zip]} -r *") } FileUtils.cp(tmpd + "/",filename) FileUtils.rm_rf(tmpd) end # Creates +directory+ and fills it with random files containing # random data. # # Options (with their default values in parentheses) include: # # :extensions ([txt,csv,dat,xml]):: extensions to use. If an extension is known (see IMWTest::Random::EXTENSIONS) then appropriately formatted random data will be used If an extension is not known, it will be treated as text. The extension +dir+ will create a directory which will itself be filled with random files in the same way as its parent. # :max_depth (3):: maximum depth to nest directories # :starting_depth (1):: the default depth the parent directory is assumed to have # :num_files (10):: the maximum number of files per directory # :force (false):: force overwriting of existing directories def self.directory_with_files(directory,options = {}) directory = File.expand_path(directory) options = options.reverse_merge({:extensions => ['txt','csv','dat'],:max_depth => 3,:force => false,:starting_depth => 1, :num_files => 3}) depth = options[:starting_depth] if File.exist?(directory) then if options[:force] then FileUtils.rm_rf(directory) else raise "#{directory} already exists" end end FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory) (rand(options[:num_files]) + 2).times do ext = options[:extensions].random name = self.basename if ext == 'dir' then if depth <= options[:max_depth] then newd = directory + '/' + name FileUtils.mkdir(newd) directory_with_files(newd,options.merge({:starting_depth => (depth + 1)})) else next end else file(directory + '/' + name + '.' + ext) end end end end end