require "uri" require "active_support/core_ext/object/to_query" module Lol class NotFound < StandardError; end class TooManyRequests < StandardError; end class InvalidCacheStore < StandardError; end # Encapsulates common methods for all requests # Request classes inherit from this class Request include HTTParty # @!attribute [r] api_key # @return [String] api_key attr_reader :api_key # @!attribute [rw] region # @return [String] region attr_accessor :region # @!attribute[r] cache_store # @return [Object] the cache_store attr_reader :cache_store # @!attribute[r] rate_limiter # @return [Object] the rate limiter, if one exists (else nil) attr_reader :rate_limiter # Returns the supported API Version. # @return [String] v3 def self.api_version "v3" end def self.platforms { :br => 'br1', :eune => 'eun1', :euw => 'euw1', :jp => 'jp1', :kr => 'kr1', :lan => 'la1', :las => 'la2', :na => 'na1', :oce => 'oc1', :ru => 'ru', :tr => 'tr1', } end # Initializes a new Request # @param api_key [String] the Riot Games API key # @param region [String] the region you want to use in API calls # @param cache_store [Hash] # @option cache_store [Redis] :redis Redis instance to use # @option cache_store [Boolean] :cached should the request be cached # @option cacche_store [Integer] :ttl ttl for cache keys # @return [Request] def initialize api_key, region, cache_store = {}, rate_limiter = nil @cache_store = cache_store @rate_limiter = rate_limiter raise InvalidCacheStore if cached? && !store.is_a?(Redis) @api_key = api_key @region = region end def platform self.class.platforms[region.downcase.to_sym] end # Returns the supported API Version. # @return [String] v3 def api_version self.class.api_version end # Returns a full url for an API call # @param path [String] API path to call # @return [String] full fledged url def api_url path, params = {} url = File.join File.join(api_base_url, api_base_path), path "#{url}?#{api_query_string params}" end # Returns the API base domain # @return [String] path domain def api_base_url "https://#{platform}" end # Returns the API base path, which is everything between the domain and the request-specific path # @return [String] API path def api_base_path "/lol/platform/#{api_version}" end def api_query_string params = {} URI.encode_www_form params.merge api_key: api_key end # Returns just a path from a full api url # @return [String] def clean_url(url) uri = URI.parse(url) uri.query = CGI.parse(uri.query || '').reject { |k| k == 'api_key' }.to_query uri.to_s end # Calls the API via HTTParty and handles errors caching it if a cache is # enabled and rate limiting it if a rate limiter is configured # @param url [String] the url to call # @param verb [Symbol] HTTP verb to use. Defaults to :get # @param body [Hash] Body for POST request # @param options [Hash] Options passed to HTTParty # @return [String] raw response of the call def perform_request url, verb = :get, body = nil, options = {} options_id = options.inspect can_cache = [:post, :put].include?(verb) ? false : cached? if can_cache && result = store.get("#{clean_url(url)}#{options_id}") return JSON.parse(result) end response = perform_rate_limited_request(url, verb, body, options) store.setex "#{clean_url(url)}#{options_id}", ttl, response.to_json if can_cache response end def perform_rate_limited_request url, verb = :get, body = nil, options = {} return perform_uncached_request(url, verb, body, options) unless rate_limiter @rate_limiter.times 1 do perform_uncached_request(url, verb, body, options) end end def perform_uncached_request url, verb = :get, body = nil, options = {} options[:headers] ||= {} options[:headers].merge!({ "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Accept" => "application/json" }) if [:post, :put].include?(verb) options[:body] = body.to_json if body options[:headers]['X-Riot-Token'] = api_key end response = self.class.send(verb, url, options) if response.respond_to?(:code) && !(200...300).include?(response.code) raise"404 Not Found") if response.not_found? raise'429 Rate limit exceeded') if response.code == 429 raise, response) end if response.respond_to?(:parsed_response) response.parsed_response else response end end # @return [Redis] returns the cache store def store cache_store[:redis] end # @return [Boolean] true if the request should be cached def cached? cache_store[:cached] end # @return [Integer] the ttl to apply to cached keys def ttl cache_store[:ttl] end end end