require File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../spec_helper") module ParserTestHelper def assert_evals_to_self(input) assert_evals_to(input, input) end def parse(input) result = @parser.parse(input) if result result.set_indent(0) if result.respond_to? :set_indent else puts @parser.failure_reason puts @parser.terminal_failures.join("\n") result.should_not be_nil end result end end describe RhtmlParser do include ParserTestHelper before :each do @parser = end it "converts text" do parse("hello").convert.should == "text 'hello'\n" parse("hello maude!").convert.should == "text 'hello maude!'\n" parse(" hello ").convert.should == "text 'hello'\n" end it "unescapes HTML entities in text" do parse("<").convert.should == "text '<'\n" parse("5 > 2").convert.should == "text '5 > 2'\n" end it "converts self-closing tags" do parse("
").convert.should == "br\n" parse("
").convert.should == "br\n" end it "converts open tag" do parse("
").convert.should == "div do\n" parse("

").convert.should == "h1 do\n" end it "converts close tag" do parse("

").convert.should == "end\n" parse("").convert.should == "end\n" end it "converts two nested divs" do parse("
").convert.should == "div do\n" + " div do\n" + " end\n" + "end\n" end it "converts two nested divs with whitespace" do parse("
").convert.should == "div do\n" + " div do\n" + " end\n" + "end\n" end it "converts no open, text, and no close tag" do parse("hello").convert.should == "text 'hello'\nend\n" end it "converts open, text, and no close tag" do parse("
hello").convert.should == "div do\n text 'hello'\n" end it "converts open, text, close" do parse("
").convert.should == "div do\n text 'hello'\nend\n" end it "autocloses an img tag" do parse("").convert.should == "img :src => 'foo'\n" end it "converts a scriptlet" do parse("<% foo %>").convert.should == "foo\n" end it "converts open, text, scriptlet, text, close" do parse("
hello <% 5.times do %> very <% end %> much
").convert.should == "div do\n" + " text 'hello'\n" + " 5.times do\n" + " text 'very'\n" + " end\n" + " text 'much'\n" + "end\n" end it "converts open, scriptlet, text, close" do parse("
<% 5.times do %> very <% end %> much
").convert.should == "div do\n" + " 5.times do\n" + " text 'very'\n" + " end\n" + " text 'much'\n" + "end\n" end it "converts open, text, scriptlet, close" do parse("
hello <% 5.times do %> very <% end %>
").convert.should == "div do\n" + " text 'hello'\n" + " 5.times do\n" + " text 'very'\n" + " end\n" + "end\n" end it "converts printlets into rawtext statements" do parse("<%= 1+1 %>").convert.should == "rawtext 1+1\n" parse("<%= link_to \"mom\" %>").convert.should == "rawtext link_to(\"mom\")\n" end it "converts h-printlets into text statements" do parse("<%=h foo %>").convert.should == "text foo\n" parse("<%= h \"mom\" %>").convert.should == "text \"mom\"\n" end it "allows naked percent signs inside scriptlets" do parse("<% x = 10 % 5 %>").convert.should == "x = 10 % 5\n" end it "indents" do i =, nil) i.line("foo").should == "foo\n" i.line_in("bar").should == "bar\n" i.line_in("baz").should == " baz\n" i.line("baf").should == " baf\n" i.line_out("end").should == " end\n" i.line_out("end").should == "end\n" end it "indents extra when told to" do parse("
").set_indent(2).convert.should == " div do\n" + " text 'hello'\n" + " end\n" end it "indents scriptlets ending with do and end" do parse("<% form_for :foo do |x,y| %><% 5.times do %>hello<% end %><% end %>bye").convert.should == "form_for :foo do |x,y|\n" + " 5.times do\n" + " text 'hello'\n" + " end\n" + "end\n" + "text 'bye'\n" end it "converts HTML attributes" do parse("
").convert.should == "div :id => 'foo'\n" parse("
").convert.should == "div :id => 'foo', :class => 'bar'\n" parse("
").convert.should == "div :id => 'foo' do\n text 'bar'\nend\n" end it "escapes single quotes inside attribute values" do @parser.root = :attribute parse("a=\"don't worry\"").convert.should == ":a => 'don\\'t worry'" end it "deals with HTML entities in text" do parse("<").convert.should == "text '<'\n" end it "deals with a naked less-than or greater-than sign inside text" do parse("if x > 2 or x< 5 then").convert.should == "text 'if x > 2 or x< 5 then'\n" end it "wraps printlets in parens if necessary, to avoid warning: parenthesize argument(s) for future version" do parse("<%= h \"mom\" %>").convert.should == "text \"mom\"\n" parse("<%= h hi \"mom\" %>").convert.should == "text hi(\"mom\")\n" parse("<%= \"mom\" %>").convert.should == "rawtext \"mom\"\n" parse("<%= \"hi mom\" %>").convert.should == "rawtext \"hi mom\"\n" parse("<%= hi \"mom\" %>").convert.should == "rawtext hi(\"mom\")\n" parse("<%= link_to blah %>").convert.should == "rawtext link_to(blah)\n" parse("<%= link_to blah blah %>").convert.should == "rawtext link_to(blah blah)\n" parse("<%= link_to blah(blah) %>").convert.should == "rawtext link_to(blah(blah))\n" parse("<%= link_to(blah) %>").convert.should == "rawtext link_to(blah)\n" end it "won't parenthesize expressions" do parse("<%= h foo / bar %>").convert.should == "text foo / bar\n" end it "converts yield so layouts work" do pending("easy enough to make this pass, but the result doesn't seem to work as a layout") parse("<%= yield %>").convert.should == "rawtext @content\n" parse("<%= \"yield\" %>").convert.should == "rawtext \"yield\"\n" parse("<%= \"the yield is good\" %>").convert.should == "rawtext \"the yield is good\"\n" end it "parses quoted strings" do @parser.root = :quoted parse("'foo'").value.should == "foo" parse("\"foo\"").value.should == "foo" end it "converts attributes in isolation" do @parser.root = :attribute parse("a='foo'").convert.should == ":a => 'foo'" parse("a=\"foo\"").convert.should == ":a => 'foo'" end it "parses a set of attributes" do @parser.root = :attributes parse("a='foo' b='bar'").convert.should == " :a => 'foo', :b => 'bar'" end it "works with namespaced attributes" do @parser.root = :attribute parse('xml:lang="en"').convert.should == "'xml:lang' => 'en'" end it "deals with HTML entities in attribute values" do @parser.root = :attribute parse("foo='b 'b\t\n" + "\thello !" + "\n\t
").convert.should == "div do\n" + " text 'hello !'\n" + "end\n" end it "parses some scaffolding" do parse("

Name: <%=h %>

").convert.should == "p do\n" + " b do\n" + " text 'Name:'\n" + " end\n" + " text\n" + "end\n" end it "parses edit.erb.html" do parse("

Editing foo

<%= error_messages_for :foo %> <% form_for(@foo) do |f| %>

<%= f.text_field :name %>

<%= f.text_field :age %>

<%= f.submit \"Update\" %>

<% end %> <%= link_to 'Show', @foo %> | <%= link_to 'Back', foos_path %> ") end it "parses show.html.erb" do parse("

Name: <%=h %>

Age: <%=h @foo.age %>

<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_foo_path(@foo) %> | <%= link_to 'Back', foos_path %> ") end it "does meta" do parse('').convert.should == "meta 'http-equiv' => 'content-type', :content => 'text/html;charset=UTF-8'\n" end end