# frozen_string_literal: true module Primer # `Tooltip` is a wrapper component that will apply a tooltip to the provided content. class Tooltip < Primer::Component warn_on_deprecated_slot_setter status :deprecated DIRECTION_DEFAULT = :n ALIGN_DEFAULT = :default MULTILINE_DEFAULT = false DELAY_DEFAULT = false ALIGN_MAPPING = { ALIGN_DEFAULT => "", :left_1 => "tooltipped-align-left-1", :right_1 => "tooltipped-align-right-1", :left_2 => "tooltipped-align-left-2", :right_2 => "tooltipped-align-right-2" }.freeze DIRECTION_OPTIONS = [DIRECTION_DEFAULT] + %i[ nw ne w e sw s se ] # @example Default #
# <%= render(Primer::Tooltip.new(label: "Even bolder")) { "Default Bold Text" } %> #
# # @example Wrapping another component #
# <%= render(Primer::Tooltip.new(label: "Even bolder")) do %> # <%= render(Primer::ButtonComponent.new) { "Bold Button" } %> # <% end %> #
# # @example With a direction #
# <%= render(Primer::Tooltip.new(label: "Even bolder", direction: :s)) { "Bold Text With a Direction" } %> #
# # @example With an alignment #
# <%= render(Primer::Tooltip.new(label: "Even bolder", direction: :s, alignment: :right_1)) { "Bold Text With an Alignment" } %> #
# # @example Without a delay #
# <%= render(Primer::Tooltip.new(label: "Even bolder", direction: :s, no_delay: true)) { "Bold Text without a delay" } %> #
# # @param label [String] the text to appear in the tooltip # @param direction [String] Direction of the tooltip. <%= one_of(Primer::Tooltip::DIRECTION_OPTIONS) %> # @param align [String] Align tooltips to the left or right of an element, combined with a `direction` to specify north or south. <%= one_of(Primer::Tooltip::ALIGN_MAPPING.keys) %> # @param multiline [Boolean] Use this when you have long content # @param no_delay [Boolean] By default the tooltips have a slight delay before appearing. Set true to override this # @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %> def initialize( label:, direction: DIRECTION_DEFAULT, align: ALIGN_DEFAULT, multiline: MULTILINE_DEFAULT, no_delay: DELAY_DEFAULT, **system_arguments ) @system_arguments = system_arguments @system_arguments[:tag] ||= :span # rubocop:disable Primer/NoTagMemoize @system_arguments[:aria] = { label: label } @system_arguments[:skip_aria_label_check] = true @system_arguments[:classes] = class_names( @system_arguments[:classes], "tooltipped", "tooltipped-#{fetch_or_fallback(DIRECTION_OPTIONS, direction, DIRECTION_DEFAULT)}", ALIGN_MAPPING[fetch_or_fallback(ALIGN_MAPPING.keys, align, ALIGN_DEFAULT)], "tooltipped-no-delay" => fetch_or_fallback_boolean(no_delay, DELAY_DEFAULT), "tooltipped-multiline" => fetch_or_fallback_boolean(multiline, MULTILINE_DEFAULT) ) end def call render(Primer::BaseComponent.new(**@system_arguments)) { content } end end end