module Haml module Version # Returns a hash representing the version of Haml. # The :major, :minor, and :teeny keys have their respective numbers. # The :string key contains a human-readable string representation of the version. # If Haml is checked out from Git, # the :rev key will have the revision hash. def version return @@version if defined?(@@version) numbers ='VERSION')).strip.split('.').map { |n| n.to_i } @@version = { :major => numbers[0], :minor => numbers[1], :teeny => numbers[2] } @@version[:string] = [:major, :minor, :teeny].map { |comp| @@version[comp] }.compact.join('.') if File.exists?(scope('REVISION')) rev ='REVISION')).strip rev = nil if rev !~ /^([a-f0-9]+|\(.*\))$/ end if (rev.nil? || rev == '(unknown)') && File.exists?(scope('.git/HEAD')) rev ='.git/HEAD')).strip if rev =~ /^ref: (.*)$/ rev =".git/#{$1}")).strip end end if rev @@version[:rev] = rev unless rev[0] == ?( @@version[:string] << "." @@version[:string] << rev[0...7] end end @@version end # Returns the path of file relative to the Haml root. def scope(file) # :nodoc: File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', file) end end end