# Copyright (c) 2005 Rick Olson # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'active_support/concern' module ActiveRecord #:nodoc: module Acts #:nodoc: # Specify this act if you want to save a copy of the row in a versioned table. This assumes there is a # versioned table ready and that your model has a version field. This works with optimistic locking if the lock_version # column is present as well. # # The class for the versioned model is derived the first time it is seen. Therefore, if you change your database schema you have to restart # your container for the changes to be reflected. In development mode this usually means restarting WEBrick. # # class Page < ActiveRecord::Base # # assumes pages_versions table # acts_as_versioned # end # # Example: # # page = Page.create(:title => 'hello world!') # page.version # => 1 # # page.title = 'hello world' # page.save # page.version # => 2 # page.versions.size # => 2 # # page.revert_to(1) # using version number # page.title # => 'hello world!' # # page.revert_to(page.versions.last) # using versioned instance # page.title # => 'hello world' # # page.versions.earliest # efficient query to find the first version # page.versions.latest # efficient query to find the most recently created version # # # Simple Queries to page between versions # # page.versions.before(version) # page.versions.after(version) # # Access the previous/next versions from the versioned model itself # # version = page.versions.latest # version.previous # go back one version # version.next # go forward one version # # See ActiveRecord::Acts::Versioned::ClassMethods#acts_as_versioned for configuration options module Versioned VERSION = "0.6.0" CALLBACKS = [:set_new_version, :save_version, :save_version?] # == Configuration options # # * <tt>class_name</tt> - versioned model class name (default: PageVersion in the above example) # * <tt>table_name</tt> - versioned model table name (default: page_versions in the above example) # * <tt>foreign_key</tt> - foreign key used to relate the versioned model to the original model (default: page_id in the above example) # * <tt>inheritance_column</tt> - name of the column to save the model's inheritance_column value for STI. (default: versioned_type) # * <tt>version_column</tt> - name of the column in the model that keeps the version number (default: version) # * <tt>sequence_name</tt> - name of the custom sequence to be used by the versioned model. # * <tt>limit</tt> - number of revisions to keep, defaults to unlimited # * <tt>if</tt> - symbol of method to check before saving a new version. If this method returns false, a new version is not saved. # For finer control, pass either a Proc or modify Model#version_condition_met? # # acts_as_versioned :if => Proc.new { |auction| !auction.expired? } # # or... # # class Auction # def version_condition_met? # totally bypasses the <tt>:if</tt> option # !expired? # end # end # # * <tt>if_changed</tt> - Simple way of specifying attributes that are required to be changed before saving a model. This takes # either a symbol or array of symbols. # # * <tt>extend</tt> - Lets you specify a module to be mixed in both the original and versioned models. You can also just pass a block # to create an anonymous mixin: # # class Auction # acts_as_versioned do # def started? # !started_at.nil? # end # end # end # # or... # # module AuctionExtension # def started? # !started_at.nil? # end # end # class Auction # acts_as_versioned :extend => AuctionExtension # end # # Example code: # # @auction = Auction.find(1) # @auction.started? # @auction.versions.first.started? # # == Database Schema # # The model that you're versioning needs to have a 'version' attribute. The model is versioned # into a table called #{model}_versions where the model name is singlular. The _versions table should # contain all the fields you want versioned, the same version column, and a #{model}_id foreign key field. # # A lock_version field is also accepted if your model uses Optimistic Locking. If your table uses Single Table inheritance, # then that field is reflected in the versioned model as 'versioned_type' by default. # # Acts_as_versioned comes prepared with the ActiveRecord::Acts::Versioned::ActMethods::ClassMethods#create_versioned_table # method, perfect for a migration. It will also create the version column if the main model does not already have it. # # class AddVersions < ActiveRecord::Migration # def self.up # # create_versioned_table takes the same options hash # # that create_table does # Post.create_versioned_table # end # # def self.down # Post.drop_versioned_table # end # end # # == Changing What Fields Are Versioned # # By default, acts_as_versioned will version all but these fields: # # [self.primary_key, inheritance_column, 'version', 'lock_version', versioned_inheritance_column] # # You can add or change those by modifying #non_versioned_columns. Note that this takes strings and not symbols. # # class Post < ActiveRecord::Base # acts_as_versioned # self.non_versioned_columns << 'comments_count' # end # def acts_as_versioned(options = {}, &extension) # don't allow multiple calls return if self.included_modules.include?