require 'helper' class TestDirectoryBuilder < FunWith::Files::TestCase context "tearing my hair out because shoulda seems borked" do should "stop blaming shoulda for my problems" do assert true end should "realize that assert statements need to be inside should blocks" do assert "Okay, okay. I get it. Now lay off me." end should "figure out why the hell [].is_a?(Array) returns false" do assert_kind_of Array, [] assert [].is_a?(Array) end end context "In a temporary directory" do should "create a temporary directory" do DirectoryBuilder.tmpdir do |b| assert_equal DirectoryBuilder, b.class # assert b.current_path.exist? end end should "write data to a new file" do DirectoryBuilder.tmpdir do |b| assert_equal DirectoryBuilder, b.class assert b.current_path assert b.current_path.exist? b.file("widdershins.txt") do |f| f << "Hello World" f.flush assert b.current_file.exist? assert_equal 11, b.current_file.size end end end should "copy files from elsewhere into the directory" do DirectoryBuilder.tmpdir do |b| assert_equal DirectoryBuilder, b.class src = FunWith::Files.root.join("Gemfile") assert src.exist? b.copy( FunWith::Files.root.join("Gemfile") ) gemfile = b.current_path.join("Gemfile") assert gemfile.exist? assert ! assert_equal 1, gemfile.grep( /jeweler/ ).length end end should "copy files from elsewhere, renaming the file in the destination" do DirectoryBuilder.tmpdir do |b| assert_equal DirectoryBuilder, b.class assert !b.current_path.join("helpers.rb").exist? b.copy( FunWith::Files.root("lib", "fun_with_files.rb"), "fwf.rb" ) assert b.current_path.join("fwf.rb").exist? end end should "download random crap from all over the Internet" do if_internet_works do DirectoryBuilder.tmpdir do |b| gist_url = "" gist_text = "This is a file\n==============\n\n**silent**: But _bold_! [Link](\n" gist_url, "gist.txt" ) b.file( "gist.txt.2" ) do gist_url ) end assert b.current_file.nil? assert b.current_path.join("gist.txt").exist? assert b.current_path.join("gist.txt.2").exist? assert_equal gist_text, b.current_path.join("gist.txt").read end end end should "exercise all manner of features to create a complex directory" do DirectoryBuilder.tmpdir do |b| assert_equal DirectoryBuilder, b.class root = FunWith::Files.root gemfile = root.join("Gemfile") b.copy( gemfile ) assert gemfile.exist? assert_equal gemfile.size, b.current_path.join("Gemfile").size b.dir( "earth" ) do b.dir( "air") do b.dir( "fire" ) do b.dir( "water" ) do b.file( "hello.txt" ) b.file << "H" b.file << "e" b.file << "l" b.file << "l" b.file << "o" end assert b.current_file.nil? end end end assert "Hello", b.current_path.join("earth", "air", "fire", "water", "hello.txt").read b.dir( "fire", "water", "earth", "air" ) do assert b.current_path.exist? b.copy( FunWith::Files.root.join("Gemfile"), "Gemfile.example" ) b.copy( FunWith::Files.root.join("Gemfile.lock"), "Gemfile.lock.example" ) b.copy( FunWith::Files.root.join("Rakefile"), "Rakefile" ) for file in %W(Gemfile.example Gemfile.lock.example Rakefile) assert b.current_path.join(file).exist?, "#{file} should exist" end end directory = ["air", "earth", "water", "fire"] b.dir( *directory ) do b.file( "slipstream.txt", "file contents" ) end assert b.current_path.join(*directory).exist? slip = b.current_path.join(*directory).join("slipstream.txt") assert slip.exist? assert_equal false, slip.empty? assert_equal "file contents", b.current_path.join(*directory).join( "slipstream.txt" ).read end end end end