sv: cms: fortress: page_title: CMS Fortress Admin title: CMS Fortress contents: Contents design: Design admin: Admin login: Logout logout: Logout create: Create update: Update delete: Delete edit: Edit are_you_sure: Are you sure? cancel: Cancel published: Published published_date: Published At schedule_date: Scheduled Publication cache_timeout: Cached Timeout toggle_navigation: Toggle Navigation image_selector: Image Selector insert_item: Click the thumbnail to insert item to the selected editor. settings: Settings current_site: Current Site admin: dashboard: title: Dashboard draft_widget: Draft Pages reviewed_widget: Reviewed Pages updated_pages: Recently Updated Pages sites: menu_header: "Site/ %{site_name}" super_user: title: Super Users menu_header: Super Users Only users: Users not_authorized: You are not authorized to access this functionality settings_dashboard: Settings Dashboard roles: Roles design_dashboard: Design Dashboard design_related_information: This page will show design related information. content_dashboard: Content Dashboard content_related_information: "This page will show contents related information (history, graphs, analytics and etc.)" errors: missing_roles_yaml_file: "The configuration file config/roles.yml is missing." roles: title: Roles new_link: New Role edit_title: Edit Role new_title: Create New Role back: Back load: Load New Roles role: Role show: Show manage: Manage save: Save description: Description show_access_rights: Show Access Rights name: Name contents: Contents designs: Designs settings: Settings files: Files page: Page publish: publish review: review pages: Pages layouts: Layouts snippets: Snippets roles: Roles sites: Sites users: Users users: title: Users new_link: New User new_super_link: New Super User edit_title: Edit User new_title: Create New User last_name: Lastname first_name: Firstname email: Email role: Role sessions: new: sign_in: Sign In email_address: Email Address password: Password remember_me: Remember me comfy: admin: cms: pages: form: &pages_form review: Approve reviewed: Reviewed schedule: Publish Date scheduled: Scheduled publish: Publish Now published: Published draft: save as draft drafted: Draft reset: Reset to Draft edit: <<: *pages_form files: form: are_you_sure: Are you sure to delete? delete: Delete! activerecord: attributes: cms/fortress/user: last_name: Lastname first_name: Firstname email: Email role_id: Role password: Password password_confirmation: Password Confirmation cms/fortress/role: name: Name description: Description cms/fortress/role_detail: contents: Contents comfy/cms/page: full_path: Path parent_id: Parent page slug: Slug login: forgot_your_password: Forgot your password? send_me_reset_password_instructions: Send me reset password instructions change_your_password: Change your password new_password: New password confirm_new_password: Confirm new password change_my_password: Change my password log_in: Log in sign_up: Sign up didnt_receive_confirmation_instructions: Didn't receive confirmation instructions? didnt_receive_unlock_instructions: Didn't receive unlock instructions? sign_in_with: Sign in with #{provider.to_s.titleize}