# frozen_string_literal: true # This file is part of Alexandria. # # See the file README.md for authorship and licensing information. require "csv" require "image_size" require "tmpdir" module Alexandria class ExportLibrary def initialize(library, sort_order) @library = library @sorted = sort_order.sort(library) end def cover(book) @library.cover(book) end def final_cover(book) @library.final_cover(book) end def copy_covers(dest) @library.copy_covers(dest) end def name @library.name end def each(&block) @sorted.each(&block) end def export_as_onix_xml_archive(filename) dir = Dir.mktmpdir File.open(File.join(dir, "onix.xml"), "w") do |io| to_onix_document.write(io, 0) end copy_covers(File.join(dir, "images")) Dir.chdir(dir) do output = `tar -cjf \"#{filename}\" onix.xml images 2>&1` raise output unless $CHILD_STATUS.success? end FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(dir, "images")) FileUtils.rm(File.join(dir, "onix.xml")) ensure FileUtils.remove_entry dir end def export_as_tellico_xml_archive(filename) File.open(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "tellico.xml"), "w") do |io| to_tellico_document.write(io, 0) end copy_covers(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "images")) Dir.chdir(Dir.tmpdir) do output = `zip -q -r \"#{filename}\" tellico.xml images 2>&1` raise output unless $CHILD_STATUS.success? end FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "images")) FileUtils.rm(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "tellico.xml")) end def export_as_isbn_list(filename) File.open(filename, "w") do |io| each do |book| io.puts((book.isbn || "")) end end end def export_as_html(filename, theme) FileUtils.mkdir(filename) unless File.exist?(filename) Dir.chdir(filename) do copy_covers("pixmaps") FileUtils.cp_r(theme.pixmaps_directory, "pixmaps") if theme.has_pixmaps? FileUtils.cp(theme.css_file, ".") File.open("index.html", "w") do |io| io << to_xhtml(File.basename(theme.css_file)) end end end def export_as_bibtex(filename) File.open(filename, "w") do |io| io << to_bibtex end end def export_as_ipod_notes(filename, _theme) FileUtils.mkdir(filename) unless File.exist?(filename) tempdir = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir(filename) copy_covers("pixmaps") File.open("index.linx", "w") do |io| io.puts "" + name + "" each do |book| io.puts '' + book.title + "" end io.close end each do |book| File.open(book.ident, "w") do |io| io.puts "#{book.title} " # put a link to the book's cover. only works on iPod 5G and above(?). if File.exist?(cover(book)) io.puts '' + book.title + "" else io.puts book.title end io.puts book.authors.join(", ") io.puts book.edition io.puts((book.isbn || "")) # we need to close the files so the iPod can be ejected/unmounted # without us closing Alexandria io.close end end # Again, allow the iPod to unmount Dir.chdir(tempdir) end def export_as_csv_list(filename) CSV.open(filename, "w", col_sep: ";") do |csv| csv << ["Title", "Authors", "Publisher", "Edition", "ISBN", "Year Published", "Rating(#{Book::DEFAULT_RATING} to #{Book::MAX_RATING_STARS})", "Notes", "Want?", "Read?", "Own?", "Tags"] each do |book| csv << [book.title, book.authors.join(", "), book.publisher, book.edition, book.isbn, book.publishing_year, book.rating, book.notes, (book.want ? "1" : "0"), (book.redd ? "1" : "0"), (book.own ? "1" : "0"), (book.tags ? book.tags.join(", ") : "")] end end end private ONIX_DTD_URL = "http://www.editeur.org/onix/2.1/reference/onix-international.dtd" def to_onix_document doc = REXML::Document.new doc << REXML::XMLDecl.new doc << REXML::DocType.new("ONIXMessage", "SYSTEM \"#{ONIX_DTD_URL}\"") msg = doc.add_element("ONIXMessage") header = msg.add_element("Header") header.add_element("FromCompany").text = "Alexandria" header.add_element("FromPerson").text = Etc.getlogin now = Time.now header.add_element("SentDate").text = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") header.add_element("MessageNote").text = name @sorted.each_with_index do |book, idx| # fields that are missing: edition and rating. prod = msg.add_element("Product") prod.add_element("RecordReference").text = idx prod.add_element("NotificationType").text = "03" # confirmed prod.add_element("RecordSourceName").text = "Alexandria " + Alexandria::DISPLAY_VERSION prod.add_element("ISBN").text = (book.isbn || "") prod.add_element("ProductForm").text = "BA" # book prod.add_element("DistinctiveTitle").text = book.title unless book.authors.empty? book.authors.each do |author| elem = prod.add_element("Contributor") # author elem.add_element("ContributorRole").text = "A01" elem.add_element("PersonName").text = author end end if book.notes && !book.notes.empty? elem = prod.add_element("OtherText") # reader description elem.add_element("TextTypeCode").text = "12" elem.add_element("TextFormat").text = "00" # ASCII elem.add_element("Text").text = book.notes end if File.exist?(cover(book)) elem = prod.add_element("MediaFile") # front cover image elem.add_element("MediaFileTypeCode").text = "04" elem.add_element("MediaFileFormatCode").text = (Library.jpeg?(cover(book)) ? "03" : "02") # filename elem.add_element("MediaFileLinkTypeCode").text = "06" elem.add_element("MediaFileLink").text = File.join("images", final_cover(book)) end if book.isbn BookProviders.list.each do |provider| elem = prod.add_element("ProductWebsite") elem.add_element("ProductWebsiteDescription").text = provider.fullname elem.add_element("ProductWebsiteLink").text = provider.url(book) end end elem = prod.add_element("Publisher") elem.add_element("PublishingRole").text = "01" elem.add_element("PublisherName").text = book.publisher prod.add_element("PublicationDate").text = book.publishing_year end doc end def to_tellico_document # For the Tellico format, see # http://periapsis.org/tellico/doc/hacking.html doc = REXML::Document.new doc << REXML::XMLDecl.new doc << REXML::DocType.new("tellico", 'PUBLIC "-//Robby Stephenson/DTD Tellico V7.0//EN"' \ ' "http://periapsis.org/tellico/dtd/v7/tellico.dtd"') tellico = doc.add_element("tellico") tellico.add_attribute("syntaxVersion", "7") tellico.add_namespace("http://periapsis.org/tellico/") collection = tellico.add_element("collection") collection.add_attribute("title", name) collection.add_attribute("type", "2") fields = collection.add_element("fields") field1 = fields.add_element("field") # a field named _default implies adding all default book # collection fields field1.add_attribute("name", "_default") images = collection.add_element("images") @sorted.each_with_index do |book, idx| entry = collection.add_element("entry") new_index = (idx + 1).to_s entry.add_attribute("id", new_index) # translate the binding entry.add_element("title").text = book.title entry.add_element("isbn").text = (book.isbn || "") entry.add_element("pub_year").text = book.publishing_year entry.add_element("binding").text = book.edition entry.add_element("publisher").text = book.publisher unless book.authors.empty? authors = entry.add_element("authors") book.authors.each do |author| authors.add_element("author").text = author end end entry.add_element("read").text = book.redd.to_s if book.redd entry.add_element("loaned").text = book.loaned.to_s if book.loaned unless book.rating == Book::DEFAULT_RATING entry.add_element("rating").text = book.rating end entry.add_element("comments").text = book.notes if book.notes && !book.notes.empty? if File.exist?(cover(book)) entry.add_element("cover").text = final_cover(book) image = images.add_element("image") image.add_attribute("id", final_cover(book)) image_s = ImageSize.new(File.read(cover(book))) image.add_attribute("height", image_s.height.to_s) image.add_attribute("width", image_s.width.to_s) image.add_attribute("format", image_s.format) end end doc end def xhtml_escape(str) escaped = str.dup # used to occasionally use CGI.escapeHTML escaped.gsub!(/&/, "&") escaped.gsub!(//, ">") escaped.gsub!(/"/, """) escaped end def to_xhtml(css) generator = "Alexandria " + Alexandria::DISPLAY_VERSION xhtml = +"" xhtml << <<~EOS #{xhtml_escape(name)}