(ActiveRecord::Acts::Versioned::Behaviors) cattr_accessor :versioned_class_name, :versioned_foreign_key, :versioned_table_name, :versioned_inheritance_column, :version_column, :max_version_limit, :track_altered_attributes, :version_condition, :version_sequence_name, :non_versioned_columns, :version_association_options, :version_if_changed self.versioned_class_name = options[:class_name] || "Version" self.versioned_foreign_key = options[:foreign_key] || self.to_s.foreign_key self.versioned_table_name = options[:table_name] || "#{table_name_prefix}#{base_class.name.demodulize.underscore}_versions#{table_name_suffix}" self.versioned_inheritance_column = options[:inheritance_column] || "versioned_#{inheritance_column}" self.version_column = options[:version_column] || 'version' self.version_sequence_name = options[:sequence_name] self.max_version_limit = options[:limit].to_i self.version_condition = options[:if] || true self.non_versioned_columns = [self.primary_key, inheritance_column, self.version_column, 'lock_version', versioned_inheritance_column] + options[:non_versioned_columns].to_a.map(&:to_s) self.version_association_options = { :class_name => "#{self.to_s}::#{versioned_class_name}", :foreign_key => versioned_foreign_key, :dependent => :delete_all }.merge(options[:association_options] || {}) if block_given? extension_module_name = "#{versioned_class_name}Extension" silence_warnings do self.const_set(extension_module_name, Module.new(&extension)) end options[:extend] = self.const_get(extension_module_name) end unless options[:if_changed].nil? self.track_altered_attributes = true options[:if_changed] = [options[:if_changed]] unless options[:if_changed].is_a?(Array) self.version_if_changed = options[:if_changed].map(&:to_s) end include options[:extend] if options[:extend].is_a?(Module) include ActiveRecord::Acts::Versioned::Behaviors # # Create the dynamic versioned model # const_set(versioned_class_name, Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)).class_eval do def self.reloadable?; false; end # find first version before the given version def self.before(version) where(["#{original_class.versioned_foreign_key} = ? and version < ?", version.send(original_class.versioned_foreign_key), version.version]). order('version DESC'). first end # find first version after the given version. def self.after(version) where(["#{original_class.versioned_foreign_key} = ? and version > ?", version.send(original_class.versioned_foreign_key), version.version]). order('version ASC'). first end # finds earliest version of this record def self.earliest order("#{original_class.version_column}").first end # find latest version of this record def self.latest order("#{original_class.version_column} desc").first end def previous self.class.before(self) end def next self.class.after(self) end def versions_count page.version end end versioned_class.cattr_accessor :original_class versioned_class.original_class = self versioned_class.set_table_name versioned_table_name versioned_class.belongs_to self.to_s.demodulize.underscore.to_sym, :class_name => "::#{self.to_s}", :foreign_key => versioned_foreign_key versioned_class.send :include, options[:extend] if options[:extend].is_a?(Module) versioned_class.set_sequence_name version_sequence_name if version_sequence_name end module Behaviors extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do has_many :versions, self.version_association_options before_save :set_new_version after_save :save_version after_save :clear_old_versions end module InstanceMethods # Saves a version of the model in the versioned table. This is called in the after_save callback by default def save_version if @saving_version @saving_version = nil rev = self.class.versioned_class.new clone_versioned_model(self, rev) rev.send("#{self.class.version_column}=", send(self.class.version_column)) rev.send("#{self.class.versioned_foreign_key}=", id) rev.save end end # Saves a version of the model in the versioned table. This is called in the after_save callback by default def auto_save_version if @saving_version @saving_version = nil rev = self.class.versioned_class.new clone_versioned_model(self, rev) rev.send("#{self.class.version_column}=", send(self.class.version_column)) rev.send("#{self.class.versioned_foreign_key}=", id) rev.send("autosave=", true) rev.save end end # Clears old revisions if a limit is set with the :limit option in <tt>acts_as_versioned</tt>. # Override this method to set your own criteria for clearing old versions. def clear_old_versions return if self.class.max_version_limit == 0 excess_baggage = send(self.class.version_column).to_i - self.class.max_version_limit if excess_baggage > 0 self.class.versioned_class.delete_all ["#{self.class.version_column} <= ? and #{self.class.versioned_foreign_key} = ?", excess_baggage, id] end end # Reverts a model to a given version. Takes either a version number or an instance of the versioned model def revert_to(version) if version.is_a?(self.class.versioned_class) return false unless version.send(self.class.versioned_foreign_key) == id and !version.new_record? else return false unless version = versions.where(self.class.version_column => version).first end self.clone_versioned_model(version, self) send("#{self.class.version_column}=", version.send(self.class.version_column)) true end # Reverts a model to a given version and saves the model. # Takes either a version number or an instance of the versioned model def revert_to!