/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ sap.ui.define([ "./library", "sap/ui/core/Item", "sap/ui/core/library", "sap/base/Log", "sap/base/security/sanitizeHTML" ], function(library, Item, coreLibrary, Log, sanitizeHTML) { "use strict"; // shortcut for sap.ui.core.MessageType var MessageType = coreLibrary.MessageType; /** * Constructor for a new MessageItem. * * @param {string} [sId] ID for the new control, generated automatically if no ID is given * @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control * * @class * A wrapper control used to hold different types of system messages. *
needs to be set to true, to ensure it is interpreted correctly. longtextUrl
property. link
aggregation. title
property is not empty.
subtitle : {type : "string", group : "Misc", defaultValue : null},
* Specifies detailed description of the message
description: { type: "string", group: "Appearance", defaultValue: "" },
* Specifies if description should be interpreted as markup
markupDescription: { type: "boolean", group: "Appearance", defaultValue: false },
* Specifies long text description location URL
longtextUrl: { type: "sap.ui.core.URI", group: "Behavior", defaultValue: null },
* Defines the number of messages for a given message.
counter: { type: "int", group: "Misc", defaultValue: null },
* Name of a message group the current item belongs to.
groupName: { type: "string", group: "Misc", defaultValue: "" },
* Defines whether the title of the item will be interactive.
* @since 1.58
activeTitle: { type: "boolean", group: "Misc", defaultValue: false }
defaultAggregation: "link",
aggregations: {
* Adds an sap.m.Link control which will be displayed at the end of the description of a message.
link: { type: "sap.m.Link", multiple: false, singularName: "link" }
MessageItem.prototype.setProperty = function (sPropertyName, oValue, bSuppressInvalidate) {
// BCP: 1670235674
// MessageItem acts as a proxy to StandardListItem
// So, we should ensure if something is changed in MessageItem, it would be propagated to the StandardListItem
var oParent = this.getParent(),
sType = this.getType().toLowerCase(),
// Blacklist properties. Some properties have already been set and shouldn't be changed in the StandardListItem
aPropertiesNotToUpdateInList = ["description", "type", "groupName"],
// TODO: the '_oMessagePopoverItem' needs to be updated to proper name in the eventual sap.m.MessageView control
fnUpdateProperty = function (sName, oItem) {
if (oItem._oMessagePopoverItem.getId() === this.getId() && oItem.getMetadata().getProperty(sName)) {
oItem.setProperty(sName, oValue);
if (aPropertiesNotToUpdateInList.indexOf(sPropertyName) === -1 &&
oParent && ("_bItemsChanged" in oParent) && !oParent._bItemsChanged) {
oParent._oLists && oParent._oLists.all && oParent._oLists.all.getItems && oParent._oLists.all.getItems().forEach(fnUpdateProperty.bind(this, sPropertyName));
oParent._oLists && oParent._oLists[sType] && oParent._oLists[sType].getItems && oParent._oLists[sType].getItems().forEach(fnUpdateProperty.bind(this, sPropertyName));
if (typeof this._updatePropertiesFn === "function") {
return Item.prototype.setProperty.apply(this, arguments);
* Custom function which will be fired upon updating any property in the MessageItem
* @param {function} customFn The custom function to be executed
* @private
MessageItem.prototype._updateProperties = function (customFn) {
this._updatePropertiesFn = customFn;
MessageItem.prototype.setDescription = function(sDescription) {
// Avoid showing result of '' + undefined
if (typeof sDescription === 'undefined') {
sDescription = '';
if (this.getMarkupDescription()) {
sDescription = sanitizeHTML(sDescription);
this.setProperty("description", sDescription, true);
return this;
* Sets type of the MessageItem.
* Note: if you set the type to None it will be handled and rendered as Information.
* @param {sap.ui.core.MessageType} sType Type of Message
* @returns {sap.m.MessageItem} The MessageItem
* @public
MessageItem.prototype.setType = function (sType) {
if (sType === MessageType.None) {
sType = MessageType.Information;
Log.warning("The provided None type is handled and rendered as Information type");
return this.setProperty("type", sType, true);
return MessageItem;