{ "maintainers": [ { "github_username": "verdammelt", "show_on_website": true, "alumnus": false, "name": "Mark Simpson", "bio": "I have always been interested in Lisps since taking the SICP course in college. I love the expressiveness and conciseness of the simple syntax, and the ability to build the language upward to meet the domain.", "link_text": "Code and Cocktails", "link_url": "http://code-and-cocktails.herokuapp.com/", "avatar_url": null }, { "github_username": "oubiwann", "show_on_website": false, "alumnus": false, "name": null, "bio": null, "link_text": null, "link_url": null, "avatar_url": null }, { "github_username": "arguello", "show_on_website": false, "alumnus": false, "name": null, "bio": null, "link_text": null, "link_url": null, "avatar_url": null }, { "github_username": "yurrriq", "show_on_website": false, "alumnus": false, "name": null, "bio": null, "link_text": null, "link_url": null, "avatar_url": null }, { "github_username": "wobh", "show_on_website": false, "alumnus": false, "name": null, "bio": null, "link_text": null, "link_url": null, "avatar_url": null } ], "docs_url": "https://github.com/exercism/docs/blob/master/maintaining-a-track/maintainer-configuration.md" }