(version) revert_to(version) ? save_without_revision : false end # Temporarily turns off Optimistic Locking while saving. Used when reverting so that a new version is not created. def save_without_revision save_without_revision! true rescue false end def save_without_revision! without_locking do without_revision do save! end end end def altered? track_altered_attributes ? (version_if_changed - changed).length < version_if_changed.length : changed? end # Clones a model. Used when saving a new version or reverting a model's version. def clone_versioned_model(orig_model, new_model) self.class.versioned_columns.each do |col| new_model[col.name] = orig_model.send(col.name) if orig_model.has_attribute?(col.name) end if orig_model.is_a?(self.class.versioned_class) new_model[new_model.class.inheritance_column] = orig_model[self.class.versioned_inheritance_column] elsif new_model.is_a?(self.class.versioned_class) new_model[self.class.versioned_inheritance_column] = orig_model[orig_model.class.inheritance_column] end end # Checks whether a new version shall be saved or not. Calls <tt>version_condition_met?</tt> and <tt>changed?</tt>. def save_version? version_condition_met? && altered? end # Checks condition set in the :if option to check whether a revision should be created or not. Override this for # custom version condition checking. def version_condition_met? case when version_condition.is_a?(Symbol) send(version_condition) when version_condition.respond_to?(:call) && (version_condition.arity == 1 || version_condition.arity == -1) version_condition.call(self) else version_condition end end # Executes the block with the versioning callbacks disabled. # # @foo.without_revision do # @foo.save # end # def without_revision(&block) self.class.without_revision(&block) end # Turns off optimistic locking for the duration of the block # # @foo.without_locking do # @foo.save # end # def without_locking(&block) self.class.without_locking(&block) end def empty_callback() end #:nodoc: protected # sets the new version before saving, unless you're using optimistic locking. In that case, let it take care of the version. def set_new_version @saving_version = new_record? || save_version? self.send("#{self.class.version_column}=", next_version) if new_record? || (!locking_enabled? && save_version?) end # Gets the next available version for the current record, or 1 for a new record def next_version (new_record? ? 0 : versions.calculate(:maximum, version_column).to_i) + 1 end end module ClassMethods # Returns an array of columns that are versioned. See non_versioned_columns def versioned_columns @versioned_columns ||= columns.select { |c| !non_versioned_columns.include?(c.name) } end # Returns an instance of the dynamic versioned model def versioned_class const_get versioned_class_name end # Rake migration task to create the versioned table using options passed to acts_as_versioned def create_versioned_table(create_table_options = {}) # create version column in main table if it does not exist if !self.content_columns.find { |c| [version_column.to_s, 'lock_version'].include? c.name } self.connection.add_column table_name, version_column, :integer self.reset_column_information end return if connection.table_exists?(versioned_table_name) self.connection.create_table(versioned_table_name, create_table_options) do |t| t.column versioned_foreign_key, :integer t.column version_column, :integer t.column :autosave, :boolean , :default => false end self.versioned_columns.each do |col| self.connection.add_column versioned_table_name, col.name, col.type, :limit => col.limit, :default => col.default, :scale => col.scale, :precision => col.precision end if type_col = self.columns_hash[inheritance_column] self.connection.add_column versioned_table_name, versioned_inheritance_column, type_col.type, :limit => type_col.limit, :default => type_col.default, :scale => type_col.scale, :precision => type_col.precision end self.connection.add_index versioned_table_name, versioned_foreign_key end # Rake migration task to drop the versioned table def drop_versioned_table self.connection.drop_table versioned_table_name end # Executes the block with the versioning callbacks disabled. # # Foo.without_revision do # @foo.save # end # def without_revision(&block) class_eval do CALLBACKS.each do |attr_name| alias_method "orig_#{attr_name}".to_sym, attr_name alias_method attr_name, :empty_callback end end block.call ensure class_eval do CALLBACKS.each do |attr_name| alias_method attr_name, "orig_#{attr_name}".to_sym end end end # Turns off optimistic locking for the duration of the block # # Foo.without_locking do # @foo.save # end # def without_locking(&block) current = ActiveRecord::Base.lock_optimistically ActiveRecord::Base.lock_optimistically = false if current begin block.call ensure ActiveRecord::Base.lock_optimistically = true if current end end end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.extend ActiveRecord::Acts::Versioned