# CHANGELOG ## v0.3.2 * Added support for superscript and subscript ## v0.3.1 * Changed CI/CD vendor to CircleCI * Fixed handling `nil` nodes * Fix linting offences ## v0.3.0 * Added support for Rich Text Tables ## v0.2.3 * Removed unwanted files from gem release package. ## v0.2.2 ### Fixed * Fixed mispelt blockquote tag. [#9](https://github.com/contentful/rich-text-renderer.rb/pull/9) * Removed the possibility of XSS via text in nodes. [#10](https://github.com/contentful/rich-text-renderer.rb/pull/10) ## v0.2.1 ### Fixed * Default `EntryBlockRenderer` now properly stringifies `data.target` instead of just data. ## v0.2.0 ### Added * Add Asset support ## v0.1.0 (`rich_text_renderer`) As `RichText` moves from `alpha` to `beta`, we're treating this as a feature release. ### Changed * Renamed `StructuredText` to `RichText`. ## v0.0.2 (`structured_text_renderer`) ### Fixed * Fixed rendering logic for block type nodes ## v0.0.1 * Initial Release