class SlackSmartBot # help: ---------------------------------------------- # help: `ruby RUBY_CODE` # help: `code RUBY_CODE` # help: runs the code supplied and returns the output. Also you can send a Ruby file instead. Examples: # help: _code puts (34344/99)*(34+14)_ # help: _ruby require 'json'; res=[]; 20.times {res<, <@")}>" else unless code.match?(/System/i) or code.match?(/Kernel/i) or code.include?("File.") or code.include?("`") or code.include?("exec") or code.include?("spawn") or code.include?("IO.") or code.match?(/open3/i) or code.match?(/bundle/i) or code.match?(/gemfile/i) or code.include?("%x") or code.include?("ENV") or code.match?(/=\s*IO/) or code.include?("Dir.") or code.match?(/=\s*IO/) or code.match?(/=\s*File/) or code.match?(/=\s*Dir/) or code.match?(/<\s*File/) or code.match?(/<\s*Dir/) or code.match?(/\w+:\s*File/) or code.match?(/\w+:\s*Dir/) react :running unless rules_file.empty? begin eval( if File.exist?(config.path+rules_file) end end respond "Running", dest if code.size > 200 begin code.gsub!(/^\W*$/, "") #to remove special chars from slack when copy/pasting code.gsub!('$','\$') #to take $ as literal, fex: puts '$lolo' => puts '\$lolo' ruby = "ruby -e \"#{code.gsub('"', '\"')}\"" if defined?(project_folder) and project_folder.to_s != "" and Dir.exist?(project_folder) ruby = ("cd #{project_folder} &&" + ruby) else def project_folder() "" end end stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(ruby) timeout = timeoutt = 20 procstart = while (wait_thr.status == 'run' or wait_thr.status == 'sleep') and timeout > 0 timeout -= 0.1 sleep 0.1 end if timeout > 0 stdout = stderr = if stderr == "" if stdout == "" respond "Nothing returned. Remember you need to use p or puts to print", dest else respond stdout, dest end else respond "#{stderr}\n#{stdout}", dest end else respond "The process didn't finish in #{timeoutt} secs so it was aborted. Timeout!" pids = `pgrep -P #{}`.split("\n").map(&:to_i) #todo: it needs to be adapted for Windows pids.each do |pid| begin Process.kill("KILL", pid) rescue end end end rescue Exception => exc respond exc, dest end unreact :running else respond "Sorry I cannot run this due security reasons", dest end end end end