EOS each do |book| xhtml << <<~EOS


EOS if File.exist?(cover(book)) image_s = ImageSize.new(File.read(cover(book))) xhtml << <<~EOS Cover file for '#{xhtml_escape(book.title)}' EOS else xhtml << <<~EOS
EOS end unless book.title.nil? xhtml << <<~EOS


EOS end unless book.authors.empty? xhtml << '" end unless book.edition.nil? xhtml << <<~EOS


EOS end unless book.publisher.nil? xhtml << <<~EOS


EOS end xhtml << <<~EOS
EOS end xhtml << <<~EOS EOS end def to_bibtex generator = "Alexandria " + Alexandria::DISPLAY_VERSION bibtex = +"" bibtex << "\%Generated on #{Date.today} by: #{generator}\n" bibtex << "\%\n" bibtex << "\n" auths = Hash.new(0) each do |book| k = (book.authors[0] || "Anonymous").split[0] if auths.key?(k) auths[k] += 1 else auths[k] = 1 end cite_key = k + auths[k].to_s bibtex << "@BOOK{#{cite_key},\n" bibtex << 'author = "' if book.authors != [] bibtex << book.authors[0] book.authors[1..].each do |author| bibtex << " and #{latex_escape(author)}" end end bibtex << "\",\n" bibtex << "title = \"#{latex_escape(book.title)}\",\n" bibtex << "publisher = \"#{latex_escape(book.publisher)}\",\n" if book.notes && !book.notes.empty? bibtex << "OPTnote = \"#{latex_escape(book.notes)}\",\n" end # year is a required field in bibtex @BOOK bibtex << "year = " + (book.publishing_year || '"n/a"').to_s + "\n" bibtex << "}\n\n" end bibtex end def latex_escape(str) return "" if str.nil? my_str = str.dup my_str.gsub!(/%/, "\\%") my_str.gsub!(/~/, "\\textasciitilde") my_str.gsub!(/&/, "\\\\&") my_str.gsub!(/\#/, "\\\\#") my_str.gsub!(/\{/, "\\{") my_str.gsub!(/\}/, "\\}") my_str.gsub!(/_/, "\\_") my_str.gsub!(/\$/, "\\\$") my_str.gsub!(/"(.+)"/, "``\1''") my_str end end end